As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 188: death penalty? ! impossible!

Chapter 188 Death penalty? ! impossible!

  Northern Capital.

 In the office of a professor at Beijing University of Political Science and Law.

Su Bai took a sip of tea, and Luo Daxiang smiled and said, "Lawyer Su, I have been busy during this time."

“I just recently learned that Bai Jun Law Firm has fought so many typical lawsuits during this period!”

“Bai Jun Law Firm should have no shortage of good case sources now, right?”

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Now there is indeed no shortage of good case sources for law firms..."

“But the law firm still needs to further build its reputation...”

Luo Daxiang smiled and nodded, and the two chatted about something else.

Then we talked about the mother-humiliation case.

 About this mother-humiliation case.

 During this period, Luo Daxiang got further contact with and understood the case.

This case.…

 There is great controversy.

 Especially because of the constant quarrels on the Internet, many people in his comment area commented that they wanted him to talk about this case.

 But the first instance of this case has not yet been heard, and the specific and detailed evidence has not been released. It is easy to be misleading, so he has not talked about it.

Su Bai briefly listened to Luo Daxiang’s introduction about this mother-humiliation case.

  Compared with the case information released previously, I know more.

However, facing Luo Daxiang's statement, there was one point that made Su Bai frown.

“According to what you said, Mr. Luo, a group of people went to the client’s home. After the client called the police, the law enforcement simply conducted mediation and then left?”

“Well...according to the description of the person involved, it is like this.”

Su Bai frowned slightly, and then his face relaxed a lot.

“Teacher Luo, I would like to meet the client.”

Luo Daxiang smiled: "Okay."

"I have already informed the client about your coming today. The client should be here soon."

 “Let me check the time.”

 “Well, we’ll be there in ten minutes at most.”


Su Bai nodded. About five minutes later, there was a knock on the office door.

A woman who seemed to be in a bad mental state stood in front of the office door.

Luo Daxiang stood up, brought the woman into the office, and introduced her identity.

 The identity of the woman is that of the mother of the suspect, named He Lijuan, who is about 45 years old.

 Luo Daxiang, as the intermediary, briefly introduced the identities of Su Bai and He Lijuan to each other.

Su Bai also had a general understanding of the situation at that time through He Lijuan's dictation.


  Some more precise key evidence cannot be obtained simply through He Lijuan's dictation.

  After all, when dictating, no matter who it is, there will be some subjectivity and purpose expression.

“Well, I have a general understanding of what you said, but the specific issues still require a deeper understanding through the investigation transcripts and objective facts of the law enforcement parties.”

“The most important thing is the client’s own confession.”

“We need you to sign a power of attorney so that our lawyers have the corresponding rights to do these things.”

"If you are willing, we can sign a letter of intent now."

"Okay...Thank you, Lawyer Su. I am willing to sign the power of attorney."

Hearing that He Lijuan agreed, Su Bai asked Li Xuezhen to take out a pre-prepared power of attorney from her briefcase.

He Lijuan signed her name at the client's signature place without hesitation.

After putting down the pen, he handed it to Su Bai along with the power of attorney: "Lawyer Su..."

 “I have already signed...”

Su Bai looked at the power of attorney, smiled and nodded: "Yes!"

 “There are no other issues with the power of attorney.”



 After signing the power of attorney, Su Bai talked with He Lijuan about the relevant litigation claims.

He Lijuan's mental state is very poor, but she deliberately checked the lawyer Su Bai on the Internet.

 The result of the search is that Lawyer Su has a very good reputation and a very high case winning rate.

 So He Lijuan had a very good impression of Su Bai's senses.

 But...she had gone to many lawyers in the past.

Although there are a lot of praises for Su Bai on the Internet, he is still very concerned about his son He Lijuan.

Regarding the lawsuit request, He Lijuan cautiously said:

 “Lawyer Su...”

“Actually, I have looked for many other lawyers before. I have asked other lawyers and some relatives who work in law enforcement.”

“They all said, they all said that my son’s sentence might be the death penalty, and some said that the best option would be a suspended death sentence.”

