Chen An's words are the result of a long discussion between him and the think tank.

Today, people trust and respect the Heavenly Soldiers.

Overseas, every piece of news about the Heavenly Soldiers can get more than one billion likes.

Needless to say, this level of attention.

"I'm thinking about taking the exam..." Lin Luo regained consciousness, but paused.

Chen An, long gone.

"Where are people?" Lin Luo asked Xia Qian who was playing with her mobile phone outside, only to hear her say indifferently: "Speed ​​is what Mr. Chen awakened, and talent is the best!"




Ye spit out in a big gulp.

He thought it might be better to fly.

But I didn't expect that weak chickens are weak chickens everywhere.

"Don't worry, after you accept my Li Shi's nine courses, your physique will not lose to any of them. When the time comes, you will inject the genetic reagent and take off directly." Li Donglai said, patting him on the shoulder.

The corner of Ye Yi's mouth twitched, he didn't have a cold in his heart.

He walked towards the west coast with shaking legs, where the first batch of spaceship equipment was about to be salvaged.

And here, the world's top mechanical scientists have assembled.

Ye Yi is the commander of their group.

"Why such a young man?"

"Is it reliable?"


Most of the people present were old men, and it was certain that they looked down on young people.

"What do you know? I heard that the man from also a young man."

"real or fake?"

"Shh, stop talking."

Not all of these people came here voluntarily.

However, their goals are the same, that is, they are full of curiosity about the third-level civilization of Apocalypse.

After all, they are all scientists.

Ye Yi didn't have much to say, he just looked at the machine being pulled up and said, "Let's start."


On the other side, a global speech is being prepared.

Before the meeting started, someone came to the door.

"Help us." As soon as he opened his mouth, he meant to save lives.

Tems really didn't want to see the four of them.

They used to be in an alliance, although it was heartless to do so, but

It was Tems who had no other choice.

As the world changes, so do the rules.

They are also alive because they are useful.

Now, I really can't help them.

Temus's eyes were a little colder, and he said, "I originally wanted to help you, but what declaration did you make later, isn't this courting death?"

"Do you think they are still afraid of talking about it now?"

The four were silent after hearing this.

"If they don't bring Blue Star to play, we're all doomed." Temus said: "You guys are really outrageous. Although I was wrong about this incident in the past, but you have a better attitude and respect, they softened their hearts." , maybe there is still a play, now..."

Temus didn't finish speaking, but waved away.

And these four people just woke up like a dream.


It's too late.


January 31

It's been exactly one month since the alien invasion.

Today's Blue Star has returned to the embrace of peace.

Although many cities have not recovered, due to positive guidance, the global economy has begun to flourish.

During this period, the use of resources is also more reasonable.

The most obvious of these is energy prices.

This kind of resource was originally hyped up, and now it has returned to civilian prices.

On the morning of this day, many countries issued emergency notices, asking everyone to put down their work and wait for time: 12 o'clock.

People have experience before, after all Temus has given such a speech before.

However, this time people also knew that the person who appeared should not be Temus. Biqu library


It's history.

At 12 noon, everyone looked at the equipment in front of them.


After a while, there is finally a picture.

What people can see is the unique background image of the Eastern Land.

"It really is them."

People get excited.

They all knew that it was Huaxia who saved Blue Star and human beings.

Since the end of the war, people have become more and more respectful and worshipful of the Celestial Soldiers.

Therefore, the popularity of Heavenly Soldiers has long occupied the top spot in the world.

People are curious to know what happened, and what lies ahead

Here comes Blue Star.

When the picture gradually became clear, I saw Chen An's figure.

With his appearance, the world is also sensationalized.

"It's a pleasure to meet you here today."

"A month ago, a catastrophe occurred on Blue Star."

"With the efforts of our Huaxia soldiers, we successfully resisted foreign enemies and kept the peace of Blue Star."

"This peace is hard-won. I hope that everyone can protect it together, and countries can put aside barriers and work together."

"This concludes my speech."

The whole world froze.


After waiting for so long, just a few words?

A lot of things are left unsaid.

At this time, Chen An's voice continued: "Next, we invite Lin Luo, an engineer of human genetic evolution, to speak to you."

As soon as these words came out, the whole world erupted.

"finally come."

"Oh my god, this man is amazing."

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

"I really don't know how he did it."

The Huaxia audience looked proud.

"Hey, this group of people didn't know the identity of Lin Luo's chief engineer."

"Nonsense, are they worthy?"

"Huaxia people are so happy."

When people were talking about it, t was pushed on top, and in this short moment, a trending search of #华夏市工程# reached the top in an instant.

Lin Luo was wearing a suit at the back, walking slowly.

"staff member?"

"So handsome!"

"seems not...."

At first, everyone thought it was a passerby who came to deliver the speech, after all...

Although this man is handsome, he is too young.

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Luo."

The moment the voice appeared, everyone was boiling.

This world is crazy.

It turned out to be such a young man who led the Heavenly Soldiers Legion and developed the genetic evolution of the Heavenly Soldiers?

Everyone even didn't believe it.

However, people also knew that Huaxia would not play tricks on such an important matter.

This caused the heat to rise again.

"Sure enough, whenever China is in crisis, a strong man will definitely come from the sky."

"This country is terrible, remember, no one should provoke their race in the future."

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