Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 849: Run to Raksha Military Region

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849 Running to the Raksha Military Region

"Then, what about that? Even if Xiao Mu is not my boyfriend, I can still find my real boyfriend quickly, do you believe it or not?!!!"

"Believe, I believe. My wife, must be attractive. It's not a matter of minutes to find a boyfriend? It's just... Can you find a husband like me that is so good?" Huang Fu pointedly pointed at himself.

Li Xiao couldn't believe his eyes. When did this guy get shameless? "You, don't you want to pass through, I tell you, Huang Fuyue, we are not a husband and wife relationship at all now!!"

"Huh?" Huangfu Yuexie's eyes turned and smiled charmingly: "So, chick, how about being a girlfriend for Grandpa now?"

"!!!!!!" Angrily ignited Lili's small eyes, and she bite her teeth bitterly: "Huangfuyue, you are simply unreasonable!!!" Turn around and you will get on the bus.

Seeing the situation, he suddenly grabbed the little wrist and pulled her into his arms: "Okay, baby, don't be angry. I admit that once I really have a lot of sorry for you I don’t understand how to cherish the place. But now, I already appreciate the importance of you to me. If you say..."

"You are not my wife now, then, let us start from the beginning. Let us start with the original lover and ask me to make up for what I once owed to you, okay?"

Huang Fuyue's deep muttering sound was so intoxicating into Li Xiao's ears.

He was right.

In fact, there has never been a love relationship between them, and they have directly changed from strangers to couples. The most beautiful process was skipped.

Say no regrets to Li Xiao? That is impossible, because no woman likes a messy life.

"Okay, Huangfuyue, didn't you say... let's start with our lovers?" Li Xiaoxiao pushed away and hugged his own Huangfuyue. "Then from now on, you come to chase me. When I feel about you, we will be boyfriends and girls!!!"

"..." Huang Fuyue really hated his cheap mouth, and said what started with the lover, but... who asked him to owe a small one? "Then... Miss Li, I don't know if you have time today, can you have lunch with me?"

"Huh?" Lili put his hands around him, thinking a moment seriously, and then looked cold, and decisively said: "I have no time!" Twisted, pulled the door and got on the car.

As a result, only Huang Fuyue, who was messy in the wind, was left...


It takes a long waiting time to cross the day from night to night, but... can also be in the blink of an eye! !

As soon as Xuewei arrived in Longdu, he drove a helicopter to the Raksha Army base in the mysterious area before leaving the airport.

She walked all the way according to the address memorized in her mind, and it took more than 3 hours to break through the darkness and came to the mysterious territory where the day is all day...

The helicopter was descending at a constant speed and was steadily parked on the apron of the Raksha Army base.

As soon as she opened the cabin door, she saw it from afar...


Thunder was standing nearby with Huo Yanxi, their faces filled with a beautiful smile.

Xue Wei jumped off the helicopter excitedly and ran straight in the direction of them: "Aren't you coming to meet me?"

"Of course, as soon as your helicopter enters the realm of mysterious territory, our radar has already scanned the signal. If your brother guessed that you might have come, it is estimated that you are now ashes. You, courage still It's really big." Huo Yanxi smiled and shook his head helplessly.

In fact, it wasn't her courage, but she had expected Thunder should guess that she came by plane!

Otherwise, who would know the address of the Raksha Army base?

Even if the address of the Raksha Army was leaked, it was impossible for only one plane to come. Therefore, Xue Wei naturally dared to go to this Raksha military base alone.

"You're back to your dad?" Bing Eye swept the helicopter that Xue Wei was riding on, and Thunder suddenly raised a face and questioned.

"Uh..." Xue Wei picked her lips dryly: "Um..."

"Isn't it better to be with Huangfu Ming? Why did you get a divorce?"

"!!!" Bai Nen's small face tightened, and Xue Wei stared straight at Thunder's eyes as if they could see everything.

she was……

She just divorced Huangfu Ming, how could Thunder receive the news so soon? "You, how did you know?" The tone was incredible.

Huo Yanxi, who was standing aside, glanced at Thunder.

The thunder paused, his hands slowly behind his back, and solemnly said: "Huangfu Ming is in the Imperial City time, and a national conference has been held at 9 am to announce your divorce to everyone in the Imperial City!"


Counting it, she was the Imperial City that left at 12 o'clock last night. Longdu arrived at more than 4 o'clock in the morning. In the middle of the delay and the time to reach the Raksha Army base, it was only 9 hours before and after, Huangfu Ming announced the news of their divorce to the outside world?

That is to say, after their divorce, as soon as it dawned, did he hold a press conference?


At this moment, Xue Wei couldn't tell how she felt in her heart. Although it was indeed her fault, Huang Fuming couldn't wait to tell people all over the world that they were not married. Isn't he sad at all?

of course……

Now Huangfu has lost his memory. In his heart, perhaps the feeling between them is only meager. So, shouldn’t he be so sad? What's more, their divorce is a relief for him!

All this, although it was only Xue Wei's guess, one thing she could confirm is that the fact that Huangfu Ming had to declare to the outside world that they had divorced regardless of his own image, it can be seen that he completely abandoned this marriage.


There is no room for change.

"Brother, the reason why I divorced him is actually all... it's my fault." Xue Wei faced her mistake bluntly.

Thunder could not imagine that Xuewei had made any mistakes that would cause Huangfu Ming to divorce her.

At the very least, these two people in his eyes are so inseparable that they have a sharp heart. What can break them up?

Even though there are all kinds of doubts in his heart, Thunder's character is active, he will not ask.

Therefore, Xue Wei dared to admit all this, because she knew that Thunder would not question the reason, otherwise, she really had no courage to tell Thunder and her brother that she was abandoned by Huangfu Ming because of her despicability.

This article comes from reading novels

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