Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 847: Arrive at Qinglong Military Region

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847 Arriving at the Qinglong Military Region

"Anyway, as long as you don't want to be reunited with Huangfu Ming, you don't have to worry about that much. Dad will order someone to quickly train you how to be a qualified commander!"

"..." Fainted, Xue Wei didn't know how to communicate with the Magic Yinfeng. This wasn't a matter of cultivating or not cultivating, but a natural dragon life. She really didn't have that'Dragon Life'. "Dad, you have my skills, why not find someone to cultivate Qu Ling?"

"Bah! Just that stupid kid, do you think I haven't trained him? Huh!!! I've trained him for more than ten years, look at him, do you have any talents in that respect?"

"Then... then you can't find another successor?"

When Xue Wei talked about this problem, the expression of Huan Yinfeng gradually filled with helplessness: "Wei Wei, you know, Qu Ling's birth was just a meeting of my wife and family, so..."

Without saying anything, Xue Wei already understood everything.

She finally understood why Huangfu Yangrong had to marry his third wife and concubine! In fact, it is not because they can take advantage of the great cause of their family, but they are thinking about this country!

Count the Huangfu's family...

Huangfuchen, Huangfuming, Huangfuyue, and the three sons, no matter which one, can be selected as the commander of the army. One will not work, and the other will.

Ye Yejia, also the son of a big family, has as many as four brothers at Yeye Zero. Yeye Ye didn’t have to worry about who would inherit the Xuanwu Military Region.

The two sons of the Oriental family are more excellent than one, and the Oriental master does not have to worry about anything.

But to the Qinglong Military Region...

Due to his father's infatuation, he only married a wife and gave birth to a son, but Qu Ling was not here, and the Qinglong Military Region was indeed no one.

If Dad can have a son...

Uh? !

correct! !

Xue Wei seemed to think of something suddenly, and the phoenix eyes turned and asked tentatively: "Dad, are you really the only son of Qu Ling?"

"Huh? No, I still have your daughter." Huan Yinfeng squeezed Xuewei's cheek with a smile.

She was annoyed again: "Dad, I'm over twenty, can you stop pinching my face?"

"What's shy? You're more than a hundred. I'm still your dad and I can still squeeze your face!" As he said, Huan Yinfeng played Xuewei's cheeks more and more.

Faced with this naive dad, she really didn't know what to say. "Dad, I want to ask you, have you been my mother for so many years, and Qu Ling's mother, two women?"

"Huh?" Huan Yinfeng stopped kneading the hand on Xuewei's cheek, thinking about it carefully. "Baby, if you ask Dad's private life like this, Dad will be embarrassed."

"..." She really didn't see any embarrassment in the Magic Yinfeng. "Before you met my mother, there were no other women?"

"I want to say no, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it!" Xue Wei rolled her eyes pretending to be dissatisfied.

Huan Yinfeng whispered innocently: "Baby, Dad really has only two women in his life! One of them is your mother!!!"


Xue Wei was stunned for a while. She said that Huang Fuming had a heterosexual cleansing habit. It was considered to have several bed partners. Is there really only two women in this life?


Lei Qiuyue... what's going on?

Xue Wei didn't even go around in circles, she sorted out her thoughts and asked tentatively, "Dad, do you know... Lei Qiuyue?"

"Lei...Autumn...Moon?" In Yin Yinfeng's eyes were full of contemplation. After a long time, his handsome face instantly became very irritable: "Where did you hear about this **** thing?" ?!!!"

The magical wind in Xuewei's eyes has always been the image of a kind father. This is the first time she saw such a rage in the magical wind.

Humble** !

Why did my dad call Lei Qiuyue a bitch?

"Dad...Dad, don't be angry first, me, I don't know what to say to you. But...why are you so angry when you mention Lei Qiuyue?"

"Can I not be mad? This **** ** is scheming and full of ambitions. If she had already died, I must have executed her personally!!!"

Oh my god……

How much hatred does Dad and Lei Qiuyue have? You want to make it happen to you?


Dad said... Lei Qiuyue is dead? How is this going? "Dad, why did that Lei Qiuyue bother you? You hate her so much?"

"Humph!" Huan Yinfeng patted the back of the chair angrily, and the memory gradually returned to more than 40 years ago...

In the process of presentation, the aircraft of Qinglong Military Region gradually landed at Longdu Military Airport.

Several guards waited respectfully at the cabin door.

"Chief Yinyin, the plane has arrived at Longdu Airport. Please get off the plane with Missy." An adjutant came to greet with a smile.

Huan Yinfeng nodded, looked at Xue Wei, and walked out of the cabin one after the other...

Outside the cabin, there are officers of Qinglong Military Region.

Their military uniforms are basically the same as those of the Baihu Military Region.

Looking at the welcoming staff standing in two rows, Xue Wei's heart was inexplicably a little nervous. After all, this is her first time to meet everyone as the daughter of the army commander.

Eyes from time to time peeked at the magic wind that was walking ahead.

Although, Dad has a childish appearance in private, it is really quite majestic and reliable in such a big occasion.

Suddenly, the magical wind that was moving forward stopped suddenly, turned around, and took Xue Wei's hand with a smile: "Everyone, she is my daughter who lives in another country, Xue Wei. Since then she will officially return to me By the side, I hope everyone will treat her like me."

"Uh..." Many officers who came to greet were stunned. You look at me and I look at you, with a blank face.

Xue Wei was also full of surprises. She really didn't expect that the magical wind could even wait to announce her identity at the airport? Is it too anxious?

"Fantasy... Captain Mirage, your daughter...wouldn't it be... Captain of the White Tiger Military District...wife?" No one in the crowd suddenly asked this question.

Xue Wei's face was obviously embarrassed, and the frantic yin wind frowned, and because of his status, he still replied with a smile: "My daughter has officially signed a divorce agreement with Commander Huangfu of the Baihu Military Region last night. Therefore, she is not the wife of the commander of the White Tiger Military Region at this moment!"

"Ah???" Everyone was startled again.

Regarding the issue of image, no military commander has ever divorced since ancient times. Even if their marriage with their wives survives, their marriage will still be guaranteed for the sake of image.

This book comes from reading

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