
A group of heavenly soldiers rushed in because of the smoke and dust billowing inside.

When Lin Luo arrived, he saw nothing but the private room.

Looking up again, a light fell from the sky.

There, a hole was pierced.

"Who?" Lin Luo asked.

"Commander Yang Jun." A heavenly soldier said anxiously.

At this time, only two people were seen supporting a wounded heavenly soldier.

He is the person in charge of this room.

"What happened?" Zhu Yihui asked.

"Quick... hurry up and chase Commander Yang Jun." Tian Bing coughed dryly, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said, "He suddenly opened his eyes, and I went up to ask him. He punched me, and I didn't even dodge no..."

Lin Luo glanced at the military uniform he was wearing.

A member of the Dragon Army.

Neither the Shenlong Army nor the Yinlong Army is weak.

These two are the main force of the heavenly army.

Although they dare not attack Yang Jun, they still have the ability to dodge.

However, Yang Jun's attack only needs one punch.

Moreover, the other party said, there is no way to dodge.

Lin Luo said to Zhu Yihui: "Take care of him, and...beware of other people."

"Understood." Zhu Yihui nodded.

At this time, Lin Luo flew out directly, Zhu Yihui thought for a while, and said to the heavenly soldier next to him: "Send two teams over there, hurry up."

Although he knew Lin Luo was strong, he didn't know what happened to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun will attack the Heavenly Soldiers, so naturally he will also attack Lin Luo.


Lin Luo has been chasing after his traces, although he can't do like Zhang San, but fortunately, there are bloodstains.

Yang Jun's hands were stained with the blood of many heavenly soldiers.

Therefore, looking for these bloodstains, you should be able to find Yang Jun.

He walked all the way, because he was afraid of missing the clue, so he didn't dare to fly too fast.

Soon, they came to the outskirts of Tianjing.

Thirty years ago, in order to achieve ecological balance, a large number of artificial forests were built here, which is also one of the masterpieces of the oriental infrastructure madman.

Lin Luo frowned.

Entering here, it is not so easy to find.

After all, there are too many trees here.

When Lin Luo was in trouble, he suddenly heard a tiger roar.

Then, in the sky, the bird

Fly around in fright.

Lin Luo raised his eyes and immediately flew in that direction.

Sure enough, he saw a figure.

It's Yang Jun.

I just saw him shoot at an extremely fast speed...

This speed shocked Lin Luo.

Lin Luo's ability is far superior to theirs. If the Dragon Fist is twenty times that of Yang Jun's back then, Yang Jun's punch has caught up to ten times now.


Just the lowest valuation.

Of course, this is compared to the previous Lin Luo.

"Old Yang." Lin Luo shouted.

But the opponent didn't care about it, and when he punched the tiger to death, he opened his mouth, wanting to eat the tiger's flesh alive.

Lin Luo frowned, and flew forward directly, trying to stop him.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jun turned around and threw a punch.

Lin Luo launched three thousand thunder steps, stepped back, and dodged the punch.

He saw that Yang Jun's eyes were red.



Lin Luo looked at the bloody flesh in Yang Jun's hand, and before he thought about it, he saw Yang Jun attacking him.


He shouted like a beast, and then charged towards Lin Luo.

Lin Luo dodged while observing.

He can easily contain the opponent, but Lin Luo is unwilling to do so.

He wanted to see the changes in Yang Jun...


Suddenly, there was a sound of wind, and Lin Luo actually saw some blue light in Yang Jun's fist.

Could it be...

This is the gene power of the gene lock?

Lin Luo was guessing, but Yang Jun ran away immediately when he saw that Lin Luo could not be defeated by several attacks.

He is like a wild beast, possessing spiritual insight.

this person...

He can't beat it.

It's a pity that Lin Luo can't let him escape again.

The moment the genetic energy was mobilized, the three thousand thunder steps were several times faster than before.

At this moment, the direction of Yang Jun's advance was blocked.


When the Heavenly Soldiers arrived, they saw Yang Jun lying on the ground.

Lin Luo said: "He passed out, you send him back."

"Yes." Tianbing glanced at the ground and couldn't help but gasped.

They were only slow for a few minutes, and a two-meter pit had already been sunk in the ground

, The surrounding mountains and forests have been destroyed a lot.

When Zhu Yihui saw Lin Luo coming back, he was relieved.

"How is it?" Zhu Yihui asked.

"Is anyone else awake?" Lin Luo asked back.

"Not yet." Zhu Yihui said.

Lin Luo said to Zhu Yihui: "Immediately take a blood sample from Mr. Yang, the condition of the genetic chain...etc."

"Yes." Zhu Yihui immediately went to summon the team members.

"Xia Qian." Lin Luo shouted.


"Go and summon the Dragon Army. Each room is equipped with ten Dragon Army. When you see the other party waking up, immediately control it." Lin Luo said.

"Yes." Xia Qian ran out.

After Lin Luo gave his orders, he turned his head and went to the place where Yang Jun was placed.

"How about it?"

"The data is being collected." Zhu Yihui pointed to the genetic instrument. Biqu library

Soon, a large section of genetic data came in.

Lin Luo took a look, and there were no problems ahead, until a black genetic chain came in.

"This is..." Zhu Yihui swallowed, because the genetic chain of this color had never existed before.

Lin Luo waited until he finished reading and glanced at it.

Even Lin Luo had never seen this kind of genetic chain.

"Wait." Lin Luo recalled something, found the gene chain of the Apocalypse, and found that part of the gene chain in his brain was similar.

This similarity does not mean the structure is the same, but the way of arrangement.

"This is the secret of the second-order genome?!" Zhu Yihui became excited.

Lin Luo has been staring at the genetic chain.

Strength increased tenfold.

The speed is also greatly improved.

At the same time, the most frightening thing is that he has also mastered the power of genes.

Reminiscent of how the other party just ate animals raw...

Only savages can make such a state.

In other words, it is impossible for Yang Jun to control his body.

And only primitive people can make such actions.

"Could it be that the second-order gene lock really unlocks the atavistic gene that has disappeared for a long time?" Lin Luo took a breath and came to such a conclusion.

Zhu Yihui next to him was dumbfounded.

Atavistic genes.

What is this?

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