Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 855: I don't allow you to socialize

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Chapter 855

"Brother, I know you must have mixed flavors in your heart now. But anyway, you also smile? Don't be so embarrassed."

"Don't you hear how unpleasant he just said?"

"Huh, brother, you think about it, dad, he is also a leader of the army. You treat him with that attitude, he is good to talk to you like this."

As soon as the magical wind came in, the Thunder had a straight face. After all, people are the master, he is the guest, and somehow have to leave some face to the magic Yinfeng.

"Okay, I know." After washing his hands, the brother and sister walked out of the bathroom one after another.

The meals are ready.

Playing far away, Feng Yinfeng threw a hand to Chong Xuewei: "Baby, baby, come and sit next to Dad."

"Uh." Dragging Thunder to the restaurant.

Once seated, the phantom Yinfeng's chopsticks have not stopped, and from time to time will add dishes to Xuewei's bowl: "Come, eat this, this is good."

"Eating this, this is not bad."

"Also, this! This!"

The empty bowl became full in a blink of an eye, and Xue Wei whispered helplessly: "Dad, you sandwiched so many dishes for me, I can't finish it."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, eat as much as you can."

"Cut, Dad is really partial. Never give me a vegetable." Qu Ling, who was sitting on the other side of Phantom Yinfeng, puckered his mouth.

Not to mention that, the family tutoring of the Yinyinjia is very strict, and there will never be any reason why the elders would give the juniors the vegetables.

Don't look at his whispering wind to Xuewei's "humbled knees", but to treat Qu Ling is another way.

"Do you have no hands yourself? Do you need me to serve you vegetables? I haven't asked you to serve me vegetables!"

The original beautiful atmosphere was suddenly brought to the freezing point by the severity of the magical wind. Xuewei quickly picked up the chopsticks and put some food into the bowl of the magical wind: "Dad, eat food, eat food. Brother, you too Eat, you eat too. Thunder, give it." She didn't take anything, she caught it for everyone.

"Hehe, it's better to be my sister." Qu Ling raised his eyebrows happily.

Instead, Huan Yinfeng swept the food in the bowl and looked at Thunder, who was silent all the way: "Are you called Thunder?"

The hand of Zheng Jiacai was in the air.

Seeing that Thunder didn't mean to reply, Xue Wei hurriedly took the conversation: "Well, yes, Dad, he's called Thunder."

"I just heard Qu Ling say that your friend is the major general of the Second Corps of the Baihu Military Region?"


"How can I... haven't heard of such a young major general in the Baihu Military Region?!"

Obviously, the magical wind is not as deceptive as Qu Ling.

Although the generals of the four major military regions are numerous, it is indeed rare for young people to want to be promoted to major general. "Dad!" Xue Wei put down the tableware in her hand: "Thunder was recently promoted by me. Of course you haven't heard of it."

"Oh? What do you mean by bringing him now?"

"Oh, it doesn't mean anything, no, he didn't want to stay in the Baihu Military Region, so he came with me. As for the follow-up, let's talk back."

"Huh?" The Yinyinfeng sounded more and more wrong, he Mou Feng flashed, sharp eyes quickly turned to Xue Wei: "Wei Wei, he is really not your boyfriend? Don't lie to Dad!"


Xuewei, who was eating, almost did not choke on her death. Indeed, she and Thunder stood together as a couple, but that was just a sibling.


"What if I was Xuewei's boyfriend?!" Suddenly, Thunder put down the tableware coldly, with sharp words.

Sitting on the side, Xue Wei's eyes widened incredulously: "You?"

Under the table, Thunder tugged Xuewei's hand secretly, beckoning her not to speak. A pair of cold eyes stared straight at the Magic Yinfeng watching.

Huan Yinfeng ate two things silently, and raised his eyes, said coldly: "I will tell you never to leave this house!!!"

"Really? Does Commander Yinyin even control his daughter's love?"

"Oh, if it's someone else, I might think about it; but if it's you...I'll take care of it!"

The atmosphere in the restaurant instantly became very solid.

When Xian Yinfeng said this, Xue Wei couldn't help but stunned.

What do you mean? Does Dad like Thunder? Or... he really knew Thunder long ago, or he already knew Thunder's identity?

"The meaning of Commander Huan Yin is to target me in particular?!"

"Oh." A condensed smile crossed the corners of the magical wind. "Yes..." He nodded without hesitation.

In an instant, Thunder's hand under the table clenched into a fist, and his eyes quickly shot at Xue Wei.

His eyes seemed to be full of questions.

Questioning Xue Wei ‘Look, that’s what you said, the magical wind doesn’t know my existence? ’

Xue Wei didn't know what was wrong. When she was talking with Huan Yinfeng on the plane, she was sure that Huan Yinfeng didn't know that Thunder existed? What is going on?

"Dad!! What are you doing????? Thunder is really just my friend."

"Since it's a friend, it doesn't matter." Huan Yinfeng suddenly reversed his attitude and shrugged indifferently.

Xue Wei subconsciously glanced at Thunder, and then his eyes turned, and he asked: "Dad, why do I associate with Thunder, you object?"

"If you have to know it, then I will tell you!" Phantom Yinfeng raised his face and said one by one: "When this kid came in, I saw that he was dissatisfied with me. Although I don’t know where I offended him. Anyway, I don’t allow my daughter to be with someone who doesn’t like me!!”



The solidified atmosphere becomes a little funny because of the whims of the old children.

Xue Wei thought that it was only after Thunder Recognized that Thunderous Wind would stop her. The feeling is... He is afraid that his future son-in-law hates himself?

Oh, helpless...


After a meal ended in an awkward atmosphere, the phantom Yinfeng ordered the next person in the family to arrange a room for Xue Wei, even though he didn't like Thunder, he also asked the next person to arrange a guest room for him.

At night, Xue Wei finished washing, just going to bed to rest.

"Knock..." A knock on the door came.

Open the door.

"Brother?" Xue Wei pulled the Thunder standing outside the door in one hand: "Hey, I knew you couldn't sleep." The quirky shut the door.

Thunder stood in the room and asked coldly: "Do you know that I will come to you?"

"Well. How? How? How did you feel to see Dad for the first time today?" At the dinner table, Xue Wei really had no chance to ask. This time it was fine. Only the two of them, she can ask unscrupulously. .

This novel comes from reading books

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