"Monya icon!"

On the main star of Apocalypse, the fireworks sprayed out by technology at this moment filled the entire planet, and above the sky, spaceships and aircraft carriers came and went, very lively.

The 50,000-year anniversary is naturally extremely ceremonial.

On top of this civilization, unlike Blue Star, which has divided forces and civilizations, there is a unified management force here:

The kingdom of immortality.

The Apocalypse civilization does not believe in gods, they only believe in technological civilization and technology, and are eager to build a kingdom of immortality.

Here, the emperor of civilization is the belief in their hearts.

At this moment, above the main hall, stood a man in a purple energy mecha, and the flanks of the energy mecha were equipped with two sharp purple-gold blades.

In this kingdom of immortality, there is only one person who can wear such a colored mecha.

This is the emperor of this civilized country: Tadi Kohli.

Tadi is the highest-level surname, and only the imperial family can take related surnames.

Like Wobala, it is a high-ranking surname.

Here, on the surface, there is no distinction between levels, and everyone is equal.

But the real situation is that Apocalypse people can be divided into three, six, and nine classes by their surnames.

After all, in such a large country, how could everyone be equal.

"Are you all ready?" Tati Corey asked as he glanced at the guards in front of him.


"All the literary stars who were invited to watch the ceremony also came."

said the guard.

Tati Corey smiled slightly.

"However, Captain Wobala Mida hasn't returned yet." The guard said: "And our response has been fruitless."

Hearing this, Tati Corey frowned slightly, and said, "Didn't he say he was going to a place called the solar system? Recently, his vision is not very good. All he goes to are some remote galaxies, and he can't swallow too many galaxies." resource."

The guard dared not speak.

Wobala Mida is quite famous in the kingdom of eternal life, because he has launched several colonial campaigns and achieved very good miraculous results.

"That's all." Tati Corey said: "Call him again to see if he can come back."

"Yes." The guard nodded and walked outside.

But at this time, an Apocalypse came in a hurry and knelt on the ground as soon as he entered.

"What's the matter?" Tadi Corey asked.

That day Qixing said with a pale face: "Eternal Life No. 7, something happened!"

Tati Corey and the guards were astonished when they heard this, because...

Immortal number seven,

It is the colony airship of Wobala Mida.



The old man and Chen An looked at each other, looking at Temus with a silly smile on his face.

Today's Temus is very dog-licking.

"To be honest, I still like the rebellious him." Chen An said loudly: "This way we can beat him openly."

The reason why it was so loud was because Temus couldn't understand Huaxia either.

"Me too." The old man nodded in agreement.

Unexpectedly, the next second, Natmus said in broken Chinese: "You two, it's not good to speak ill of others in person."

In order to be able to communicate smoothly, he temporarily learned some Chinese before he came.

"?" The two looked up in shock at the same time, but Temus still had that sweet smile. In fact, he hated himself like this in his heart.

If you can, who wants to be a licking dog?

But, who made you Huaxia give birth to such a monster as Lin Luo.

At this time, footsteps sounded outside the door, Temus turned his head, saw Lin Luo, stood up immediately, and said, "Director Lin is here."

Lin Luo walked in gently, nodded towards the old man and Chen An, and said to him: "Please sit down."

When Temus heard this, he was very excited. He waited for Lin Luo to sit first, and then sat down himself.

It's not about identity.

Lin Luo saved him, so he naturally remembered.

After sitting down, the four of them glanced at each other, and the old man said, "Since you can understand Huaxia, let's start."

"Okay." Temus nodded.

The old man glanced at Lin Luo and said to him: "Mr. Temes came this time and proposed a global unified country plan to us. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Lin Luo was taken aback, and glanced at Temus in surprise.

It seems that Eagle Country was really frightened this time.

He thought for a while and said, "I don't think it's necessary."

Temus felt a little aggrieved when he heard this...

Mr. Lin, do you dislike their food?

"I think that each country of Blue Star has its own characteristics, and it is really unified, so it is not easy to manage." Lin Luo said:

"But in terms of resources, they must be unified."

"Blue Star has been globalizing for many years. In fact, if Eagle Country hadn't disrupted it, its development would have reached a new level."

Hearing this sentence, Temus felt chills in his heart, for fear that Lin Luo would say:

"We got rid of Eagle Country, that's all."

"Now they are willing to be good, and we are willing to

Willing to give a chance. " Lin Luo said: "After all, to make Blue Star develop, we cannot do it alone. "

"Yes, yes, yes." Temus sweated and smiled.

Once upon a time, he, the majestic leader of a country, would feel so uncomfortable holding a small meeting.

"The 909 agreement can be changed." Lin Luo looked at Temus and said, "Don't you like to be the world's policeman? I give you such a chance. In the future, it will be up to you to maintain other countries..."

"No, Mr. Lin Luo, you have misunderstood us." Temes hurriedly said, sweating profusely: "We may have had this idea before, but we definitely don't now."

my Lord.

Now who dares to be the world's policeman in front of Huaxia?

Don't die?

"No, you want to." Lin Luo looked at him and said.

"No, no, you misunderstood, we really..."

"You think." Lin Luo said with a smile.

Only then did Temus realize that Lin Luo was serious, and he quickly said, "Yes, I think."

"Master Lin, you are so smart, you can see through all of this."

"..." The old man and Chen An were speechless, thinking that you are the head of a country anyway, so can't you have some dignity?

However, life and death can change many things.

Temus's once lofty dignity has actually disappeared in this catastrophe.

After experiencing life and death, you will understand how happy it is to be alive.

"Also..." Lin Luo and Chen An looked at each other and said, "That spaceship fell into the ocean, which is a little closer to your Eagle Country. I want you to help salvage it."

"Salvage?" Temus was taken aback when he heard this.

"Yes." Lin Luo said: "When it comes to salvage technology, the technology you have mastered is more advanced."

"I'll arrange it right away when I get back." Tems said immediately: "If you need this technology, I will send it to you right away."


A few hours later, Temus walked out of the Zijinlong Building, and Black was waiting for him outside the car door. He tentatively asked, "How is it?"

As Temus got into the car, he turned his head, glanced at the rear, and said, "As expected of an ancient civilization, we are indeed inferior to them."

Blake paused.

Temes added: "Mankind has been born for so many years. Every country, territory, and race has been exchanged. This eastern land has never changed..."

"It's not unreasonable."

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