Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 914: Those who came to ruin the marriage

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Chapter 914

"Did you hear what I said? Take Wei Wei back to Longdu immediately!!"

"I...I got it...sister, we..."

Before Qu Ling finished speaking, Xue Wei smiled comfortably, broke free from his hand, and walked slowly to the front of Thunder: "Brother, I understand that you are considering for my life, and I, choose Marrying zero is not really just because of the war..."

She is not a fool or a white lotus in the traditional sense. If Ye Xie Ling is not worth marrying, she may die rather than compromise.

In the past five years, she stayed with Ye Feilian for almost four years. Could she still understand who Ye Feilian is?


She has been avoiding Ye Xie Ling's love for four years ago because of the existence of Huang Fu Ming!

If there is no Huangfu Ming in this world, maybe...she had been with Ye Xie several years ago, just to say...

She clearly knew that being with Ye Fei zero would also be the kind of relationship of love and killing, and would not achieve the feeling of being together with Huangfu.

after all……

Due to Ye Feiling's character, he didn't know how to be humble, how to be forgiving, and even less how to please a girl. This is doomed, Xue Wei has to pay more in this relationship, to learn how to humble Ye Fei zero; how to be patient; how to tolerate him.

At this point, Xue Wei clearly understood that he would be happier with Huangfu. But now...Huangfu Ming is no longer accepting her, and her marriage to Ye Xie Ling will resolve a lot of anger, why not do it?

"Brother, as a woman, everyone is willing to marry a man who spoils himself and accustoms himself every day, but... How can there be so many men in the world who know how to spoil a woman? Then what to do? What? So, if we don’t meet such a “perfect” man, we can only learn to...change ourselves..." Feng Yi, subconsciously glanced at Ye Fei, not far away.

Once married to this man, the first thing she must learn... is to accommodate! In the same way as when he was with Huangfu Ming, he could do whatever he wanted.


Now think about it, you are really overdone. In the face of "honest" men, you are bullied by the mission; in the face of men who are not easy to mess with, you can only call yourself "honest".

In fact, most women in the world seem to be like this, always eager to find a bully who loves and loves the mission of a man, but if they don’t find it, they can only abandon their proud little willfulness and go for that The man changed himself...


"Brother, go back." Xue Wei walked to Ye Xianling with a smile.

"Wei Wei!!!" You can feel that Thunder's eyes are still full of unwillingness. He and Xue Wei met for the first time, not knowing that he and her are brothers and sisters. People, he can more feel that her pride and striking must have been spoiled by Huangfu Ming. But now...

How painful was she to get rid of the sting for Ye Xie Ling?

"Uh... Ye... Mr. Ye Fei, Mr. Xue... Ms. Xue, you and your marriage certificate I have finished making, now you only need to sign a letter on it." That is responsible for the formalities for them. The staff came over awkwardly.

Xue Wei and Ye Xie Ling submitted a look, and the two smiled and took the pen from the man's hand...

"Wei Wei!!!" Thunder standing beside him shook his fist anxiously, and he longed for Xue Wei to think twice.


She didn't even look at Thunder, she signed her name on it, and then handed it to the staff member.

"Okay, the two of you waited for me for half a minute." The staff member took the two's marriage certificate with a smile, turned around and picked up a steel stamp, when he was about to stamp it...

A shadow flashed.

The staff member hadn't responded yet, and the two marriage certificates in his hands were robbed.

The next second...

"Tear, tear..." The marriage certificate, which is only a steel stamp, instantly becomes waste paper!

For the gap of a few seconds before and after, everyone froze for half a minute before slowly slowing down one by one...

With a quick glance, I saw that Huang Fu's chest was still violently undulating due to the rapid running, and the tension in his eyes seemed to have not subsided.

He arrived in the Imperial City half an hour ago, and had planned to go directly to Ye Xie Ling. As a result, he learned from the soldiers of Xuanwu Military Region that Ye Xie Ling did not return to Xuanwu Military Region at all, but went to the plane to say goodbye Things. Huangfu guessed where he went at once, and hurried to the Civil Affairs Bureau of Yucheng...

"Huangfu Ming?"

"Brother-in-law?" The two brothers of the Yinyinjia who were not far away looked at each other blankly.

Xue Wei, who was closest to him, still seemed to be in a daze, just staring at his face silly.

"Huangfu...Ming?!!!" Ye Xie squinted her eyes bluely, her heart feeling indescribably ominous.

For a while, Huangfu Ming eased his breathless breath, and walked to Xuewei in two steps: "Let's go home."

'We go home……'

'We go home……'?

Ear, echoing Huang Fuming's voice, Xue Wei's heart tightened: "You?"

"Wei, I'm sorry, some time ago... I was wronged." Big hand touched her cheek.

Feeling the warm palm and listening to the familiar title, Xue Wei's nose tip immediately touched his fingers. She just stood dry and couldn't say a word, and her heart was more like a five-flavored bottle being overturned, full of sweet and bitter...

However, the unforeseen hunch of Ye Xianling standing aside became stronger and stronger, his blue eyes sharpened, his hands clenched into a fist: "You!!! Restore memory?!"

"What do you say?" Black Eye quickly cast towards Ye Xia Ling. He looked cold and asked sharply: "Because I am amnestic, you must take advantage of it?!"

"Fuck you, you all have amnesia, and you want to take the pit and not shit?!"

"Then I have recovered my memory now, can you get out of it?"

"Fuck you uncle!" said, Ye Xie Ling hit his face with Huang Fuming's fist.

He staggered back a few steps, black eyes flashed, and fist hit Ye Ye Ling's face...

Ye Xie Ling took a straight punch with his face, but his face was his weakness. Ye Xie Ling's anger was naturally self-evident. When he got up, he kicked Huangfu's stomach...

These two people are not good at all, completely disregarding the eyes of others, and directly started in the registration office of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"Captain Ye Fei!" Seeing this, several soldiers on the side of the Xuanwu Military Region were about to help.

Mu Chenxuan and Huangfu Yueyan, who had arrived late, were quickly intercepted in front of them: "Is it your business?"

The first book of reading novels

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