On the second day, the morning sun shone into Lin Luo's room. When he opened his eyes, he saw Xia Qian's familiar figure. Her arm was still bandaged, and she was playing with her mobile phone with one hand.

He couldn't help smiling, and said, "Why don't you take the opportunity to be lazy and lie down for a while, and come to work in such a hurry?"

Xia Qian didn't answer his words, but said, "The speech has been delivered."

Lin Luo paused, got up and looked at the manuscript, and suddenly said dissatisfied: "Didn't I already reject those two old guys?"

Xia Qian flashed a snicker.

She still remembered that when Chen An just came, he said as he walked: "It is not appropriate for us to come forward in this matter, only he is appropriate."

Lin Luo sat down and looked at it depressedly, but after looking at it, he closed his eyes again, like a poor student in school.

Xia Qian didn't wake him up either, she just quietly looked at the sky beside her.


What a beautiful day!


At 12 noon, people saw the TV buzzing.

People put down their work and study and look at the screen.

They are looking forward to, is it the old man who will come out this time or their head teacher Lin Luo?

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Luo."

The moment the familiar voice sounded, the whole country was boiling.

Be their hero.

is their chief engineer.

It was him who changed the fate of China.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all at such a pleasant noon."

"Nine days ago, alien races tried to get their hands on the blue star, our homeland of mankind. Our Huatian Army Corps massacred a million troops from another planet at the cost of 36,873 people!"

Hearing this, the whole country was in an uproar.


There are as many as one million aliens.

One can imagine how dangerous the soldiers in front must be.

"We only spent seven days and proved how strong we are."

"Now, peace has returned to the land of China. I hope everyone will not forget this rare and precious day of peace."

"But please don't forget about them."

"Please also believe that in the days to come, our land of China is safe enough..."

"...Those who dare to offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

"Finally, I hope that everyone can work together to rebuild our new home!"

"Also... remember to learn biology well, Huaxia School of Biology is currently in short supply of manpower."

"The above is about this

All reports of a war. "

When they heard the back, the staff next to them were slightly taken aback.

They remember that there is no such thing in the lines.

And people all over the country laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha"

"Forget, our Chief Teacher Lin is still the principal of Huaxia Biology College."

"No, I must review biology class when I go back."

"Forget it, you thought you were a high school student, and you're in your forties." Pen Fun Library

"I heard that the Heavenly Soldiers Corps has expanded its recruitment again. I don't know if it's true or not."

"I must work hard to exercise. Starting today, I will quit sex and exercise. Man, get the hell out of here!"


"I really want to meet Master Lin in person, he's so handsome!"

"You little fans, don't be nympho. Mr. Lin is a role model for us men, pure man, understand? Don't mess with him like a fan circle."

"Just do it, just do it."


"Jimei, let's go!"


Lin Luo walked off the stage, Xia Qian walked over, took the things in his hand, and asked, "Where should we go first?"

"Let's go to the biological base first." Lin Luo came to the side of the car while walking. He stopped for a while and asked, "How is Ye Yi?"

"I've been discharged from the hospital," Xia Qian said.

Lin Luo nodded. Just about to get into the car, he suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, I can fly, so what car do I need?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head again, but he couldn't see Xia Qian's figure. When he looked again, she was already in the air.

"I can fly myself, so you don't need to mention it." Xia Qian said lightly.

"Eh..." Lin Luo sweated, remembering that time when he carried her to Zhufeng, he flew up and whispered, "Women really hold grudges!"

When he came to the biological experiment base, he had already seen that it was getting busy.

Discussions on the Apocalypse, the treatment of the wounded, and the expansion of new genetic warriors, etc.

This hope biological base is also getting bigger and bigger, because the responsibilities it shoulders are also getting bigger and bigger.

Lin Luo was Mr. Lin who walked all the way into Zhu Yihui's laboratory.

What I saw were two big dark circles.

"Didn't you say to get genetic reagents after the war?" Lin Luo asked.

"Ah?" Zhu Yihui was taken aback for a moment, then panicked, and hurriedly said: "If you have time, you must, if you have time, you must."

Lin Luo had no choice but to smile bitterly, knowing that Zhu Yihui was a workaholic

Devil character.

"Come and see, I found something very wonderful." Zhu Yihui said.

Lin Luo walked over, and Zhu Yihui pressed the remote control switch, saying: "It is glass that really changes the course of science and technology for human beings."

"We've made all kinds of glass and we've been able to see all kinds of different things."

"Bacteria under a microscope, radiation, ultrasound, and more."

"I once thought, can humans see without going through these glasses?"

While speaking, the two brains of the Apocalypse people beating each other were played on the screen. Zhu Yihui continued: "The brain on the left side of them has a complete structure, which is a normal brain similar to that of a human being."

"The right side of their brains is a strengthening ability, which can make their hearing and vision change."

"That is to say, they can see one more world than us."

Lin Luo was also quite surprised.

Someone once said that even in the age of technology, human beings can only see about 5% of the real world.

This is not an exaggeration.

Just like a scientist once said, maybe there is a bustling interstellar channel above the edge of the blue star, but we can't see them at all.

"...I've already made a genetic map." Zhu Yihui took out two blueprints at this time and handed them to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo took a look and nodded.

"Then I'll go to bed first." Zhu Yihui yawned big.

Lin Luo laughed: "You don't want to know the secret behind this genetic map?"

Zhu Yihui paused as he was walking outside, and said, "If you say this, I won't be sleepy anymore."

Looking back, seeing Lin Luo's unfriendly eyes, Zhu Yihui felt guilty, and said: "Which... I suddenly became sleepy again. When you get news, you must tell me as soon as possible."

After speaking, Zhu Yihui sighed, and left here unwillingly.

At this time, Lin Luo took the genetic map to the corpse bank of those Apocalyptic people.

The system said that as long as 20% is completed, a brand new hidden gene chain can be obtained.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo couldn't help but look forward to it.

What will the new genetic chain be?





"Ding! You have completed the gene collection of the Apocalypse!"

The moment Lin Luo heard the system ding, his eyes brightened.


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