As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 189: Initiating supervisory review, prosecutor: I recommend the death penalty,

Chapter 189: Supervisory review initiated. Prosecutor: I recommend the death penalty. Su Bai: I plead not guilty.

 Material arrangement is completed.

 The preliminary preparations for Chen Bin’s case have almost been completed.


With a long breath, Su Bai compiled some information and asked Li Xuezhen to send it to the supervision and review department in Beidu.

Li Xuezhen’s eyes shone:? ? ?

Looking at the relevant information that Su Bai handed over to her, Li Xuezhen was stunned for a moment, her eyes full of surprise.

 Speak in an uncertain tone:

“Lawyer Su...we’re filing a supervisory review before the court session?”

 “Is this... okay?”

 “Yeah! Of course!”

“Let’s catch up on the progress. After all, we are not familiar with the supervision and review department in Beidu.”

Su Bai smiled.

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously and vigorously with a small face: "Okay Lawyer Su, I understand!"

Looking at Li Xuezhen’s leaving figure, Su Bai nodded with satisfaction.

Who said that supervisory review can only be initiated after a court hearing?

 Before the trial, as long as you have collected the materials, you can still initiate a supervisory review without any problems!

after all.…

This case is not just about the prosecutor accusing Chen Bin.

If it weren’t for some things in the process, this case would never have happened, so...

 It is not a big problem to initiate supervision and review first.

Let’s talk again.

 It’s good to file the review in advance to catch up on the progress and time.

 Improve the efficiency of litigation.



 Chen Bin’s case had a huge social impact and resulted in two deaths and three serious injuries.

 Hence, Chen Bin’s lawsuit will be heard directly by the Beidu Intermediate People’s Court.

 After all procedures were ready, the intermediate court notified all parties of the court session time and specific related matters.

 Chen Bin's case has received relatively high attention from the society, so the trial was conducted live.

ˆ And.

 Before the trial, there was a small amount of heated discussion on the Internet about this trial.



 Soon, it was time for the court session to begin.

 The day of the court session.

 The court session was originally scheduled for 10 am.

 At about 9:30, Su Bai and Li Xuezhen appeared in front of the court.

 Of course there were others who came earlier than them.

 At the entrance of the court, many media personnel were already standing.

 This case had a certain degree of popularity on the Internet before it was tried, and it was even more popular than the Qi Feng case.

 Because one is related to self-defense, and the other is to cause death in order to protect loved ones.

 The possibility of both happening in reality is very high, and ordinary people have a very strong sense of involvement.

 Compared with self-defense, the topic of protecting loved ones from being bullied is more impactful.

 So this case is very representative and a very hot case.

 Seeing Su Bai arrive at the door of the court, many members of the media rushed over instantly.

 They are all familiar with Su Bai.

after all.…

 Sometimes Su Bai will be on the hot search from time to time. Now in the lawyer circle, Su Bai is equivalent to a traffic password.

 Even now they are taking out live broadcasts of court trials that Su Bai has done before and putting them on short video platforms, which can attract a lot of traffic.

Most people in these media are following Su Bai closely.

If you want to interview, it might be a traffic hot spot.



 A male reporter relies on his height advantage.

He squeezed his way from the back of the large group of reporters to Su Bai, stretched out the interview microphone in front of Su Bai, and asked with a blushing face:

“Lawyer Su, what do you think of your acceptance of this entrusted case by Chen Bin? Some people said that the Qi Feng case promoted the progress of the rule of law.

 As for the case of Chen Bin, some people say that it is a game between the rule of law and reason.

When you took on this case, did you abandon your previous views and choose to be reasonable? "

 Su Bai: .….….

If you can win with reason, then what is the purpose of studying the law?

 The key point is that the presiding judge cannot say that he made the decision because of some reasonable reasons.

These media...asked some outrageous questions.

However, seeing the male reporter working so hard, Su Bai still answered simply.

 “My personal opinion is in accordance with the law.”

“Lawyer Su, can you tell me what law is followed? How confident are you in this trial?”

Su Bai:? ? ?

 Could this be said before the trial?

Su Bai did not answer this question, and then other media personnel gathered around and asked.

“Lawyer Su… What do you think after representing Chen Bin in this case? Do you think this case can be won?”

