Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 921: Visit Xuewei at night

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Chapter 921 Visiting Xuewei at Night

His curiosity drew everyone's attention.

But Huangfu Ming seemed to be a mystery, so he approached Huangfuyue and whispered in his ear...

Huang Fuyue was so excited that he shot the thigh directly: "Nice! My second brother, you are too great, I love you!" He hugged Huangfu Ming's head and kissed him several times. "I'm leaving first, brother."


"What do you say?"

Seeing Huang Fuyue's impatient look, Huang Fuming's face immediately cooled down: "You stop me, I solved the problem for you, what about my problem?"

"Uh..." Seeing this, Huangfu Yue had to return to his position again...

After 2 hours.

"3 6s!"

"4 2s!"

"5 of 5!"

"Drive you 5 5!!!"

"Lost, drink me!!"

A polarized picture appeared on the vip seat. Huang Fuyue, Mu Chenxuan and Qu Ling obviously drank too much, and several people sat in a group and played the sieve.

Huangfu, who was far away from them, sighed from time to time with a black face.

He knew that he should not pin his hopes on those unreliable guys. When they hit the bar, their purpose is already impure.

"Dark." At this time, Thunder, who was still sober, sat beside him. "Actually, regarding this kind of thing, I think you should consult with my sister. I think she might have more ideas."

This is true!

Compared with the unreliability of those three, his daughter-in-law is more reliable!

"Well, then I'll go find Wei."

"Wait, let's be together."

Seeing that Thunder was about to leave, Huangfu glanced at him doubtfully: "You're gone now, aren't you going to play for a while?"

"Oh, what is there to play!"

He has similar interests to Huangfu Ming. He has always hated such noisy places. If Mu Chenxuan shouted him alive, he would not come over.

With that said, the two left and left the noisy bar...



"Oh, I really didn't expect that the little girl in my heart would be a mother someday." In the cozy room, Xue Wei was sitting in front of the dressing table, covered with a mask, and was lying next to Li Xiao on the bed. Chatting.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it. I thought I might get married when I was thirty, and have children when I was thirty-five. I didn't expect... Oh, things are impermanent. People are not as good as heaven."

Sometimes, the feelings are like this.

"Little..." After putting on the mask, Xuewei slowly lay beside her: "I know that the aunt died earlier, you have always been brought up by your brother. So, no one may pay I have given you how to face your marital life and how to face your husband. I am really worried that after you marry Yue, you will be confused about your marital life."

"Oh, how can I be confused? After I married Yue, I could be with you. If there is something wrong with me, you can tell me anytime."

This is also true.

Li Xiaoxiao married Huangfu Yue, and they were about to change from sisters to concubines. She meets almost every day, and she doesn’t have to worry about Li Xiaoxiao’s immaturity because she doesn’t master the true meaning of marriage.

"Sister Weiwei, I really want to ask you something." Li Xiaoxiao turned around and faced Xuewei.

"what's up?"

"Brother-in-law suddenly recovered his memory this time, what do you think?"

Speaking of this...


Xue Wei smiled faintly: "To be honest, from the moment when Ming lost his memory, I held him with the mentality that he couldn't recover his memory."

"I thought that as long as I could adjust my mindset, I would go back to the previous life with Ming. But... amnesia is amnesia. No matter how hard I try, how hard he tries, life seems to be unable to return to the past. Then... "

Phoenix eyes glanced at Xiaoliu quietly: "We're divorced! When divorced, I had a lot of feelings. I complained about God's unfairness, why is it called amnesia; also complained about myself, why should I be so Not confident. Complaining, complaining, I slowly realized that, in fact...may be a good thing to separate me from Ming."

"It's because you loved each other too much, so, no matter how hard you try, this brother-in-law's memory loss, you can't go back to the past?" Xiaoli asked a little.

Xue Wei nodded affirmatively: "This is the greed of man. If I had a quarreling day with Ming before, even if he lost his memory, I wouldn't notice anything; but the mode of getting along with him before Ming Too happy, leading to his amnesia, how can we not change our life back to the past. I am like a complaint every day, complaining, complaining constantly. Even if we do not divorce, only one day Ming will also choose to leave me because of my dissatisfaction. So..."

In any case, they will embark on the road of divorce.

If time could go back to Huangfu Ming when she just lost her memory, she might choose to leave, and then approach Huangfu Ming a little as a stranger and impress him a little. Maybe after the baptism of time and the test of events, she can go back to the past with Huangfu...

"Now, let me answer your question head-on." The smiling eyes looked directly at Li Xiao: "When I knew that Ming had recovered his memory, my only thought was... God gave back what should belong In our life, I hope that from now on, I will not accept any test between him and me."

This is what Xue Wei felt.

When a human body has experienced ups and downs; after the process from loss to acquisition, the feelings left behind are to cherish each other and the people in front of you.

In addition to thanking God for her tolerance, she really felt nothing else.

"Oh, I believe, God will not be teasing you anymore. After have experienced too much, too much..."

After witnessing the events of Xuewei and Huangfu Ming, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that the phrase "the plain and indifferent feelings are true."

The so-called ups and downs are really tormenting people. She did not want to appreciate the kind of life and death between Xuewei and Huangfu Ming.

"It's not early, Sister Weiwei, I'm going to bed."

"Well, you are carrying a child now, it's time to rest early." Xue Wei took Li Xiao to the door of the room, and just closed the door...


Her phoenix was sharp, and she rushed to the position of the floor-to-ceiling window alertly. She opened the door curtain with her brain...

I saw that Huangfu Ming turned over beautifully and turned into the balcony sensitively.

"Why are you?!!! It really scared me!" Chang sighed with relief. She opened the floor-to-ceiling window and greeted Huangfu Ming and entered the house.

This book comes from reading

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