Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 877: Lovers like best friends

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Chapter 877: A Lover Like a Friend

"You are just... the nemesis of my life!!!" Leaving this sentence, Ye Fei zero pushed her out coldly, and turned around and disappeared in the bamboo pavilion.

Through the moonlight, Xue Wei looked at his distant back, and the tears that kept swirling in his eyes slowly flowed down... "Zero, I know, what your blaming eyes just represented."

"You blame me! Blame me never refused to dig deep into you."

"Blame me, refuse to use another angle to spy on the'weak' you."

"in fact……"

"I already knew your weak side, but... I never dare to touch it! Because I know clearly that once you open your door, it is not me who is in pain, but... yourself!!! "The sonorous murmur fell, and Xue Wei took a deep breath and slowly closed her eyes...


Embassy of Baihu Military Region in Qinglong Military Region.

A ray of morning light sprinkled on this quaint two-story building, it looks different and elegant.

Huang Fu got up early and sat on the terrace drinking tea and reading military books.

He really likes the architectural style of Longdu, quiet and pleasant; retro and connotative, it is more like a peach blossom than a dazzling city, and it is no wonder that it will be called the capital of ``Taoyuan''.


The knock on the door suddenly broke this quiet picture. Huangfu closed the book in his hand and slowly said: "What's the matter?"

"Report! Commander Huangfu, Mrs. Huangfu...Oh no...Ms. Xue is looking for you." Although the news of the divorce between Huangfu Ming and Xuewei already knew the four kingdoms, many officers in the Baihu Military Region were still unable to change their minds.

"Okay, I see. You tell her to wait a moment."


After sending the report, Huangfu took off his nightgown and changed into a casual dress and walked slowly towards the parlor on the first floor.

Through the armrests on the second floor, he saw Xue Wei sitting quietly in the living room.

"Is Xiaojiu disobedient again?" Upon meeting, Huang Fuming's words were not strange.

Xue Wei also shook her head generously: "Our son was very good last night and went to bed early."

"Oh, that's good, I thought he was naughty again." Smiling on the sofa.

Xue Wei tilted her head curiously: "Why? It's this time, is that small thing always in trouble with you?"

"Oh, what do you say? That little ghost head is really a headache..." Huangfu Ming rubbed his temple helplessly.

She immediately sipped her lips and laughed.

After being away for more than a month, yesterday was the first time this divorced couple met.

The strangeness of Huangfu Ming really made Xuewei uncomfortable.

But after venting last night, she was much better, and she felt that it was really not easy to maintain such a relationship with Huangfu Ming.

At the very least, he didn't see himself with such disgusting eyes;

At the very least, they are now like a pair of most familiar friends;

At the very least, they can talk and talk and laugh.


There is no love in the past, there is no unbridled in the past, some...

It's just covering up the heartache and reluctance under that smile!

"Ming, we have been chatting for so long, so don't you ask me what I'm doing here?" These two people have spoken for 20 minutes. Huangfu Ming never asked her today. Here, she is really curious.

"Huh?" Huang Fu turned his eyes deep, and tapped his finger on the back of the chair: "You should have come to me to talk about your brother?"

"You guys!" Xue Wei really had to admire his foresight and insight. This time, the reason why she came here is for the Shikoku trial this afternoon!

"Xue Wei, in fact, the reason why I will participate in the Shikoku trial this time is just to give our son to you for a month, as for the other... I just purely make up the number."

Huangfu Ming's neat answer really surprised Xuewei.

She thought that the main purpose of Huangfu Ming this time was to interrogate her brother, but she brought Xiaojiu by the way. did not expect……

His main purpose is to send Xiao Jiu, and by the way "make up the number"?

"Oh, you don't covet the military power of my brother's Razak Army at all?"

He shook his head indifferently: "You and I knew the Thunder almost at the same time; and also the Raksha Army who knew at the same time. I have to say that the Raksha Army is indeed a benefit. From the perspective of military strategy, I should think I tried my best to divide the military power of the Raksha Army, but after all, it was the interest created by the Thunder, and it had nothing to do with me.

Huangfu Ming has always been such a person...

It seems to have the same mind as Ye Fei Ling, but it is completely different from Ye Fei Ling in the details.

In terms of interests alone, Ye Fei Zero is an uncompromising owl, as long as he can maximize his interests, he will never consider wrong or right;

And Huangfu Ming is just the opposite.

It is better to say whether he is arrogant or proud, or that he is loyal, and in this respect, Huangfu Ming will never take anything that has been ‘played’ by others as long as it belongs to him! !

"Oh... It seems that I... the villain's heart..." Xue Wei pouted awkwardly.

Huangfu raised his eyebrows in doubt.

She quickly guilty under the head: "I thought you would target my brother because of our affairs, did not expect ..." Huang Fu Ming can be so clear that public and private!

It seems...

Sure enough, Huangfu Ming's amnesia never changed him; instead, the one who changed the most was her! She no longer trusted him as much as she used to, supporting him and trusting him no matter what he did.

They are right on the path of divorce, otherwise they will only suffer more in the future.

after all……

The first condition of marriage is trust!

"Sorry, I thought you were broken."

"Hehe." Huangfu Ming smiled indifferently, raised his hand, and took a teacup in front of the table to lightly sip: "Actually, I also want to say sorry to you."

"Huh? Why?"

Putting down the teacup in his hand, he pursed his lips and said lightly: "I went to Huangshan with Xiaojiu two days ago. Xiaojiu dug up the space-time capsule that we buried under the tree before I had no memory loss."

Time and space... capsules? !

That is……

It was the first time for the family of three to travel the day before Huangfu Ming decided to go out!

She almost forgot that the words of the family of three were buried there; theirs were buried... happiness! !

"Those capsules...I opened...".

This book comes from reading books

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