Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 923: What if she gets cheated?

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Chapter 923 What Should She Do If She Derails?

The huge room was filled with love. On the soft double bed, men and women are intertwined to send each other their love for each other.

After the sweetness, Huangfu was half lying on the bedside, and Xuewei snuggled in his arms as if still remembering the beauty just now...

"Right, meditation."

"Huh?" He bent his head, and Yang Yangming's tenderness was self-evident.

"Who are you drinking today?"

"Everyone has gone."

"Everyone...have gone?"

"Well, your brother and your brother also went."

"Huh?" Qu Ling ran to drink, and Xue Wei was not uncommon. If Thunder went... "Oh, my brother would play with you? It's really rare."

At home on weekdays, she really rarely sees Thunder going out to play, but his best friend Huo Yanxi called him to go, and he might refuse.

"Oh, actually my brother and I came back halfway."

It was almost the same, Xuewei knew that Thunder would not stay there for a long time. Thinking, she lowered her head with a smile, but suddenly it seemed like she suddenly thought of something, and suddenly her head was raised...

It didn't matter that she looked up, it happened to hit Huangfu Ming's chin.

"Hiss... be careful!!!" He gasped.

Xuewei immediately compensated for not: "Sorry, sorry. I just didn't hear what you just said?"

"I just said, my brother and I will be back halfway!" Huangfu mumbled his chin while answering Xue Wei's question.

"Ah??" She panicked suddenly. "That left my brother to Chen Xuan and Yue?"

"Huh? What's wrong?" Huangfu looked at her panic expression puzzledly.

"Why! Was it! Was it?!" Xue Wei finished asking with exaggeration and sat up: "Who doesn't know that Chen Xuan and Yue are the famous flowers and butterflies, my brother, you look at him honestly, actually Not a restless master, did you leave the three of them together, didn't you call it'Three Butterflies'? Push it? Hurry! Go and get them back!" Leng Shengsheng pushed Huangfu Ming.

Compared to Xue Wei's anxiety, he was much calmer. "My clothes are all taken off, and you have the heart to tell me to go out? Besides... It's so dark, what if I lose it?"

"……"by! ! Why didn't she find that this **** Huangfu Ming still has the ability to sell cute and coquettish? I'm afraid he won't lose it if the sky falls. "You're less fooling, go! Call them back. This little big belly, if you do something wrong in January, you can't get it back!"

"Oh, you, just put your heart in your stomach. I believe that the moon will not do anything extraordinary. Besides, there is Lan Xiang over Chen Xuan. They dare not make it. Very late, come, Husband hugs you to sleep." Huang Fu Ming smiled with a hippie smile and took Xue Wei into his arms.

"I really convinced you. Well, if they do something wrong, you are the culprit." Xue Wei's face was annoyed.

Seeing her bulging look, Huangfu Ming suddenly became serious: "I don't believe your husband?!"

Xuewei said nothing.

He widened his eyes and pinched her chin: "Say, don't you believe your husband?!"

Shui Ling's phoenix eyes stared straight at his bottomless ghost eyes. After a while, Xue Wei lowered her head with a smile: "Believe..."

"Is this good? Come and say, the person you believe the most in your life is your husband and me!" Huang Fu winked at her teasingly.

Xue Wei's cheeks were flushed red: "Huangfu Ming, why did you suddenly become so sick?! Sleeping." He fell off his body and just turned off the light.

Huangfu Mingli turned her small face and faced herself: "I haven't heard you call your life husband since I restored my memory. Come, call to hear."

In fact, even if Xue Wei didn't say anything, she knew in her heart that the person she believed the most in her life was her husband. The reason why she didn't want to say it was that she didn't want to call her husband. main……

She has been with Huangfu for so long, and every time she calls her husband, she feels embarrassed.

"Old... husband..." But in the end, Xue Wei couldn't bear Huangfu Ming's stalking.

Hearing this long-lost title, Huangfu Ming showed nothing on the surface, but his heart was extremely warm...

After recovering his memory, he felt like returning to the past.


No one knows what kind of heart is inside Huangfu Ming.

He really appreciated the shot that the enemy shot; also thanked that shot for calling out the true self.

He is even more grateful, during this time Xue Wei's perseverance to himself; also thank the friends around him for their tolerance.

Recalling the life during the period of amnesia, if... the true self didn't wake up, he might not hear Xue Wei's kind husband anymore;

If he wakes up later, Xuewei may be calling her husband.

At this moment, Huang Fuming just wanted to say that being able to hug and sleep with the one he loves and wake up to see the morning sun is simply the happiest thing in the world...

the other side……

In the bar filled with deafening music, Mu Chenxuan and others played for a long time before they found that Huang Fuming and Thunder were missing.

"Fuck, Ning and Thunder are gone without saying hello to us."

"Alas, Brother Chen Xuan, that's what my brother is like. He can come here this time to be a face-saving." Qu Ling has always been the only Miaomiao of the Magic Yinjia. Don’t be too happy to have a sister.

He can play with his sister, but every time he wants to play with Thunder, he always has the feeling of seeing his father. Thunder either preached to him, or had a face, and got along with the magical wind. It doesn't feel bad.

"It's boring. There are only three of us left playing or playing. It's so boring." Mu Chenxuan complained and pushed the sieve in front of him aside.

Huang Fuyue also sighed helplessly.

Seeing this, Qu Ling's eyes turned: "Or? I'll take the two of you to a fun place?!"

"Huh? Your kid, what fun place do you want to take us to?"

"Brother Chenxuan, I know you are a famous live map in the Imperial City. You know where it is fun. But... this is Longdu, but I am the live map of Longdu. Where do I not know the fun place? !!" Qu Ling patted her chest confidently.

While he was still in the imperial city, Huangfuyue had just arrived in the army, so he did not know that Huangfuyue was also a famous'living map' of the imperial city.

"Then you talk about where to take us to play?"


This book was first published by the reader

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