"I know that my son has committed a crime...but I want to ask Lawyer Su...As long as my son is not sentenced to death and is only sentenced to a suspended death sentence, I am very grateful to Lawyer Su. I only hope that my son can survive."

 “If it hadn’t been because of me...if there hadn’t been anything else at the time...”

“My son won’t be so impulsive...I only have one request...Please ask Lawyer Su to help me.”

When He Lijuan said this, she was in a daze, and tears couldn't stop flowing from the corners of her eyes. Li Xuezhen handed over the tissue she carried with her.

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief...

 According to what He Lijuan said about the course of the case.

 The general story of the case is: there were more than a dozen people in the house at the time.

These people are here to collect debts. They had borrowed a bridge sum while running the company.

 During the incident, only He Lijuan and her son were at home.

 The reason for debt collection is that He Lijuan's husband borrowed a sum of money for the operation of the business.

 Profit is compounded and interest is compounded.…

It didn’t take long for them to pay back the money.

So the lending company arranged for more than a dozen people to go to their homes to collect debts.

Since He Lijuan really couldn't get the money, He Lijuan's husband was not at home either.

The debt collection officers saw that He Lijuan had not come up with money to repay the debt.

 So he began to collect debts.

 The process of debt collection is embarrassing and involves many illegal behaviors.

 After He Lijuan called the police, the group restrained themselves.

 But after the relevant law enforcement officers learned about the situation, they just warned the group not to let them cause too much trouble, and then left.

 The behavior of the latter group of people became more and more excessive after seeing all the law enforcement officers leaving.

There was even pulling behavior. In this case, the person involved, He Lijuan’s son Chen Bin, picked up the knife on the table and started to fight back against the group of people.

 In an emotional situation, two people died and three were seriously injured.

Relevant departments attach great importance to casualties of this level.

 The law enforcement department filed a case, and the prosecutor filed a public prosecution for intentional homicide.

He Lijuan also always thought that it was her own fault for not taking good care of her son.

  If your son is really sentenced to death for protecting himself.


He Lijuan will definitely spend countless days and nights thinking that she killed her son.

Su Bai is very clear about He Lijuan's psychology.

 He has met many clients, including many like He Lijuan.

 Once he heard about a case commissioned by a friend.

 A married young woman complained to her brother that her husband was not treating her well.    In fact, it is just a normal conflict in a marriage.

This complaint was intensified by my sister.

Without saying a word, the young woman’s brother killed his brother-in-law with a knife.

 Sentenced to life imprisonment.



As a key person in situations like this, I feel extremely guilty every time I think about these things.

 Maybe you will never be able to get out of this heart in your whole life.

Especially for people like He Lijuan to protect themselves.

 The situation in which a biological son is sentenced to death.

 Understanding the general situation of Chen Bin’s case.

Su Bai already had a rough idea in his mind.

 How to judge specifically, he may not say.

 But the death penalty? Definitely impossible!

 After taking a deep breath, Su Bai slowly spoke:

“Don’t worry... Regarding your lawsuit application, our Baijun Law Firm will do our best.”

 “Please also believe in the professional capabilities of our Baijun Law Firm.”

“Thank you...I have seen on the Internet that Lawyer Su Bai has fought lawsuits, and I believe in the professional capabilities of Bai Jun Law Firm.”




The people continued to stay in the office for about half an hour.

Su Bai finished sorting out the power of attorney and other supporting materials. After greeting Luo Daxiang, he waved and took Li Haizhen to meet the parties involved and obtain relevant materials from the law enforcement department.

at present.

The person involved, Chen Bin, is being held in the Xiushui Street Detention Center.

 After submitting the materials to the relevant detention center staff.

 Su Bai and Li Xuezhen were waiting to meet with the guards.

Chen Bin is a criminal in a major case that caused two deaths and three serious injuries.

 The appointment procedure also requires strict verification before making an appointment.

 Su Bai and Li Xuezhen, after waiting in the detention center for nearly an hour, the relevant staff brought the two people to the communication room.

