Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 878: Four major military regions gathered in Longdu

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Chapter 878 The Four Military Regions Gathered in the Dragon Capital

Regarding Shanghuangfu Ming's black eyes with a smile, Xue Wei tilted her head helplessly: "You apologize to me, wouldn't it be because you opened my space-time capsule privately?"

He shook his head with a smile. "It's not, but... when I saw what I said to you before I didn't lose my memory, I only knew... why did we have the divorce agreement that signed your name. It also told me thoroughly why you are telling me about the goodness of our past after I am amnesia...sorry...Xue Wei..."

"When I got the divorce agreement, I thought... maybe...before I had no amnesia, we...maybe without feeling...Now, I know it is because of your love for me and for me Trust, the divorce agreement!"


It seems that Huangfu Ming knew a lot about their past. No wonder, this time when he came to Dragon, he could receive her so calmly; he could talk to her like a friend.


"The things you see can't affect our current situation, right? After all...the reason for our divorce is not the paper divorce agreement..."Xue Wei shrugged helplessly. Shrug your shoulders.

Huangfu smiled silently.


Seeing that space-time capsule can't really change their status quo, but can only ask him to have a respect for Xue Wei.

Because what she did was what he saw with his own eyes, this fact can never be changed! !

"By the way, Xuewei, there is more than a month to be the birthday of Dongfang Yu. At that time, I will still complete the mission I should complete..."

Time and space capsules mentioned the cats and cats many times. After the amnesia, Huangfu Mingyi heard the cats and cats' names and responded very strongly. He knows that this is his mission, and bringing the cat back to Xue Wei is his promise as a man!

"Well, I will pass by then."

"Okay. When the cat comes back, you can see, if you can't, we can take the two of them in turn each month, or ask them to follow you. You can choose." Huangfu Ming obviously wanted to give up Child custody.

Xue Wei was really touched. At the very least, he could say such a thing, it can be seen that he did not hate himself like he did when he divorced.

of course……

She could also find some dignity.

Thinking of this, Xue Wei Mou Feng turned around and pretended to be angrily said: "Well, rest assured, I will not be stupid enough to bring children to play with you every day, you are the child's father, do not want to escape your responsibility, Let's take them in turn for a month!"

"Yeah, was it seen through? Okay, then one person a month." Huang Fuming answered with a humorous tone.

The atmosphere between the two is so harmonious, as if they have known each other for many years...the best friends!

Get up. "Dark, I'll go back first."

"Well, I will send you a car."

"No, my car is outside." After Xuewei had just walked for two steps, the footsteps of the trip stopped abruptly, and his head slowly turned...

"Is there anything else?"

As Huang Fuming smiled and asked, Xue Wei took a deep breath and subconsciously avoided his sight. "Can you...can you send me the letter you wrote in the capsule of time and space...send me?" There was an inexplicable pleading between Feng eyes.

Huangfu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled lightly: "Even though, that letter was indeed written to you. was written before I lost my memory. Once I was gone, then that letter The content of the letter is meaningless, isn't it?"


Huangfu is really cruel!

This guy must have known the purpose of this letter, so... completely blocked all her attachments.


I have to say that in terms of feelings, Huangfu Ming will always be so clean and tidy, and will not drag on the mud. If you don't love, you just don't love anymore, and you won't be tainted with your predecessor.

Forcibly pressing the bitterness in his heart, Xue Wei nodded pretendingly: "Yes. I'm gone..." Hurry and disappeared in the embassy.

Also at this moment, the smile hanging on the faces of the two was almost invisible and disappeared at the same time...


Everything is just like Xue Wei's own thinking. The reason why Huangfu Ming didn't give her that letter and said the unsympathetic words, just didn't want her to indulge in the former'Huangfu Ming' forever.

He knows clearly that once Xue Wei sees the letter, she will not be able to let it go more and more. In the end, she will only be unable to obtain new happiness.

This is Huang Fuming's last love for her; it is also his unsympathetic love!

Two spaces, different trajectories.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Huangfu Ming watched Xue Wei's distant back, and the expression on the angular face was so sad...

In the car, Xue Wei looked at the shrinking embassy through the car window, tears, already blurred her vision! !


Longdu, the International Conference Hall.

In the afternoon, military vehicles flying military flags of different countries approached the international conference hall of Longdu from all directions...

The first army is the Qinglong Military Region, the overlord of the Dragon Capital!

The leader was the phantasm wind, and there was no folds of military uniform on his body. It was a look of radiance, and there was no smile on the handsome face, let alone majesty.

Immediately behind him was Thunder in the captain's costume of Raksha Bandar, and the Vice Admiral of Magical Wind...

Immediately afterwards, the Suzaku Military District, symbolizing the'Red Flame', arrived at the International Conference Center.

The first to get out of the car were several senior guards who served in the Suzaku Military Region, followed by representatives of the Suzaku Military Region who participated in the audit this time, the general of the Third Corps, Dongfang Yu!

This young man, even though he was only 19 years old, was called a heroic, majestic and majestic man. Every step he took brought out the majesty and pride of the soldiers.

Of course, similar to this occasion, Dongfangyan did not come but sent Dongfangyu. Everyone knows that Dongfangyu is afraid that he has been away from his position as the commander of the Suzaku Military Region...

After a while, Ye Feilian's'Army' also arrived at the International Conference Center in Longdu.

Unlike the previous commanders, wherever he appeared, the shocked face would always cover up his status as the supreme commander.

Who makes his appearance always so eye-catching, anyone who sees it will be overwhelmed by him?

The last one appeared was the'Black Legion' led by Huang Fuming.

Compared with the previous battles of the three army commanders, his appearance was obviously ‘cold’, and the sporadic ones brought only a few people over. This inevitably made people wonder.

This book comes from reading

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