Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 856: I still hate him

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Chapter 856 I Still Hate Him

"Huh. How? How? How did it feel to see Dad for the first time today?" At the dinner table, Xue Wei had no chance to ask. This time is okay, only the two of them, she can ask unscrupulously.

"Hate!" The cold words dropped.

Xue Wei tilted her head in doubt: "Hate?"

"Yes! He is more annoying than I thought!" Thunder fisted with furious expression.

Think about it, too.

The father and son, who have not met for a long time, were already embarrassed. As a result, they met several times for the first time. It's no wonder that Thunder's resistance has become stronger and stronger.


Xue Wei always felt that Thunder was watching people with colored glasses! "Brother, I think you haven't seen dad yet..."


"Don't you find that Dad's attitude towards Qu Ling is actually very bad?" Xue Wei pulled out a chair and sat in front of Thunder.

He thought about it. "Why is this...?"

Looking back at each scene, Huan Yinfeng treats Xue Wei as a spoiled treater, but treats Qu Ling as if his son were not his own. "Don't he be especially good to you because he likes your mother?"

"That's not the case! Even if my father likes my mother, if I am a son, I will also invite my father to wait..." Speaking of which, Xue Wei sighed quietly, and a pair of phoenix eyes gradually covered with sadness Shine: "You know, I gave a pair of dragons and phoenixes to Ming. Before Ming lost his memory, he was very good to our daughter, but his attitude towards his son was much worse."

"I always thought it was because Ming liked her daughter. But slowly, slowly...I found that it was only because, in his heart, girls should be spoiled, boys...should be harsh! So..."

The eyelids lifted up and gradually met Thunder's eyes: "So, Dad will treat me very well and treat Qu Ling very severely. And you... only met with Dad on the first day today, and your attitude is so Poor, Dad certainly doesn’t like you! In addition..." She dismissed her with a dismissive mouth: "You still talk to Dad and say,'How are you my boyfriend'? You have never been a dad, definitely not I will understand that after the daughter brought her boyfriend home, what kind of feeling did your father have?

Recall that...

When Mu Chenxuan teased Huangfu Ming, he said that when their family fan sails grew up, they asked them to marry cats and cats, but after listening to Huang Fu Ming, the reaction was fierce, just like killing Fan Fan. of.

In fact, all the fathers in the world are the same. As long as they see their baby daughter taking their boyfriends home, they can't help but think of their daughter's boyfriend as an imaginary enemy. This is why the most difficult problem in the world is the same as the mother-in-law problem, because the mother-in-law will also think of her daughter-in-law as her imaginary enemy!

"Brother, you combine all of these things, you said, can Dad treat you as an enemy?!" After that, Xue Wei got up, walked slowly to him, took his hand and sat on the bed: " Let's put aside all the grudges and all kinds of attitudes that Dad has towards you today, let's just evaluate Dad as a person. Do you think"

Faced with her problem, Thunder hesitated...

Because he hated Huan Yinfeng for so many years, he would never learn how to put aside his hatred towards him; it seems that resentment towards Huan Yinfeng has become a habit. When he mentions the man, he can’t calm down, so he can’t pick it at all. Drop that pair of colored glasses.


"I don't want to judge anything about him, because my assessment is never objective. But... if you look at it from your brother's point of view... he is a good father!"

"For you...he is a good father..."

These words haunted Xue Wei's ear for a long time. She smiled indifferently and took Thunder's hand tightly: "Brother, you believe me, a person is good or bad, in fact, there is a model It’s not that he is good for others alone, and bad for others alone. It just means that he is good to some people on the surface; some people are internal. A good dad is a good dad, and this... can never be changed. I believe that our dad will love anyone who is with us, as long as it is his child."

It is said that if you are three years old, you will be eighty.

Counting Xue Wei, Xue Weiguo has a total of four children, even though he is not bad for those three biological children, does he still put Xue Kewei and Xue Feier on the stage of interest?

Later, in order to escape, even his son can ignore. It can be seen that his fatherly love is limited to the surface. Whether he was born or not, he would not treat them sincerely.

Of course, Thunder does not understand Xue Wei’s bitterness, but... "Wei Wei, we are... different. You also said that hates my mother..." His eyes drooped, contained in The gloss in his eyes was so sad.


Even though Huan Yinfeng has no affection for Qu Ling’s mother, she still has affection;

That is a strong love for Xuewei's mother;

As for...

To Lei Qiuyue...

All are dissatisfaction and resentment!

"Brother, we can't control the affairs of the older generation, and we can't participate. If Dad really doesn't accept you because of Aunt Lei, then from then on...I won't go with him anymore!" Xue Wei's The tone is very firm.

Thunder asked in a puzzled way: "Is it necessary?"

"Yes! I believe my eyes. I believe that Dad will never be so cruel to his children. After are innocent."



Thunder suddenly felt that his head was very messy and chaotic. The purpose of his coming here was clearly to see what kind of person Huayinfeng was. He also wanted to know if he had treated him so cruelly. It became like he wanted to recognize the magical wind.


He never thought of knowing the magical wind!

Not before, now...the same! !

"Wei Wei, you don't have to work hard to match me with him. Actually, if you ask me to make sure he didn't treat me like that, then it's enough. As for the other...I don't want to think more...I go to bed first Now..." Get up, just about to leave.


The door of the room was suddenly pushed open from the outside! !

I saw that Huan Yinfeng stood stupidly at the door, reflected in his sight. It was the influence of his baby girl sitting on the bedside with a strange man, and! ! and! ! Those two are still holding hands? ! ! !

In an instant, his handsome face became very ugly: "It's so late! Are you okay to run into my daughter's room to do?!!!" An arrow struck forward.

The first book of reading novels

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