“Will this lawsuit continue your undefeated winning streak?”

“As for defending Chen Bin, do you have any other thoughts, or why did you defend Chen Bin? Could you please tell me about this?”

"Lawyer should know something about this case. Can you please tell me about your understanding of this case?"

“Lawyer Su…Lawyer Su…”



 A group of reporters and media blocked Su Bai, wanting to ask for an accurate statement.

However, Su Bai's physique was not weak, and he forcefully squeezed Li Xuezhen from the crowd into the court.

 When I arrived at the court, I breathed a sigh of relief. This time the trial was broadcast live, and it was very popular, so it attracted a lot of media.

 The media.

 After the conclusion of this case, it will definitely be exposed vigorously.

 That's the kind of exposure he needs.…

 In the waiting room of the court.

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief, and Li Xuezhen chatted with Su Bai about the case with great interest.

"Lawyer didn't let me say it before...look."

“I saw a post on the Internet saying that the two people Chen Bin stabbed to death were not good people. They were both illegal debt collectors.”

“Also, the company that provided the loan to Chen Bin’s family doesn’t seem to be a good company.”


“Also, someone said about the situation of the law enforcement officers at that time, but this is not very clear...”

“Let’s not talk about the unclear situation for now. Hasn’t a supervisory review been initiated?”

“I estimate that when the case is over, there will be corresponding results.”

 “It’s not a big problem.”

Hearing Su Bai's words, Li Xuezhen nodded seriously and waited for the court to start.

 There are three parties in this court hearing.

 The first party is the prosecutor.

 The second one is the complaint from the victim’s family and the attorney he appointed.

 The third party is the defendant Chen Bin and the litigation agent Su Bai.



 On the eve of the court session.

Beidu, Wandai Co., Ltd.,

 In the office, a bald man wearing a tie pointed at the screen of his computer.

“What’s going on? Why is the screen black?”

“Is this computer a fake? I usually ask you to spend more money, but are you getting a kickback?”

The subordinate staff on the side smiled and said: "Mr. Liang, this is the live broadcast of the court trial and it hasn't started yet..."

 The subordinate smiled and then turned on the computer screen.

 “Okay, okay, it’s already light, you can go out.”

Liang Xingyuan waved his hand impatiently.

 He is the owner of the loan company in Chen Bin’s family. This time he was lending money to Chen Bin's family. He didn't think about causing such a thing, but after all, it was related to his loan business.

 So it is still necessary to watch the live broadcast of the trial to see how this guy is sentenced.



Su Bai and Li Xuezhen were sitting in the waiting room, and soon the relevant staff brought them to the court hearing.

 It’s ten o’clock in the morning.

 Hold the court session on time.

 After the clerk read out the court discipline and court requirements, he said: "Invite the presiding judge and members of the collegial panel to enter the court hearing."

 All members stand up.

 The presiding judge and members of the collegial panel enter the court hearing.

Su Bai raised his head slightly and looked at the members of the collegial panel this time.

He has learned that the members of the collegial panel this time are composed of the president of the Intermediate Court and two deputy presidents.

  At the presiding judge's seat on the trial bench.

As the presiding judge this time, Song Yuanhui has a detailed understanding of this case.

 There is a certain tendency in the heart.

 But he also knew.

This case has attracted widespread attention from the society. If the verdict is not good, it will be a court accident.

ˆIt is very likely to affect your employment situation.

 It’s not about what will happen to me, but it’s about how difficult it will be for me to work in the court in the future.

So...Song Yuanhui is still very concerned about the trial of this case.

 After ringing the hammer, Song Yuanhui slowly spoke:

"please sit down."

 “The court is now in session.”

 After all the members sat down, Song Yuanhui began to verify the identities of the people.

 The identity of the persons is the parties and litigation agents.

In this trial, the prosecutor and the prosecutor’s assistant were included, namely Lu An and Zhang Meng.

As prosecutors, Lu An and Zhang Meng conducted a long period of investigation and interviews on this case.

 The relevant facts and regulations were determined.

 The recommended sentence for Chen Bin was also led by two people.

 The other thing is the victim.

There were two victims, Li Fei and Xu Bing. Their families each hired lawyers to litigate the case.

Su Bai heard He Lijuan say something about Li Fei and Xu Bing’s family members.

