After the intense noise, people fell silent again, wanting to hear what Lin Luo would say.

"...In the battle on the east coast, our heavenly soldiers captured the opponent's 100,000 troops."

"In the end, we launched a general offensive over the ocean!"

"The army of millions of alien stars are all buried in the blue star."

When Lin Luo said this, the discussion became louder again.

"Pervert, this kind of energy mecha is no match for their bodies?"

"Huaxia is really the style of a great country, and even sent troops to help the Eagle Kingdom."


"It is conceivable that this battle should have been very fierce."

Lin Luo briefly explained this war, but only Temus in the Black Palace knew about it.

The real war is a hundred times crueler than what Lin Luo said.

It also needs to be a hundred times more passionate.

He admitted that he lost his temper in this battle.

However, he was really convinced and scared.

"The reason why I tell you this is not to claim credit, I just want to tell you."

"Peace does not come easily."

"Because we don't know if there will be more enemies coming."

"Next, the 909 agreement will be reopened to reintegrate Blue Star's resources."

"If you want to participate in the country, you can contact our relevant departments."

"The 909 agreement will add the following content. Huaxia will not be the first to launch a war against any country, but if there is any slander, war intentions, etc., Huaxia will take action, and the economies of all countries will continue to be the same as before..."

"...909 agreement countries implement the WTO tariff agreement."

"Every year, according to the output, contribute corresponding resources to Huaxia as equivalent consumption for protection."

"If someone thinks that it is unreasonable to collect protection fees, they can also withdraw voluntarily and will never stop them."

"The above is all I have to say."

"May Blue Star always be at peace."


Lin Luo said softly, and the screen turned off.

The people of all countries are directly shouting.

"It's finally open again."

"Who would propose to withdraw, isn't that a fool?"

"Yeah, money is not important."

"Huaxia doesn't suppress us, it only asks us to help with resources, and it won't send troops to threaten us. It's really good."

"Not really."

People started to get up spontaneously, and the countries that didn't join urged their superiors to join quickly. Biqu library

As for those who joined, they stared more seriously.

If anyone with cerebral palsy wants to quit, it will be over.


In the office, as soon as the speech was over, Chen An had already received a lot of applications for joining.

"Do you want to agree to all of them?" asked the head of the department.

"Didn't you say that the four countries were going to slander us?" Chen An said without looking up.

The person in charge woke up and said, "This time there are them."

"Then just refuse." Chen An said: "This kind of unstable country likes to be a dog's leg, and there is no need to join 909.

Come. "

"Yes." The person in charge nodded quickly.

The person in charge understands that the future of Blue Star must be ruled by the 909 agreement countries, not to mention the progress of human beings, the progress of science and technology, and it can only prosper in this agreement country.

If you don't join the country, it is tantamount to self-destruction.

"Did they also ask us to help them eliminate the beasts?" Chen An asked.

"Yes... yes." The person in charge nodded.

Chen An squinted his eyes and smiled, and said, "First, you can blackmail a wave, and second, you can collect some exotic animal bones and return them. Third, let's promote our humanitarianism."

The person in charge also smiled and said, "Then we don't call it extortion, it's called justice."

Chen An pointed at him lightly, smiled even wider, and said, "Why are you still standing there, let's do it."

"Yes." The person in charge sweated and left quickly.


Lin Luo met Ye Yi at his residence.

In addition to him, there are also some old men from the scientific research institute.

"I've met Mr. Lin." These old men stood up straight and shouted.

"All right, all right." Lin Luo said, "You were all seniors before, and there are no outsiders here..."

These people have indeed done enough for China in the past. Many of them were rescued by the life project, otherwise nearly half of them might be buried in the ground.

After sitting down, Lin Luo asked Ye Yidao: "How is the spaceship research going?"

Ye Yi took out a blueprint, handed it to Lin Luo, and said, "The biggest gain this time is their energy system."

Lin Luo took it over and took a look.

