Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 922: Love between husband and wife

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Chapter 922


Her phoenix was sharp, and she rushed to the position of the floor-to-ceiling window alertly. She opened the door curtain with her brain...

I saw that Huangfu Ming turned over beautifully and turned into the balcony sensitively.

"Why are you?!!! It really scared me!" Chang sighed with relief. She opened the floor-to-ceiling window and greeted Huangfu Ming and entered the house.

"Oh, I scared you to death? I don't know who frightened us to death!" Huang Fuming said, as soon as he came in.

This caused Xue Wei to be a little displeased: "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean, you just look in the mirror yourself!"

"Huh?" Two steps walked in front of the mirror. Xue Wei looked at the big white face reflected on the mirror and laughed out loud.

"This time you know which of us is scared to death?"

"Cut, why didn't I find that you are so cowardly?" Xue Wei tore off the mask on her face and walked slightly in front of him.

It's not that Huangfu was timid, but that everything was so coincidental.

As soon as he turned the balcony with his bare hands, Xue Wei happened to lift the curtains. God knows how a big white face felt before his eyes without any warning.

At that moment, if Huangfu had better quality in his heart, he might have to fall downstairs.

"Why don't you go through the main entrance?" Xue Wei asked curiously.

Huangfu said seriously: "I am not afraid of waking our dad."

"Huh? She smiled badly, leaned close to his face, and said one by one: "Are you afraid my dad wouldn't ask me to see you? ! "

A heart in the middle of a word.

In case he came over with enthusiasm and was blown out by the phantom wind, that was no face. Huangfu grinned silently.

Don't mention the charming smile in Xuewei's eyes.

In fact, looking at Huang Fuming's unsmiling appearance in front of outsiders, he was very humorous in private. just……

During the time when he lost his memory, there was no such humor and humor.

"What are you looking for me so late?"

"I miss you, so... here I am." With both hands, I wrapped Xuewei's waist.

As she approached, she immediately smelled of the alcohol on his body: "Did you drink?"


"Humph, don't you call me when you go out to play???" Xue Wei raised his mouth in protest.

Huangfu squeezed her small mouth with a headache: "Where am I going to play?"

"That is?"

"Of course I called the fire to help me think about how to marry you home."

"Then did you think of it?" Xue Wei asked with a smile, curiously.

It's better not to ask. After asking, Huangfu Ming has a headache. He loosened his arms around her waist and shook his head silently.

At this time, Xue Wei's face did not smile.

In fact, remarriage is a breeze for them. The key point of the problem is that as long as one fails, it may damage the face of the Qinglong Military Region; otherwise, it will damage the face of the Baihu Military Region. It is really difficult to achieve the best of both worlds.

"Both blame you. At that time, we were divorced, and you shouldn't have announced it!" Xue Wei frowned, complaining.

"Yes yes! Wasn't my brain kicked by a donkey at that time, otherwise... Don't say I wouldn't announce it to the outside, even marriage, I won't leave you!"

Seeing Huang Fuming's tongue-in-mouth look, Xue Wei grinned, and pretended to be serious: "Actually think about it, you dumped me, I don't seem to let you go so easily now?"

"Don't!" He knew that this was Xuewei playing with her, but she just needs to coax it. "Isn't my brain short-circuited at that time, and now it's finally connected, don't worry about me."

"Humph!" Even though there was resentment on her face, Xuewei's psychology had already blossomed.

In fact, this is how husband and wife get along. When you are angry, I will coax you; when I am angry, you will coax me; if both are angry, it will definitely hurt you.

Xuewei turned and lay prone on the bed. "Look, when you first announced the reason for our divorce, you said that our personality was not compatible. Now if you are in a hurry, you will only be said that your temperament is uncertain."

"Well." Huangfu Ming felt the same way. He and Xuewei hadn't been in February since the divorce. Sudden reconciliation would indeed be suspected of his ability to handle things. "Then if I said that I was divorced from you because of amnesia. Now that the memory is restored, so I'm reconciled? What do you think?"

Huangfu Ming pressed like a mountain to Xuewei.

She turned around strenuously and faced him: "It's okay. At least it won't make the outside world feel that you are a fickle person. But then, our marriage can't bring any benefits to the two military regions."

"Wei..." When talking about this problem, Huang Fuming's expression suddenly became serious: "I understand your mind. But after so many experiences between us, the benefits are really true for me Not important anymore. Do you remember what my original dream was?"

The original dream...?

I still remember that it was not long after she fell in love with Huangfu Ming. Huangfu Ming seemed to have said that his dream was not just to get the Baihu Military Region. Instead... "You want to unify the four countries?!"

"Yes! When my mother died, I returned to Huangfu's house. My dream was not just to get the White Tiger Military Region, but also to unify the four countries. But..."

"This road is too long. I know clearly that if I stick to my dream, the time it may take is ten, twenty, or even thirty years. By that time, I will be old, even if I have unified the four countries. What can I do? I have lost far more than I got!"

in case……

If the woman Xue Wei had never appeared in the world of Huangfu Ming, he might have lived with this dream forever.

Marriage is still about to marry; to have children is still about to have children. However, he will never change his insistence for his family.

However, he would never have thought in his life that there would be a woman in his life that could change his original intention. He loved her to the point of being memorable. If he still insists on his dream because of his own desires, he may not be able to give Xuewei a world without wind and rain and only a rainbow in his life!

I don’t know when, Huangfu’s dream has long changed from unifying the four kingdoms to giving herself happiness to women...

"I get it. Thank you...nice..." Xue Wei felt his heart deeply. In fact, she wanted to say more, thank you, love me so much.


Not every man can change his original intention for his own woman.

"I asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to publish our remarriage documents in a few days, and when we got back our daughter, we would have a wedding." Huang Fu Ming kissed Xue Wei's forehead with a light smile.

She nodded slightly, the sweet self-evident...

This book was first published on Kanshuwang

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