Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 867: Dad, does mom want us?

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Chapter 867 Dad, Does Mom Want Us?

Raising his eyes, he shook his lips gratefully at the handsome and handsome face of Emperor Huangfuyue, and said with a smile: "Thank you month. But... what happened to me... is true... "

"Huh?" Huang Fuyue still seemed to be immersed in listlessness, but what he reacted to in a flash: "Ah?????? You are really pregnant?!!!"

"Hmm..." He shyly shook his head, a little happy smile from his little face. She also accidentally tested the fact that she was pregnant for three months.

However, compared to her sweetness, Huang Fuyue still did not seem to enter the state: "My child??"

"Huh? Huang Fuyue, you, what do you mean? The child in my stomach is not yours, who else can it be?" Li Xiaoxiao frowned in complaint.

"I, I don't mean this, but... but..." Huang Fuyue was excited to be incoherent, and the next second, he put Li Xiao into his arms tightly: "Great! Great , I'm going to be a dad, I'm going to be a dad...!!!" That happy look can't be concealed and revealed to his face...


Imperial city.

Half a month ago, after Huangfu Ming announced his divorce, there was an earthquake in the city.

In the eyes of all nationals and soldiers, he and Xuewei are the symbols of the founding father and mother, especially the virtue of Xuewei's achievements is not to be banned. Wei, also related to Huangfu Ming, the two of them have been tied together. Now they have to separate them, how do you adapt?


Over time, the people across the country accepted this fact. However, so far the reason for their divorce is still being talked about.

After all, Huangfu Ming did not give the real reason for the divorce in order to defend Xuewei's face after he announced the divorce...

"Daddy, I'm so tired. Can you hug me?" Xiao Jiuyi sat on the stairs halfway up the hill of Huangshan, and he begged his hands out.

Huang Fu gave him a cold look: "Xiao Jiu, you proposed to climb the mountain, you should climb up on your own!"

"Is there? Did I propose to climb the mountain?" The little guy blinked his eyes in pretence.

Seeing his son's escape, he felt a little angry and didn't even say a word...

This is the day of rest. Xiaojiu had already booked with Huangfu early to climb the mountain.

If it was not to accompany his son, he had already handled the work that he had not finished.

"Daddy, you are not good at all now. No wonder mommy doesn't want you..."

In the ear, the voice of the little guy shouted, and Huangfu's eyes were sharp, and he asked in a word-by-word manner: "Where did you hear the news?! Say your mum doesn't want me?"

"Isn't it? If it wasn't for Mommy who didn't want you, how could you get a divorce? As a result, I would also accompany you and be abandoned by Mommy..." Xiao Jiu pouted and lowered his head in annoyance. The stones on the ground.

The more Huangfu Ming listened, the more angry he was: "If you want to go with your mummy so much, I will send someone to send you to your mum tomorrow!"

"Forget it, if even I'm gone, there will be no one around you, then... Daddy, you're too pitiful... Alas..." The little guy sighed venomously, supporting his tired body A step has been taken again.

Being ridiculed by his son like this, even though Huangfu was a little dissatisfied in his heart, what could Xiao Jiu say... Isn't it the truth? !

Since he divorced Xue Wei.

Huang Fuqing disappeared; Huang Fuyue still stayed in Yucheng; Bai Ye chose to leave quickly and retire to the second line; Mu Chenxuan also devoted himself to the family. It seems that there is really no one beside him besides Xiao Jiu...

The huge Huangfu family was even more deserted. Only he and Xiaojiu lived together. The former lively days are gone forever.


He didn't think that divorcing Xue Wei was the wrong choice! because……

He can't accept that the woman beside his pillow is such a woman! Is a woman with a very deep city and a narrow-minded mind! ! !

"Huh... I finally got to the top of the mountain." It took a long time for Xiaojiu to climb to the top of the mountain.

"Oh, that's right, the boy must have perseverance." Huang Fu Ming smiled with satisfaction, just about to take Xiao Jiu to rest.

Who knows, the little guy ran to a big tree without stopping for a moment, and he took out a small shovel in his backpack and excavated...

"What are you doing?" Seeing his strange behavior, Huangfu was a little curious.

"I'm digging a space-time capsule. Daddy! Daddy! Will you dig for me together?" The little guy offered a message of help to Huangfu Ming while digging.

"Space-time capsule?" He tilted his head in doubt: "What is it for?"

"Don't you remember? Daddy, this is something you left with mommy and me before disappearing. We agreed to watch it after ten years, but...I want to see it now Well!!! Okay, Daddy?"

It turned out that this was what he left before he lost his memory?


He has no impression at all.

"Okay, Daddy helps you dig together." Huangfu Ming picked up the shovel and dug up the space-time capsule with Xiaojiu. In fact, not only Xiao Jiu wants to get back his memories, but for him, he wants to get back his previous memories...

It didn't take long for the four space-time capsules to be exposed to the father and son.

"Hah, this is mine!" Xiao Jiu took the space-time capsule with his name on his head and looked back secretly.

Huangfu Ming stared at the remaining three'capsules'. "Why is this empty?" He opened the capsule with the cat's name on it, but found it empty.

"Daddy, that's a cat's space-time capsule, because at that time the cat was gone, so there was nothing she wrote in it."

"Oh..." He nodded half-knowingly, and the deep eyes slowly cast on the "Space Time Capsule" where Xue Wei's name was written.

Unscrew the lid of the Time-Space Capsule, and a letter inside showed up in front of him.

Spread out the letter paper and write a lot of things on it...

As for the content, most of it expresses the happy life she has lived now, while a small part prays for the cat to come back soon.


This seems to be within the expectation of Huangfu Ming, because from his return, the picture that Xue Wei constructed for her is how happy they were to live.

Close the letter paper. Huangfu Ming once again opened the "Time and Space Capsule" with his name written on it.

I don't know why, when he opened the envelope, his heart was extremely nervous. After all... the things recorded here should be his most real thoughts before memory loss, and they should not be mixed with any lies or deception. He really wanted to know what it was like before he lost his memory...

The stationery loaded with memories gradually reflected in the sight of Huang Fuming...

This book was first published in Book Reader

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