The energy revolution is actually the most important factor for the leap of civilization. Biqu library

Human beings started from steam at the beginning, gradually moved to oil, electricity, etc., and finally set their goal on nuclear energy.

Obviously, the energy system of Apocalypse civilization surpasses nuclear energy.

"Although this carrying energy system is destroyed, it gives us infinite inspiration." Ye Yi said eloquently: "We may be able to replicate such a system, use nuclear energy, and research something similar."

"As for the structure of the spacecraft, we have even made new technological breakthroughs."

"I think it's not impossible for human beings to sail on the interstellar."

"Can you be like them?" Lin Luo asked.

Ye Yi was taken aback and shook his head, but his master Wu Shan said: "We can replicate a spaceship within one year, or even two years, which is already very good."

"And... many of the materials on our blue star do not meet the materials of the spacecraft."

"According to speculation, being able to navigate the solar system is already the limit."

"It is really necessary to research a large number of projects, at least a five-year plan."

"After all, the other party only landed a spaceship, and we still need to decipher it."

Hearing this, Lin Luo was obviously disappointed.

This discussion about the spacecraft lasted for three hours, and finally they left.

After Lin Luo sent them off, he took out a paper document from the drawer, glanced at it, and

He sighed, and when he was about to put it back in the drawer, a voice sounded from the front: "Are you secretly making some plans again?"

Lin Luo looked up, saw that it was Chen An, and said, "No..."

"Then what is this?" Chen An took a step forward, glanced at the cover, and was immediately taken aback.

Just see it says:

Counterattack the Apocalypse Civilization Plan!

"You..." Chen An was startled, and forgot to tease Lin Luo at this moment.

"The lives of thirty-six thousand eight hundred and seventy-three soldiers, as well as the lives of hundreds of millions of human beings, must not be forgotten." Lin Luo said viciously.

Hearing this, Chen An felt even more breathless.

He never thought that Lin Luo's heart was so strong.

Facing such a powerful enemy, he was not only not afraid, but even planned to kill him.

I'm afraid, on this blue star, no one dared to think that Lin Luo had such a bold plan.

"Unfortunately, we won't be able to do this kind of interstellar voyage for at least ten years. As for genetically human beings wanting to travel in space, I don't know how long it will take." Lin Luo said.

"Huh?" Chen An's eyes almost popped out when he heard it.

Humans travel to space?

"Damn." Chen An grabbed his collar and said, "How many plans do you have? Tell me quickly."

"It hurts... let go."

"Come on, you can blow the head of an alien with one punch, are you afraid of this?"

"No... no plans."

"I don't believe it, tell me the truth."

Chen An growled.

At this moment, in his eyes, Lin Luo's credit value is infinitely equal to 0.

this kid...

Definitely full of plans.


apocalypse galaxy

"...The analysis results of the energy box came out, Yongsheng No. 7 has fallen!"

"It's already confirmed."

The Apocalypse handed the report to Tati Corey respectfully.

Tati Corey glanced at it, then slapped the table and stood up.

"what else?"

"Solar system, Blue Star, 0.75 level civilization."

"Besides this, there are no more records."

The Apocalypse star said quickly.

"0.75?" Tadi Corey sneered and said, "I'm afraid it's more than that."

The Apocalypse star said: "However, in the middle, Captain Wobala Mida sent back a message. It seemed that there were traces of a strange civilization on the blue star. He called it a treasure, but he didn't say much, he just said conquest Later, I will report in detail."

"Strange?" Tadi Corey's eyes showed greed when he heard this, but he said: "In any case, if you dare to destroy our Apocalypse Fleet, you must avenge your revenge."

"Pass me the order!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone immediately knelt down!

"Send twenty warships, and I will make their lives worse than death."

"A small blue star dares to touch our Apocalypse civilization!"

The person next to him swallowed when he heard twenty sticks.

With the strength of today's enlightened civilization, twenty colonial warships are enough to easily destroy a fledgling third-level civilization!

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