Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 915: Recapture Xue Wei

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Chapter 915: Recapture Xuewei

"Huangfuyue, is this your business?" At this time, Li Shitian and Lan Yu also arrived urgently. He received news that Huangfu Ming had infiltrated the imperial city half an hour ago, so, many guesses that the appearance of Huangfu Ming was intended to destroy Xuewei's marriage with Ye Xingling.

"Uh, big uncle..." Seeing that the little brother was killed, Huang Fuyue would inevitably feel that some rabbits saw the eagle. After all, he hasn't married a little past the door, how dare he offend this future uncle?

"You know I am your first uncle, now here is the Imperial City, even if your Huang Fuyue is to help your second brother, you can not be wild in our Imperial City!"

Even if he was unwilling, Huang Fuyue had to bow his head silently in order to avoid conflict.

But Mu Chenxuan is not a vegetarian. Huang Fuyue is afraid of leaving the sky. He is not afraid: "What about the Imperial City? Xue Wei is my wife, we are here to take her away!"

"Oh, people in the Four Kingdoms who don't know that Xuewei and Huangfu Ming have been divorced? Now Xuewei decides to marry zero, if you come to Daoxi, I welcome, if you come to destroy, sorry! I must expel you!" Li Shi God's words are aggressive.

Mu Chenxuan admitted that he was responsible.

At this time, the thunder beside asked: "Then I will take my sister back to Longdu, you have no right to interfere?"

"This..." This time, the domineering release day was a bit overwhelmed.

In an instant, the government departments that were supposed to be comfortable and harmonious became fierce. On one side are the battles between Thunder, Huangfu Yue and Li Shitian; on the other side are the battlefields between Ye Fei and Huang Fuming.

"Ye Xie Ling, if you **** dare to hit me in the head, I'm really welcome?" Huangfu Ming just shortly recovered his memory, he was really afraid that any little damage would cause him to forget again. Xuewei.

Ye Fei spit out blood in annoyance: "What's the matter with hitting your head? Damn, if you don't restore memory early in the fuck, and don't restore memory at night, you just restore memory at this time. Is it against me?! "Speaking of this, he picked up a vase next to his hand and slammed into Huang Fuming's head."

If he could, he really wanted to give Huangfu Ming amnesia again!

Huangfu took the vase quickly and said: "I can restore the memory? Thank you not! If you don't use real guns in the four kingdoms, if I am shot, I will not restore the memory!!"

"Damn!!" It's okay not to listen to this. Yes, Ye Xie Ling is even more annoyed. He wanted to completely break Xue Wei's thoughts about Huang Fu Ming through the four-country exercise. Noisy, and the memory of Huangfu's meditation was restored, it was simply...! !

Lift a stone and hit your feet! !

Ye Fei Ling became more and more angry, more and more angry, and he became more and more intense with Huangfu Ming.

From the side, Xue Wei, who had not said a word throughout, watched them like that. The whole person seemed to indulge in the five-flavor bottle, unable to extricate himself...

"Sorry, excuse me." Just then, a group of men in black in suits suddenly appeared in the Civil Affairs Bureau.

I do not know if you are too focused on watching Huangfu Ming and Ye Xie Ling singled out, or are too worried about them, even nobody noticed the gang in black.

"Sorry!!! Excuse me!!!" The leader, raised his voice again.

At this time, all talents turned their attention to them...

"Hello. Below is the supervisor of the Supervision and Inspection Institute responsible for supervising the military exercises of the four countries. Because of the unexpected accident in this military exercise, I would like to invite the commander of the night scare to go back to cooperate with the investigation in the name of the Supervision Institute." , This leader slowly looked at Ye Fei Ling not far away.

The two were fighting in full swing and stopped their hands, Ye Fei frowned slightly and kept silent.

"Hey, what do you mean? Now that the commanders of the three countries are here, why do you only ask our commander of the night to go back to cooperate with the investigation?" Li Shitian was very dissatisfied with the wording of the person in charge of the supervisory authority .

It must be said that the members of the Supervision and Inspection Court responsible for supervising and reviewing the military exercises of the four countries are all from the heads of the senate courts of the four countries. Under normal circumstances, they have no right to participate in the affairs of other countries. However, because they were contaminated by the military exercise, they could take away the commanders of other countries for investigation and questioning.

"Sorry, leaving General, this is a matter within our supervisory court, I have no right to answer to you!" The man's tone was very tough.

Li Shitian is born to be a person who doesn't take anyone's eyes. How could he be scared by him? "Well, if you don't make an explanation, I will arrest you for your crime of trespassing on the imperial territory!"

"Lieutenant General, if you obstructed me in handling the case on the 3rd, I would arrest you with the charge of obstructing the investigation!"

"Less nonsense, this is Yucheng, please try to catch me if you have the ability! Come on, take them down for me!"

From the side, Ye Fang, who had been silent, flashed blue eyes, and said sharply, "Release the sky!"


"Retreat!" Ye Xie Ling caressed the wound on her face, her **** lips faintly curved: "Oh, the efficiency of the Shikoku Supervision and Administration Court is really fast." The muttered voice fell Then, he walked in front of Xue Wei, "Do you still remember that after you promised to marry me, a famous subordinate suddenly reported to me that the emperor's death?"

"Remember!" Without any hesitation, Xue Wei nodded quickly.

"Do you remember what you said...?"

What did she say?

Xue Wei tried hard to recall the scene at that time, and echoed what she said at the time... ‘If the emperor died this time, you would wait to marry a dead body home! ’

"Remember..." Nodded again.

Ye Xie smiled with a little fun, and slowly said: "If, at that time, Huangfu really died, would you really fulfill what you said?"

in case……

Is Huangfu really dead? Does she... also die?

Will it?


Xue Wei asked herself, the answer seemed to gradually surface.

She will not die!

It won't be killed just because of Huangfu Ming. Because only a fool will make such a choice! She knows clearly that there are too many things in real life that she needs to deal with and maintain. How could she understand life so rashly. The remarks made with Ye Feiling were nothing but anger.


"I'll ask you for help all my life. This life... won't make you feel better!" Xue Wei's position is very clear.

The first book of reading novels

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