"The suspect needs some preparation time. He may not arrive until about ten minutes. Please wait a moment."

"OK, thanks.…"

Su Bai smiled and nodded, and waited patiently with Li Xuezhen in the communication room.

 At this time, Li Xuezhen suddenly said: "Lawyer Su..."

“Our case…I recently saw that it seems to have become popular on the Internet again…”

“And I also heard some rumors on the Internet.”

 “What rumor?”

“It was the law enforcement parties at that time...and those people.”


Su Bai coughed twice and quickly interrupted Li Xuezhen: "Okay, let's go out and talk after we finish asking the parties about the specific situation."

 “Stop talking about it now.”


 “Good lawyer Su.”

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously and said nothing more.

Soon, ten minutes passed, and the detention center staff escorted a man about 1.75 meters tall into the summons room.

After Chen Bin walked into the summons room, the staff of the detention center gave a serious reminder: "You must not violate the rules in the detention center."

 After finishing speaking, he turned around and left the summons room.

 The situation was different from the intentional murderers Su Bai had seen before.

 Chen Bin's expression did not look haggard, and his face was full of indifference. After seeing Su Bai, he was neither surprised nor surprised.

 Just a hollow look in his eyes, as if he didn't care about his own affairs at all.

Su Bai smiled and handed the attorney contract to Chen Bin: "I am your attorney, Su Bai."

“This is the commission contract signed by your mother, as well as some related materials.”

"You can take a look first, and then we can discuss the details of this case. I want to understand the situation at that time."

Chen Bin nodded lightly, glanced at the commission contract and said, "I killed two people, and I know I will definitely be sentenced to death."

“No need to say anything else...I just want to see my mother, is that okay?”

“I protected my mother from being insulted by those scum. Even if I die, I don’t think I did anything wrong.”

“I just want to see my mother and ask her to take good care of herself.”

 “Is this okay?”

Hill to pay for life?

That also depends on the circumstances under which it is carried out.…

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Of course you can, but your previous sentence needs to be corrected."

“You committed murder, and it was indeed not wrong, but what the law looks at is not the result, but the process and certain specific circumstances.”

“So you may not be sentenced to death.”

“Isn’t it necessarily a death penalty?”

 A trace of expectation flashed in Chen Bin's eyes: "Really? Didn't you lie to me?"

 “Well, almost.”

“As long as you are willing to cooperate well, you will have a chance.”

Su Bai looked at Chen Bin with a smile, although Chen Bin had already prepared the idea of ​​being sentenced during his stay in the detention center.

 But who wants to face death?

After he proposed this case, he might not be sentenced to death, and Chen Bin suddenly gave birth to the hope of life.

  Promised to cooperate well with the work.

 “Okay...I am willing to cooperate.”

 “Let me ask you a few questions first…”

 “Okay. Just ask.”



 Half an hour later, Su Bai left the detention center with Chen Bin's relevant confession materials.

After walking out of the detention center, Su Bai took a long breath and turned his head to look at Li Xuezhen.

  He rubbed his eyebrows.

This case is indeed difficult, but it is not impossible.

Hunted a knife to kill two people...severely injured three people...

This is not the same as Qi Feng’s case.

After obtaining Chen Bin's confession, Su Bai went to the relevant case-handling unit, and with the help of Luo Daxiang's contacts and sophistication in Beidu, he obtained the relevant information according to formal procedures.

 Wait until night.

 After returning to the hotel, before parting, Li Xuezhen suddenly looked at Su Bai with bright eyes.

 “Lawyer Su...”

“Should I go to your room later?”

 Su Bai: .….


“No need, you can take these related materials back and sort them out first, and then hand them over to me tomorrow morning.”

 While speaking, Su Bai handed some materials to Li Xuezhen.


 “Good lawyer Su.”

Looking at Su Bai closing the door neatly, Li Xuezhen's face fell, and there was countless disappointment in her eyes.

 Xiao Li’s little thoughts are gone...

 ps:Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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