"Ye Yi..." Wu Shan looked at Ye Yi who was in a trance, and beckoned.

As soon as Ye came back to his senses, Wu Shan said, "What do you think?"

Ye Yi thought for a while and said, "I want to analyze his structure in more detail."

"It's not necessary." A scientist next to him said: "We have already mastered the layout of his energy circuit. The next thing we should study is how to use nuclear fuel to arrange this energy body."

Ye Yi also knew that what this scientist said was correct.


He is still very concerned about the hollow structure in the crystal.

It can be seen that there is obviously an extremely powerful defense measure in the crystal.

If it's outside, Ye Yi can still understand.

But inside, it doesn't fit the design concept at all.

Ye Yi beckoned, called the soldier next to him, and said, "Please go over and tell the person in charge, and then go to salvage to see if there are any similar pieces. Be careful."


Lin Luo came home and found a big problem, that is, the eggs were missing.

"Where's my egg?" Lin Luo's eyes became a little more impatient, and he asked Xia Qian next to him.

Xia Qian looked at Lin Luo's bed, and found that the egg that Lin Luo usually valued very much was indeed missing.

"Impossible, I've stayed here all day and haven't seen anyone coming in or out." Xia Qian frowned.

Although she has recently become fond of playing with her mobile phone, but...

An agent's alertness cannot go away.

"Could it be that someone really ate it?" Lin Luo's face darkened.

"Don't worry, most of your house is equipped with surveillance cameras." Xia Qian's thoughts turned extremely fast.

Lin Luo also came back to his senses, and the two immediately went to call for surveillance.

Since Lin Luo left in the morning, after a while, there is no change in the picture.

Then I saw Xia Qian coming in, scanned the situation in the house, made sure it was safe, and then went outside.

In this way, after about half an hour, suddenly a figure quietly appeared outside the house.

Even Xia Qian outside didn't notice at all.

"What is this?" Xia Qian narrowed her eyes and saw its white fur.

Not normal humans.

Xia Qian couldn't help becoming nervous, and said, "A new alien?"

Lin Luo's eyes froze.

this is not....

Is that the big fat creature above Zhu Feng?

why are you here


There is no surveillance in Lin Luo's bedroom. I only saw the big fat bear sneaking into Lin Luo's room. After a while, I saw it holding an egg and appearing on the surveillance outside the room.

"This..." Xia Qian was dumbfounded, this creature was too humane.

In the past, she was on top of Zhu Feng, but she didn't see its true face.

Lin Luo rubbed his brows, thinking that at the beginning he thought this creature was a fool, but now he is an egg thief.

"Bring me Zhang San." Lin Luo said.

"Yes." Xia Qian nodded and quickly found Zhang San.

When Zhang San heard that Lin Luo was looking for him, he came over in a hurry.

"Commander, is there any urgent action?" Zhang San asked.

"Yes." Lin Luo nodded.

Zhang San suddenly became nervous and said, "New aliens are here again?"

"No." Lin Luo said very seriously, "I lost my egg."


Zhang San was taken aback, and quickly looked under Lin Luo.

"?" Lin Luo frowned.

Zhang San suddenly realized, and said: "Oh oh oh, it's the egg you've been holding all the time. I told you to eat it..."

Seeing Lin Luo's expression again, Zhang San quickly said, "I'll chase it back."


Several hours later, Zhang San was out of breath.

"What the hell is this? It can run like that." Zhang San leaned on the tree with one hand, gasping for breath.

Zhang San's mental perception ability is indeed terrifying, and this kind of tracking is only a basic method.

"Where did you go?" Lin Luo asked.

If this one egg is destroyed, it's over.

Lin Luo didn't know the true origin of this creature, so he was a little anxious.

"Over there." Zhang San really wanted to curse.

This creature can cross a city in a short time. Lin Luo can do this, but he can't.

"You rest here."

"o..." Zhang San made an ok gesture while speaking, but saw that Lin Luo had disappeared in front of his eyes.


Zhang San smiled awkwardly, and simply sat on the ground, looked into space, and said, "They are all monsters."

After speaking, he lowered his head again, and his smile disappeared instantly.

In fact, he still wanted to go back to be a lawyer, but he didn't know how to talk to Lin Luo.

If the country needs him Zhang San,

He is willing to have no hesitation.

go back....

or stay?

Thinking of this, Zhang San suddenly heard the laughter beside him, turned his head, and saw a few little kids playing in the sand in the distance.

Zhang San stood up, and for a moment, a smile appeared on his face again.

"If everyone wants to be ordinary, who will stand up in the end?"

"Not everyone can be as great as General Manager Lin."

Thinking of this, Zhang San panted again, and chased down.


And in the airspace in the direction of Zhu Feng, two shadows of lightning and thunder crossed one after the other.

The next moment, a sudden brake...


Almost hit it.

"Wow~~" the creature shrank its legs, looked at Lin Luo in front of it again, and shouted.

That means...

You scare me.

"Hand it over." Lin Luo stretched out his hand and said.

The big fat bear was full of doubts.

"Stop pretending, my bastard." Lin Luo said.

He had a good impression of this creature before, but now Lin Luo needs to be vigilant.

But soon, Lin Luo's pupils shrank, because he didn't see the pet on the big fat bear at all.

"Have you eaten?" Lin Luo was nervous.

This egg is the best egg given by the system.

Seeing this situation, the big chubby bear actually raised his hands up, very humane, and looked at Lin Luo aggrievedly.

This time, Lin Luo was furious, and he didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Lin Luo's cell phone rang.

"Stay there, don't move." Lin Luo said loudly.

The big fat bear bared his teeth and smiled.

"I'm Lin Luo."

"Where did you chase after, I saw your egg in the bedroom." It was Xia Qian's voice.

"Ah?" Lin Luo paused, and said, "Go and check to see if you have become a bad guy."

"Bad guy?" Xia Qian didn't respond at first, but quickly regained her composure and said, "Let me see..."

"There is no sign of breaking."

Lin Luo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and saw that the big fat bear seemed to be moving, and shouted: "Don't move!"

The big fat bear still had a naive smile.

Lin Luo looked around at it, the big chubby bear was aggrieved and patted its belly, meaning, I can go now.

"No." Lin Luo said seriously: "You have been arrested under the name of egg thief."

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