
The old man and Chen An stood at the city gate, looking into the distance.

They don't know how long they have been standing here.

Finally, they saw that black dots appeared in the distant sky.

Then, more and more, densely packed.

Both the old man and Chen An's eyes lit up.

They are all soldiers, so they naturally understand the truth of life and death when soldiers go to the battlefield.

It's a pity that they can't participate in the battlefield.

He watched Lin Luo in the distance leading a mighty army back.

Lin Luo stood in the first place, and he said loudly above the sky: "Lin Luo came to report that the alien invaders have been defeated."

"Homestead plan, complete!"

At this moment, the old man and Chen An stood upright, doing military salutes silently.

They understand that this is the way to show the highest respect for a soldier.

The reason why Shanhe is safe is because they fought desperately on the front line.


"...Back home!!"

One day later, the land of Huaxia was full of vitality again.

Before the human counterattack plan was launched, the population was transferred in three parts.

The first part is the plateau area in the southwest.

The second part is the polar bear's land.

The third part is the desert area in the northwest.

After the war ended, it was to quickly organize the relocation of the population.

"We won?"

"There is no notification yet, but if you can come back, it should be a victory."

"Our city, my house..."

"Don't be in the city, it's good to be alive."

"You don't even know how many people died outside."

"Stop arguing, let's all get involved in the labor."

When people came back, they found that many urban buildings were destroyed, and in some cities, even a decent house could not be found.

The people in Huaxia are very conscious, and many of them have participated in the construction of the broken city without calling.


Even though their house may have been destroyed, they survived.

On the blue star, many people lost their homes and lives.


It is the best pure land on this piece of blue star.


"Xia Qian!"

"Xia Qian!!"

Xia Qian opened her eyes in a daze, and saw that expectant and ugly smile.

This person is naturally Li Donglai.

"Old...teacher." Xia Qian's voice was weak.

Hearing these words, Li Donglai's eyes overflowed with tears. He turned his head away to prevent Xia Qian from seeing him, and said to Xuanxuan next to him, "Look at my sister, I'll call the doctor."

"Yes." Li Xuanxuan was obedient

Nod obediently.

Seeing Li Donglai leave quickly, Xia Qian looked up at the ceiling, and heard Xuanxuan's voice next to her: "Sister, are you hungry? I'll give you my bear biscuits."

Hearing this, Xia Qian finally showed a rare smile.


so good!

"Sister, did you hear me?" Li Xuanxuan's childish voice continued to sound again: "Brother Lin Luo bought this for me when he just came here, and I was reluctant to eat it, hehe...how about we go alone half?"

Xia Qian didn't answer her, she didn't know what she was giggling at.

It can only be that the little girl Li Xuanxuan sighed, scratched her head depressedly, and muttered in a low voice:

"Why don't adults like to talk? Lin Luo big brother is fun."


Lin Luo sat at the desk, and there were many aftermath tasks, but most of them didn't need him to do.

After all, Chen An and the others are not idlers.

However, there are also some things that need to be directed by him personally.

"Almost all the corpses of alien beasts from the Apocalypse Stars have been collected and are being stored in the biological warehouse." Qin Yuan handed a report to Lin Luo and said, "There are almost 300,000 relatively complete corpses."

"Enough." Lin Luo said quickly, "Tell them they can stop this plan."

"Yeah." Qin Yuan stood up and said, "I'll do it now."

When Qin Yuan left, Zhu Yihui who was beside him said: "The medical army is short of manpower. There are too many injured people this time. I have already activated the students of the academy in advance."

Lin Luo nodded and asked, "How is the current situation?"

"There are a lot of wounded." Zhu Yihui sighed, and said: "Fortunately, the old man made a prediction in advance and sent a warship to wait for rescue at sea. With the support from Yingxiong, our death rate has dropped greatly."

Lin Luo glanced at the numbers at this time, still frowning: "The loss is still not small."

Zhu Yihui nodded.

There are as many as 180,000 wounded being treated, and 36,873 dead and missing heavenly soldiers.

War is cruel, and it would be too idealistic to say that there were no casualties.

However, compared with other countries, Huaxia's casualties have been very, very small.

Moreover, with today's biomedical technology, they who have mastered the human genetic map can easily rescue those injured soldiers.

This time the disaster even caused some countries to directly destroy the country. Biqu library

Eagle Country was one of the worst, with more than one in six deaths.

You know, this country has hundreds of millions of people.

As for Blue Star's global statistics, they haven't come out yet.


Looking at history, it is very rare in the history of mankind to stop the enemy's army of one million with 180,000 injuries and more than 30,000 sacrifices.

"Tell the medical team that there can't be any more casualties." Lin Luo put down the form and pondered.

"Yes." Zhu Yihui nodded.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Tianjing secretly held a high-level meeting.

In the middle of the night, Chen An came to Lin Luo's residence.

"Drink?" Lin Luo took out a bottle of wine.

"It's time to drink." Chen An smiled.

The two sat down, each with a bottle, and while they were drinking, Chen An said, "The time is set."

Lin Luo nodded and asked, "When?"

"Tomorrow at 12 noon." Chen An said, "I want you to go."

"I think, those fighters who are in the spirit of the sky, hope that you, the commander in chief, will personally send them off for the last time."

Lin Luo gulped down the high-strength white wine, and he nodded.

Seeing this scene, Chen An also gulped down the white wine.

At 12 noon the next day, people discovered that all their electronic equipment had changed from color to gray.

Busy people everywhere put down their work...

people stopped.

The car stopped.

This piece of land seems to have stopped.

People still haven't received any briefings about this war, but they all know that at this moment, it is the mourning meeting of the heavenly soldiers.

Huaxia News Channel broadcast the mourning service this time. The old man stood in the first place, bowing slightly and saluting in front of the monument.

He turned around, although his body had already become younger, his steps were heavy.

Lin Luo stepped forward second, and he stood up straight.

Audiences across the country were looking at him, at the chief engineer who had saved their lives.

He came to the Tianbei and stroked the Tianbei lightly with his hands. There were more than 30,000 people's names written on it.

He took a deep breath and said lightly:

"Only by becoming stronger, there will be no next time!"

"There won't be such a tragic next time."

"We... will become stronger!"

"rest in peace!"

"Huaxia, I will continue to protect you!"

After finishing speaking, he said loudly: "Salute to the hero!"

At this moment, everyone in the hall held military salutes.

Across the country, everyone is holding a military salute, cars are honking, and people are crying.

It's raining gray over Tianjing, God...

are you crying too

Standing in the rain, Lin Luo glanced at the words on the tombstones, thinking about the unspoken words:

"It's not over yet!"

"This debt, I will pay them back ten times... billion times!"

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