He Lijuan once secretly wanted to find the family members of Li Fei and Xu Bing to sign a letter of understanding.

 The family members of Li Fei and Xu Bing also agreed to mediate privately.

  But what He Lijuan did not expect was the family members of the two deceased victims.

  It seems that they have already agreed upon it, and if you open your mouth, you will get a mediation fee of 2 million yuan per person.

 Otherwise, private mediation will never be accepted and no corresponding letter of understanding will be issued.

 But He Lijuan really can’t get the money.

 I begged hard, saying that I would write an IOU to the other party and that I would definitely pay it back in the future. However, the other party firmly disagreed and wanted 2 million in cash per person. No matter how much I lost, it would not be enough.

Without any choice.…

 The relevant letter of understanding has not been obtained for a long time.



After verifying the information, Song Yuanhui banged the hammer and looked around for a week before slowly speaking:

“The identity information is verified and confirmed, there is no doubt.”

  “The following begins to read out the cause of action:”

“The cause of this case is that the prosecutor is charging the criminal suspect Chen Bin with intentional homicide, causing two deaths and three serious injuries.”

 “Apply to the court for adjudication.”

“Is the cause of action true?”

Prosecutor Lu An nodded after hearing the presiding judge’s question:

“Presiding judge, the case is true.”

 “Confirm that the cause of the case is true.”

“This case was tried by the Beidu Intermediate People’s Court, and the collegial panel was composed of presiding judge Song Yuanhui and judges Shi Jiaming and Meng Hao.”

“Have the parties applied for recusal from the members of the collegial panel?”

  Lu An: “Do not apply for recusal.”

Su Bai: "Do not apply for recusal."

Litigation lawyer of the injured party: “Do not apply for recusal.”

“If the parties do not apply for recusal, then the next phase of the trial will begin,”

 “Please ask the prosecutor to begin stating your grounds of appeal.”

 “A good judge.”

After Lu An sorted out the materials for a while, he focused on the defendant Chen Bin. He only stayed there for a few seconds and then looked at his litigation materials again.

“Presiding Judge, our reasons for the above are as follows:”

“First: We believe that the criminal suspect Chen Bin took the initiative to hold a knife at his home and caused serious injuries to Li Fei and Xu Bing, leading to their deaths.”

“Li Fei died on the spot, while Xu Bing stopped living when the ambulance crew arrived and took him to the hospital.”

“After forensic identification, the main factor and main responsibility for the death of these two people was caused by Chen Bin.”

“At the same time, three people were seriously injured. After diagnosis at the hospital, it was proved that all three had reached the legal level of serious injuries.”

“According to the detailed explanations in the evidence and materials provided by us.”

“In addition...we believe that in this process, Chen Bin’s subjectivity was to cause intentional harm.”

“And it caused two deaths and three serious injuries, which constitutes quite serious intentional homicide.”

“That is, we believe that Chen Bin is suspected of intentional homicide and apply to the court for a judgment.”

 “Recommended sentence: death penalty.”

“Presiding judge, the prosecution has finished its statement.”

After Lu An finished his statement, he slightly raised his head and looked at the defendant's litigation attorney's seat.

 For this kind of case, the other party basically has no room for rebuttal.

 The murder is a fact, and Chen Bin’s murder was not carried out during the attack by Li Fei and Xu Bing.

 He did not believe that the other party could still engage in legitimate defense.

 To put it bluntly, he didn’t think the other party could win this trial.

 Lu An has some knowledge about Su Bai.

 Because the other party won the Qifeng case.

 The High Court also sentenced Qi Feng not guilty on the grounds of self-defense.

 It can be said that Su Bai’s litigation level is very high.


This case is very different from the Qi Feng case... It is impossible to use the reason and excuse of self-defense to refute it, right?

Lu An believes that the other party is very likely to use crimes of passion, emotional crimes and reason to defend Chen Bin.

However, these can only slightly slow down Chen Bin’s sentence.

 At most, it is just a death sentence.

 As for life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment, it is simply impossible.

Lu An thought silently in his heart when he looked at Su Bai.

Su Bai noticed Lu An's gaze, smiled, and then turned his attention to the presiding judge's seat.


Then when the presiding judge opens his mouth and asks the defendant to make a statement, you will know that it is impossible.

 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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