across the ocean

A conference is underway that brings together almost the highest levels of the world.

Everyone's expression is serious and serious.

"...So, Master Lin Luo believes that this possibility is extremely high." Chen An glanced at the audience and said, "Everyone here, what do you think?"

After the voice fell, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, a representative raised his hand. He stood up and said, "Mr. Chen An, I don't intend to offend you, let alone offend Master Lin Luo, but what I want to ask is..."

"is it possible?"

Everyone discussed in low voices.

It's not that they are a frog in a well.

However, the Yinhe, the Great Wall of the Starry Sky, the Moon Star Sky Orbit, etc. in this plan are all too shocking.

Human technology should not be able to do it.

Before Chen An could speak, Temus stood up and said, "In the past, I witnessed the destruction of city n with my own eyes."

"I saw that huge space battleship appearing on the blue star."

"I'm thinking, the end of mankind is coming."

"I used to think, like Mao Xiong, to use nuclear bombs to destroy Blue Star."

"However, let's ask, have we ever thought about the Heavenly Soldiers Legion?"

"Have you thought about it, can we survive?"

"You don't have to believe in miracles, but..."

"You have to trust Master Lin Luo."

"He..." Jonarev also stood up and said loudly, "He is a miracle!"

Everyone's pupils shrank, and without time, the alpaca representative stood up and said loudly:

"I agree, I sell oil, how much I want, how much!"

"Would you like sand, I have a lot too!"



Although the Nantianmen Project is a global project, the core focus is two...

First, Heavenly Soldiers.

Second, technology.

As for the Heavenly Soldiers, the second-level genetic lock test is already underway, and the personnel have already come out.

However, in terms of technology, Ye Yi was under too much pressure.

He needs unconventional technology.

There are two key points that need to be used here.

First, the opponent's space battleship.

Ye Yi needs to gather the world's scientific and technological power to transform it into a Yinhe that was planned before.

Then, there is the space energy protective clothing.

Ye Yi has already deciphered the elementary information of the opponent's energy mech, as long as he applies these theoretical knowledge to practice, he can make it.

However, if it is to be mass-produced, it is difficult to say.

After all, as Lin Luo said, it is necessary to basically meet the needs of the heavenly soldiers.

In addition, there are new Starlink plans, Mars battlefield plans, and more.

Every project, every engineering, has never been touched by human beings.

Even before, only writers of novels with open minds had conceived such bold ideas.

Now, they need to put all these ideas into reality.

"Master, I'll leave it to you to protect mechas, this is your strong point." Ye Yi said after taking a sip of water.

"Yes." Wu Shan got up, and immediately sat down again.

Ye Yi turned his head and continued: "About the Yinhe, there is room for improvement. This is our only large-scale battle weapon. We don't want to hurt the enemy, but we must let the other party notice us..."

"The real battlefield is not us."


Hope Biological Base

Lin Luo looked at the eighty-eight people in front of him.

Here, the elites of various elementary gene locks are concentrated.




and many more.

They need to accept new challenges today.

"Are you afraid of death?" Lin Luo said loudly.

No one answered.

Until Zhang San's voice sounded: "Afraid!"

Everyone paused, but Zhang San said: "So, I don't want to die, I want to live."

Everyone took a deep breath.

But Lin Luo glanced at Zhang San...

It is indeed an extremely rare person with spiritual power genes.

Zhang San's desire to survive is indeed very strong.

"That's right." Lin Luo's voice softened a little, and he said, "If you live, you must live."

"In the name of...humanity!"

Half an hour later, they were sent to the Hall of Experimenters.

Among them, Yang Jun and the others were included, and most of them were the Yinlong Army.

Lin Luo stood outside, watching all this.

Any genetic experiment is dangerous.

In the previous first-order gene injection, it is not unheard of


There are also cases of failure. Although they did not lead to death, there are countless examples of escape from death.

The normal genes of human beings are weak. If you want to develop potential hidden genes, how can you not take risks.

Only by taking risks can we break through.


Three hours later, Zhu Yihui came to the command room to report on his work, and said, "All injections have been completed."

Lin Luo looked at the various images of the surveillance camera, and now they all fell into a brief coma.

I don't know how long this coma will last.

Lin Luo sat down at an angle where he could look at the Nantianmen Project on the desktop while looking at the screen.

Zhu Yihui next to him was not idle at the moment, he was doing genetic data comparison.

In this way, the two of them stayed in this command room for two full days.

So far, none of them have woken up.

A question Lin Luo often asks is...

Are there signs of life fluctuating.

Those staff members change their guards every two hours to ensure that they are absolutely energetic, so their situation is checked all the time.

If there is a situation, it will be reported as soon as possible.

"How about you go and have a rest." Lin Luo looked at Zhu Yihui.

After Lin Luo's serious warning, Zhu Yihui finally accepted the second-generation elementary genetic reagent, but his reaction was not very effective.

Zhu Yihui was already weak and didn't have much time for training.

However, his physique has also improved a lot compared to before, otherwise he wouldn't be able to survive these two days and nights.

"Okay." Zhu Yihui also nodded, because he didn't know when something would happen.

He looked at Lin Luo apologetically, but only he knew Lin Luo's fatigue.

This time, it didn't mean that Lin Luo couldn't rest, but that he was experimenting with a new gene lock, and he had to react immediately.

What will happen, no one can predict.

Just when Zhu Yihui was about to go out, suddenly the system at the back beeped, and then there was an explosion sound from the experimental base behind.

"Not good." Lin Luo and Zhu Yihui immediately stood up and rushed over there.

The entire experimental base also fell into a brief chaos.

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