Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 848: He is not your boyfriend

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Chapter 848 He Is Not Your Boyfriend

"Ah???" Everyone was startled again.

Regarding the issue of image, no military commander has ever divorced since ancient times. Even if their marriage with their wives survives, their marriage will still be guaranteed for the sake of image.

Regarding the status issue, each army commander will get married first before he succeeds in the position of army commander, in order to show everyone his mature image.

The women who are the wives of the army commander, no matter how hard they live, must be patient. Nothing else, just for the position of their commander-in-law's wife, and for their men, must also be forbearing.

Today, the Magic Yinfeng announced that Xuewei and Huangfu Ming divorced, there will be no threat to Xuewei, on the contrary, Huangfu Ming just...

"Dad, you are really, why are you making such a joke with everyone?" Xue Wei puckered her mouth pretending to be dissatisfied.

Huan Yin wind froze for a moment.

She quickly smiled and said: "Don't listen to my dad's nonsense, I have no divorce with my husband, I came back this time just to accompany my father..."

"Oh, that's the case..." Everyone nodded suspiciously.

There is a yin whisper on the magical wind face: "Why do you still maintain that stinky boy?" He knew that once he announced the divorce of his daughter and son-in-law, it would definitely hit Huangfu Ming, but where is he now? so many?

"Dad, as I said, the reason why I am separated from Ming is all my responsibility. Maybe, all I can do for him is this. If he is willing to disclose our divorce, it is his thing; If he doesn’t make it public, I will hide it for him forever.

Together, because of love;

Separate, but also keep a good.

Perhaps, nowadays, Huangfu Ming has hated her for her bones, but she still loves him, and still hopes that she can do something for him...

"Ah, I really don't know what to say about you, whatever you want." Yin Yinfeng sighed helplessly, and was about to leave.

"Dad, wait a minute..." Xue Wei took his hand violently.

"what's up?"

"I... I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do. I can't go back with you now. I'm coming to you in two days, okay?"

"Huh? Is there anything else to do?" Huan Yinfeng rolled his eyes, suddenly cold his face: "Want to go back to find Huangfu Ming?!"

"Dad!!!" Xue Wei knew that Huan Yinfeng would say so. "I said that, I have no face to go back to the imperial city, so I will not be ashamed in the past. The things I want to do are other things. Will I tell you later?"

"That line. You do it. Remember to be safe."

"Uh huh." Xue Wei nodded twice, and then his eyes rolled: "Dad, can you lend me a helicopter?"

"It's still a loan?!!!" Huan Yinfeng waved his hand broadly: "Did you see it? You can pick the plane that you want! Choose a few, choose a few, fighters will do!"

Xue Wei looked in the direction of Huan Yinfeng's fingers. The huge Longdu military airport parked a variety of planes. It was almost impossible to count.

She smiled helplessly. "Okay, then I'm leaving." U-turned and turned back into the airport...


the other side……

Imperial city.

An extended version of the Rolls-Royce slowly drove out of the house, and Li Xiaosi sitting in the car looked at the scenery outside the window in a daze on the door frame.

It has been 2 days since Huang Fuyue last came away from home. These two days away from Xiao Xiao have been staying at home without going out, but the more quiet the environment is, the more he will stop thinking of him.

Say, is it really painful for them to break up after they broke up? Can you really forget the first man in her life so quickly?

How can it be!

It's just that the more pain she has, the more she wants to escape; the more she loves, the less she wants to face it.

She thought she could really learn to forget slowly, but the fact is the opposite. After 2 days of not seeing, she not only couldn't forget Huang Fuyue, but she became more and more reluctant and could only choose to go out today and rely on other things. Distracted.


With the sound of "Zi...", the car in front suddenly came to a sudden brake, and rushed forward with little inertia.

"Miss, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm really sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." The driver in the front seat kept apologizing and feared that Li Xiao would blame himself.

She settled down and immediately stroked her lower abdomen, then barely squeezed out a smiley face: "No, it's okay... what happened?"

"A man suddenly stopped our car. Miss, please be smaller. Don't go down. I'll see what's going on." The driver said and opened the door.

However, the figure standing at the front of the car had already run to the side of the car.


The sound of knocking on the glass came, looking away from the small direction of the glass...

I saw that Huang Fuyue's figure quickly broke into her sight.

Has he not yet left?

Sitting in the car, there was only a layer of glass, and Li Xiao watched Huang Fuyue, who was beating the glass constantly, with uncoverable sadness.

Because the glass of the car was covered with glass film, Huang Fuyue could not see the expressions of the people in the car. "Little, get off!!" Fearing the window over and over again.

The driver rushed in front of him imposingly: "Sir, do you know my young lady?!"

Ignoring the driver's question, Huang Fuyue slammed the window: "Get off!!!"

"Sir, I am asking you, if you continue to harass our young lady like this, I will call the police?!"

"Alarm?! Just ask the police to catch me!" Ignoring the threat of the driver, Huang Fuyue stood outside with a sullen face.

Li Xiao sitting in the car saw that the driver really wanted to call the police and had to open the door. "Bo Zhang, it's all right for you. Get in the car."


"I said!!! I have nothing to do with you, get in the car!"

Seeing Lili's strong tone, the driver had to return to the car.

"Huangfuyue, what do you want to do?!" Standing beside the car, he asked angrily from Xiaoxiao.

"What do you want me to do??"

"How do I know what you want to do? You inexplicably hit my boyfriend, don't you want to run over and beat me now?" On the day Li Xiaoxiao introduced Xiao Mu back home, Xiao Mu said that he was punished. Beat it. She knew who did it without thinking.

"Your boyfriend? Okay, little! The boy told me that he wasn't your boyfriend at all!" At this point, Huang Fuyue's face was filled with an indistinct smile.

Li Xiao's expression suddenly became very ugly.

damn it!

She really didn't expect Xiao Mu to be so unreliable, but only to be honest after being beaten a few times.


The man named Xiao Mu is indeed not a small boyfriend. They are just former classmates and now friends. The reason she said that Xiao Mu was her boyfriend that day, just wanted Huangfu Yue to retreat.

This novel comes from reading

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