Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 868: A capsule filled with memory

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Chapter 868

‘I, Huangfu Ming. He is twenty-nine years old.

In the past two decades or so, I have not been proud of anything to tell people.


After I met my wife, I felt... married her. Perhaps, this is the most proud thing in my life...

I remember our encounter was very funny, she did not know me, I did not know her, but we inexplicably walked into a room, almost made a big mistake.

Afterwards, we were appointed by our parents to form an unmarried couple. God knows how much headache I have. How painful it should be with a woman who doesn't love.


When I was really with her, I would like to thank those who have delusionally used this marriage.

She was so dazzling and so exciting, and she created miracles again and again.

I thought that having a partner in my life would be a stumbling block; I thought that a woman was born to need protection; I thought that a wife might just be responsible for managing a house.

But this is not the case!

I'm wrong! Big mistake!

She is not only my stumbling block, but the best helper to make my wish come true;

Not only does she not need my protection, but she can repeatedly solve my problems for me;

She is smart, she is wise, she is strong, she is strong. But because of this...

She ate a lot of bitterness for me!

If she is not my wife, if she is not married to Huangfu's house, she may enjoy the feeling of being cared for by men like a normal woman every day.


She married Huangfu's family and married me. Maybe her life is destined not to enjoy ordinary and happy love like a normal woman.

Despite this, she did not complain for a moment, and always accompanied her in obscurity by my side, helping me to solve my problems. Without her, I might not be as smooth as I am now; without her, I might not be as satisfied as I am now. Maybe you will live in loneliness all your life.


I have almost twice lost her forever.

For the first time, perhaps we did not know each other well enough to cause us to be separated for four years. I really thank God for sending her back to me again. Also gave me a pair of children.

Think about it, if not her tenaciousness, her perseverance, maybe...

I will be destined to be separated from her in this life, separated from her yin and yang. But because of this separation, I understand her more and cherish her more.

But it still appeared for the second time...

This time, although I didn't show anything, I was really scared. She was afraid that she would leave me. I know it's my fault. My drunkenness caused everything.

But this woman did not blame me, but understood me that way, if not for my future, maybe, she would not send the paper divorce agreement to me.

But she didn't know that now I don't care about anything at all, I just want her. Nothing is more important than her.

Fortunately, all misunderstandings have been solved, and we still stick to it.

But God didn't seem to care for our home.

My most precious daughter is gone.

I know that she is very sad, very sad, but just does not want to act in front of me. But the more she was like this, the more uncomfortable I felt.

I know that as long as I bring our daughter back, she will be happy...


I owe you too much, too much in this life. I know that it may wait for everything to subside, and I will give you all the happiness that belongs to you. But now it seems...

I can't wait for that day!

I want to bring our daughter back, I must bring the cat to your side. Maybe, this is the only thing I can do for you; maybe, this is just the beginning.

Today, the reason why I wrote all this is that I am afraid that I won't be able to return when I'm here, and I can't return to your side, and I can't give you the dream of the future.

But that's okay……

As long as you remember, I love you enough. Even if I am in heaven, I will look at you silently and at our children. You remember...

What I love you is your strength; what I love you is your greatness. Please don't be sad because of my departure, I will be satisfied only if you are happy...

20xx year x month x day. ’

When reading the last word of the letter, Huang Fuming's heart was deeply shocked.

This is obviously a suicide note, a suicide note written for Xue Wei. I just don't want to, this suicide note has become a strong evidence of his memory! ! !

Returning again, the past described in Xue Wei's mouth was full of happiness, and Huang Fuming wondered, how could there be only happiness between husband and wife, without suffering?

He thought that Xue Wei was avoiding something deliberately.

Now it seems……

It's just that the woman deliberately concealed her efforts!

As for the divorce agreement signed with Xue Wei's name on that paper...

Now, there is finally an answer.

It turned out that it was he who made the mistake first that they would divorce, and the reason for the divorce was Xue Wei in order to guarantee his future?

He thought...


I thought I had long wanted to divorce the woman who was full of ambitions, and I soon lost memory!

Regarding Xue Wei's greatness, and all the comebacks, Huangfu Ming has already felt everything from the "posthumous letter" he once left.

Looking at things in the past with his current attitude, he couldn't tell how he felt. Anyway, he felt a little bored in his heart.

Do not deny that the woman he really loved and loved before amnesia, otherwise it would not be possible to mention the woman in every sentence in the line.

As for his return, he was indeed moved by Xue Wei.


Even if the mystery of the divorce agreement was solved, he would not be able to solve the mustache in her heart.

Because she was deliberately framing Sun Xiaoyu, it was no misunderstanding! ! But he saw it with his own eyes! !


He has also done his best.

Otherwise, after learning for the first time that Xue Wei was deliberately trying to drive away Sun Xiaoyu, he would not take a placating attitude, nor would he want Sun Xiaoyu to leave.

It was Xuewei who did more and more, that would make him unbearably want to divorce her! ! !


After seeing the text he once wrote, Huang Fuming, who had always felt that there was no mistake in divorcing Xue Wei, became confused.

He really wanted to ask himself in the past, if there is no amnesia, how would he deal with it in the face of this matter...?

Thinking of this, Huangfu Ming squeezed the stationery in his hand, and the pair of bottomless eyes were full of confusion...


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