On the second day, people discovered that Maoxiong and Yingguo had sent a large number of warships and aircraft carriers to the west of the ocean.

The salvage plan was carried out immediately after Temus returned to China.

"In addition to the salvage plan, you should contact other countries. I have already obtained their consent. China is about to release a global speech." Temes said, looking at Black next to him.

Blake nodded immediately and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Just as Temus was about to shake his head, a correspondent came outside the door and said, "Fusang is calling."

"What did you say?" Temes frowned.

Although Temes led the last Three Kingdoms Declaration, the reason why Lin Luo didn't save this country is probably not just that.

Historical factors should account for the majority.

And most importantly...

This country is indeed of no use value.

Temus is very fortunate that Eagle Country was strong enough before, so Lin Luo was given a way out.

Huaxia is indeed a great civilized country, but it does not mean that she is a benevolent and ignorant woman.

"They made another Three-Nation Declaration and hoped that we would also join." The correspondent said: "Press the other party."

Termes couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Obviously, these three countries are in a hurry. After all, there are sub-green beasts on their land.

"What should I do?" asked the correspondent.

Temus scolded directly: "Do you tm don't want to do it anymore? Hurry up and hang up. In the future, don't answer the calls from the three countries, understand?"

The correspondent suddenly saw Temus jumping into a rage, and was taken aback for a moment, then quickly said yes and ran away.

Blake next to him also broke into a cold sweat.

Now on the blue star, who would dare to fight against the other party.


When Yang Jun came to Lin Luo's residence, he saw Lin Luo sleeping with an egg in his arms.

When Lin Luo opened his eyes, he subconsciously glanced at the egg, tapped it lightly with his hands, and rubbed his eyes.

"The egg you laid? It's so big. What's it from? Is it a top-quality ingredient?" Yang Jun's curiosity arose. After all, such a big egg is rarely seen.

Lin Luo said angrily: "What's the matter with you, why do you want to eat eggs when you see them?"

Ye Yi had been eyeing this egg before, and then Li Donglai came and asked again.

Now, Yang Jun, such a strict general, actually only has food in his eyes.

"Just curious, you don't need to be so excited." Yang Jun smiled,

Said: "The expansion of the recruitment of the Heavenly Soldiers has already begun. Why did you ask me to recruit some elites from the Heavenly Soldiers?"

"There have been some breakthroughs in the study of gene locks, and some test subjects are needed," Lin Luo said.

"Really?" Yang Jun was overjoyed and said, "I am the first to sign up."

After finishing speaking, he pondered again: "The Yinlong Army led by Li Donglai who fought hard in Yingguo lost a lot, and the remaining soldiers are the elite among the elites. Why don't we find them first."

Lin Luo nodded.

In that battle, the one with the most casualties was the last battle.

The Hidden Dragon Army is indeed ruthless.

"Then I'll do it first." Yang Jun got up and left without ink marks.

After he left, Lin Luo had just had breakfast, when Zhu Yihui walked in from the door, looking much better.

"Did you use the genetic reagent?" Lin Luo asked.

"The staff tested my physical fitness and said that I didn't meet the requirements and needed to exercise." Zhu Yihui said.

It is not surprising that most researchers are not in good health.

Not to mention, Zhu Yihui once spent ten years in a mental hospital.

Lin Luo narrowed his eyes.

"Master Lin, I will exercise." Zhu Yihui said first: "I don't want to be absent from the research on the second-order genetic reagents."

Lin Luo put down the bowl and chopsticks, and said seriously: "Zhu Yihui, the great man said that the body is the capital of the revolution. This kind of thing is not a joke. I don't want to lose such an excellent helper in the future."

Zhu Yihui paused, feeling extremely moved in his heart, he nodded seriously and said: "I will finish the physical exercise."

Lin Luo felt relieved and motioned him to sit down. Zhu Yihui took out a document and handed it to Lin Luo.

"What is this?" Lin Luo glanced at it.

"The dna structure of the bear man." Zhu Yihui said.

Lin Luo glanced at it, and couldn't understand it. Zhu Yihui explained: "In general, the bear man is not much different from us, but I found that maybe our first-level genetic reagent may not be applicable to the other party."

Lin Luo re-watched it several times.

Naturally, if you want to grow the human race thoroughly, it is best to join more and more heavenly soldiers.

Of course, in order to prevent humans from returning to the situation of infighting, Lin Luo has also made a follow-up plan, and it is impossible to join without strict review.

It now appears that this plan is about to fail.

"The only ones who can realize gene unlocking are us Chinese people." Zhu Yihui said: "Tell me, it's amazing

strangeness. "

"It's a bit strange." Lin Luo looked at the bowls and chopsticks in his hand as he spoke.

Think about the experience of Ye Yi, Li Donglai and Yang Jun all wanting to eat eggs...

"Could it be because Huaxia is a foodie nation?"

Hearing this, Zhu Yihui felt as if he had just woken up from a dream, and said, "Yes, that's it. We originally relied on the hidden genetic chain of eating, and unlocked the last link of the genetic lock..." Pen Fun Library

"Are you serious?" Lin Luo smiled wryly.

Zhu Yihui laughed, and said: "I just assume that there is such a possibility..."

"Don't assume." Lin Luo said: "Since they can't inject genetic reagents, let them do the logistics, and save me from working on global plans."

But Zhu Yihui said: "I think they may not be as powerful as the Heavenly Soldiers, but it's not impossible for them to improve, such as prolonging their lifespan and improving their physical fitness..."

"That's right, this project is entrusted to you. It's just that you have a vacation and adjust your body." Lin Luo said.

"Ah?" Zhu Yihui immediately regretted it.

This kind of small project is too simple to adjust to him.

"This is an order." Lin Luo said: "Okay, let's go out, next one."

Zhu Yihui was taken aback, turned his head, and saw Chen An outside, he quickly got up, said hello respectfully, and then left.

"You kid, you can still find me hiding in the corner?" Chen An walked in with a smile, and took another look at the huge egg.

The corner of Lin Luo's mouth twitched, and he sighed. As expected, he heard Chen An ask: "What kind of egg is it? Is it delicious? Call me when you eat it."

Lin Luo has a big head, and wonders if when this pet is born, knowing how much he wants to eat it, will he be so wronged that he will go back into the eggshell.

"What's the matter?" Lin Luo didn't want to answer these foodies' questions anymore.

Chen An became serious, handed Lin Luo a document, and said, "This is the speech."

Lin Luo is naturally aware of the global speech plan proposed by Temus.

Blue Star at this moment really needs a unified speech to put out the fire for this turbulent Blue Star.

"Didn't I tell you, why don't you come?" Lin Luo said, "I wasn't good at these things."

Chen An said seriously: "Lin Luo, today's Blue Star needs someone who can really hold on."

"It's not a country, we need a person who can control the whole world."

"And you are the best candidate."

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