Lin Luo sleeps with an egg every day, because this egg does not have a big comment on the system, there is only one line:

An unremarkable egg that can hatch.

Lin Luo originally relied on today's high-tech technology to incubate it, but after thinking about it, he was afraid that it would be damaged.

After all, this is a superb egg.

"There's no response yet. When will we come out?" Lin Luo would take one look at her every morning and mutter to himself:

"Could it be a bad guy?"

"After all, the system is so easy to give out, there must be no good products."



After waking up and having breakfast, we set out to hope for the biological base.

However, what he didn't know was that at the moment he left, on the roof, there was a strong...

The chubby figure squatted on the railing, squinting, watching Lin Luo leave.


"Morning." Lin Luo walked in and saw that everyone had arrived.

Today is the progress report meeting for the announcement of the second-order genetic lock.

Lin Luo sat on the top seat, Lu Chaoqun got up and said:

"Mr. Yang is undergoing training, so it's not convenient to come here. I'll report to him."

"The list of candidates for the second stage is a total of 100,000, all of whom are heavenly soldiers from the previous batch."

"The expansion of the new Tianbing has also been basically completed, and it will be expanded to two million."

Lin Luo nodded.

Now the plan of all Chinese people to be soldiers is difficult to realize for a while, after all, everyone's physique is different.

"Currently, the second-generation genetic reagents for more than 50 million people have been realized. Just wait for about half a year, and they can inject the second time to complete the first gene lock."

After Lu Chaoqun finished speaking, he sat down.

Lin Luo glanced at it, thought for a while, and said, "You go back and contact the legal department, and tell them to add a new one. Any unjust actions by genetically human beings will be judged as a crime. It can be deprived of abilities, or death .”

Everyone paused, and then suddenly realized.


If some people are strong and others are immature, they are naturally likely to be bullied.

Lin Luo is really thoughtful.

"Yes." Lu Chaoqun nodded.

Lin Luo looked at Zhu Yihui and said, "What do you think of the second-order gene lock?"

Zhu Yihui thought for a while, and said: "I deduced a little

, I think the second-order gene lock may be even more dangerous, and the preparations are ready and can start at any time. "

Lin Luo listened to some reports about other people.

Today, Wufeng's equipment has reached 3 million sets.

However, Wufeng's materials were also used up, and the sub-green beasts all over the world were wiped out.

However, this is clearly not enough.

Although Lin Luo has a lot of points now, it is impossible to waste them.

"...The basic situation is like this." Lin Luo got up and said:

"Although the enemy is gone, everyone still can't relax and make persistent efforts."

"The meeting is over."

When they got up, Lin Luo went to the window and took a look outside.

Tianjing has basically returned to its original appearance, and the pattern of the world has also undergone major changes.

The Eagle G played the role that Lin Luo said, that is to guide and develop the economy and resources of the entire world, integrate scientific and technological resources, and serve China.

As for the 909 agreement, there are only a dozen countries in the world that have not joined.

Among them, most of them are countries with grievances and grievances in the past.

After all, some things are forgivable and some things are not. Biqu library

Lin Luo didn't take the initiative to kill, it was already kind.

However, they are destined to be eliminated by history and Blue Star.


apocalypse galaxy

Tati Corey held a major galaxy expedition ceremony.

In the commemorative year of the 50,000-year anniversary of the Apocalypse civilization, such a thing actually happened, which really made Tati Corey angry.

This also made the Apocalypse people angry.

"If you don't kill them, how will other galaxies view us in the future?" Tati Corey shouted: "You must let them know that the glory of our Apocalypse civilization is not allowed to be violated."

"Yes." The leading captain knelt on the ground with both hands, accepting the order of Tadi Corey's scepter.

His name is Moss Jon.

The captain of Immortal II.

He is not only experienced, but also extremely cruel.

Once, he conducted a live broadcast of a massacre of 100 million people, which lasted for a month, and completely plunged the dignity of that race into hell.

And, more importantly, he and Wobala Mida are life and death friends.

He turned his head, looked up at the twenty warships in the sky, and shouted: "Let's go!"

The moment the sound fell

, the army was dispatched and poured into the spaceship in an orderly manner.

The Apocalypse people have long been accustomed to this kind of colonial war.

When the space battleships in the sky disappeared one after another, a director behind him asked Tali Corey, and said, "Your Majesty, Captain Wobala Mida is not a fool, we will It will not offend some civilizations that cannot be offended..."

Tali Corey couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and said: "The solar system is located in a remote place, and the nebula is showing signs of decline. It is impossible for there to be any civilization that we don't know about."

"The truly powerful civilization will not be in this kind of place."

"What I care more about is what Wobala Mida said..."



"Report to Academician Ye."

"All the energy fragments of the blue crystal have been salvaged. Academician Wu Shan invites you to go and have a look."

A soldier came over and saluted Ye Yi.

"Okay." Ye Yi was sweating, put down the things he was researching, and walked quickly to the other side.

This energy crystal is what Ye Yi is most looking forward to.

If it can really be deciphered, then there must be no problem for human beings to sail in the galaxy.

These guesses already existed before the salvage was completed.

Now, Ye Yi wanted to see if there was any breakthrough.

When Ye Yi passed by, he heard a scientist from the Eagle Nation say with emotion: "Oh my God, this is really the pinnacle of technology, it's so perfect, it's so perfect."


With the Blue Star civilization, it is hard to imagine how this craft was born.

This piece of energy fragments was divided into about forty pieces, and in such a huge explosion, being able to preserve it so perfectly is enough to prove its value.

"Take a look at this." Wu Shan beckoned, and a group of people passed by immediately, and he continued: "This kind of material should be similar to nuclear energy..."

Speaking of this, Ye Yi fell into deep thought, his eyes fixed on the structure of the energy crystal.

Why is it hollow in the middle.


Such a complex energy structure should not have such a design.

Science has no borders and no stars. Biqu library

Even if everyone's level is different, the basic theory is the same.

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