Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 850: Misunderstanding accumulated over many years

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Chapter 850

"You decided to stay in Longdu forever?"

"Well, maybe..."

"You didn't think about coming here to live?" When asked this question, although Thunder was an expressionless face, the expectations contained in his eyes could not be deceiving.

"Hehe..." Xue Wei smiled lightly and shook her head shallowly: "I won't stay here. Of course, not only I won't stay here, I... won't tell you to stay Here!"

"Huh?" Thunder looked at Huo Yanxi puzzledly.

She smiled weirdly and stretched her hand to stretch his arm: "Brother, I haven't eaten anything and my stomach is a bit hungry. Can you get me some food first?"

Seeing Xuewei's appearance as a little girl who was not big, Thunder laughed helplessly: "Well, come with me..."

The three of them took a car to the Thunder's house.

As soon as he entered the house, he ordered his men to get Xuewei to eat.

Came to Dongxiang, Thunder's residence. Xue Wei is no stranger to this. After all, she has lived here for a week in the name of Thunder wife. Of course, Huangfu Ming also made a turning point in her emotions here, knowing to be jealous and caring.

"Brother, you got me here, if... Aunt Lei knew... what should I do?" At the small table, Xue Wei asked Lei Qiuyue while eating while vomiting.

When it comes to this topic, Thunder's complexion is obviously not very good: "My mother has no time to manage you now."

"Huh?" The hand holding the chopsticks was half empty: "What's wrong, brother? Aunt Lei...?"

"My mother was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer by Dr. Luan a week ago, at most... a week's life." This stubborn man's face will always be overwhelming when he mentions his mother.

Xue Wei understands Thunder's attachment to her mother, just like Sun Yunyun is her destiny. I believe that people who live in a happy family will not understand the pain of being brought up by one party.

For them, the man who brought himself up is like his own life...

"Brother, can I do something for you?" The advanced stage of liver cancer is medically a dead disease. Even if Xuewei is very powerful, she can't develop a disease that can cure cancer. All she can do now is to do things for Lei Qiuyue. , Destiny.

"My mother's illness suddenly broke out. During her time when she was sick, the most nagging thing was a name..." Lei Ting looked at Xue Wei with a staring look.

She breathed a sigh of relief and slowly lowered the chopsticks in her hand: "Is it Dad's name?"

"Um..." Thunder nodded heavily, and clenched his fists with both hands: "I really don't understand, obviously the man treats our mother and son so much, why is my mother constantly nagging at this juncture? his name!??!!"


This only proves that Lei Qiuyue's very, very love magical chanting is not it?

Xue Wei lowered her eyes and said lightly: "Brother, do you want me to arrange for Aunt Lei to meet my father?"

The hand holding the fist was tighter and tighter, and the Thunder didn't admit it, nor denied it.

Seeing this, Xue Wei walked slowly to him: "Actually, I came here today...I want to tell you something..." The small hand slowly took his clenched fists.

Thunder met her eyes suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

"Yes..." Suddenly dropped his head, Xue Wei frowned slightly, should I say? Should the election say at this time? But, if you don't say it, Thunder should still be entangled in whether to ask Lei Qiuyue to meet with Yin Yinfeng, right?

Thinking, she took a breath, and when she raised her head, she said with a brain: "You really misunderstood our father!!"

"Misunderstanding? Didn't Huan Yinfeng tell you?" Big hand grabbed Xue Wei's little hand.

"His..." She took a breath.

Thunder quickly let go. "You tell me, what did the phantom wind say to you? Did he slander my mother? Did he describe himself as a saint?"

Seeing his excitement, Xue Wei didn't expect that he hadn't spoken yet, and Thunder had become so angry. "Calm down first, brother. I don't know if what my father told me is true, but...I'm willing to believe my father's words!"

"He is your father, of course you believe it."

"But he is also your father."

"He's not my dad at all. Where in the world would my dad treat his son like this?!!!" Thunder stood up excitedly, his roar echoed in this quiet hut.

Huo Yanxi, who stood guard outside the door, knew when he heard it, fearing that Thunder must have heard the name of Huan Yinfeng. For all these years, he has been like this, and as long as he gets the magic wind, he will get angry!

"Then...if Dad didn't even know your son's existence?!"

Xue Wei's refusal completely quenched the thunder in his anger: "He, how could he... will he not know...? What did he tell you?"

"You promised me first, you can get angry when I finish talking, will you?"


With such an agreement, Xue Wei stated what he heard on the plane...

Huan Yinfeng and Lei Qiuyue met almost fifty years ago.

Lei Qiuyue was only a teenager when she first entered the Magic Yin Family. Of course, the Magic Yin Feng is also of this age.

Although these two belong to the relationship of master and servant, they are considered to be of the same age and naturally have many common topics. After a long time, Lei Qiuyue will inevitably be attracted by the magical wind with a good family background and good appearance.

But unfortunately...

Huan Yinfeng doesn't like her!

A few years later, Lei Qiuyue's love for Huan Yinfeng became more and more inextricable. When she learned that the old lady Huan Yin was going to call Huan Yinfeng on a blind date, that vinegar was hard to conceal.

Fortunately, although the magical wind blind dated again and again, but each time ended in failure.

A few times down, Lei Qiuyue was a bit pretentious, and she thought that it was because the phantom Yinfeng was also interested in herself that she would refuse one after another blind date.


When Lei Qiuyue went head-to-head to test the magical wind, he was ruthlessly rejected.

At that time, she washed her face almost every day with tears, and Huan Yinfeng was not a completely ruthless person. Although he was not a good friend between Lei Qiuyue and an ordinary friend except the master and servant, where could she be seen all day long? Tears to wash your face? So, they spoke to comfort.

On this way of comforting, Lei Qiuyue, who had an improper psychic skill, poured a potion in his food, and the two had an accident.

This book originates from the reading network

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