The atavistic gene is an idea that Lin Luo has conceived for a long time.

Along with Lin Luo's more and more research on genetic organisms, Lin Luo began to have a new theory of evolution.

When humans evolve, they will make themselves stronger and stronger for convenience.

However, behind the seemingly powerful, there may also be something missing.

Hypothetically, the ancestors of human beings were really ape-men.

Well, one of the things that apes are good at, is the ability to climb trees.

Later humans were obviously not so good at climbing.

Therefore, this part degenerates and hides in the gene chain.

If the ape-man ancestors did not give up life in the trees, will they learn to fly one day?

Although this is just a guess, no one has studied these in the long history of mankind, so there is no way to draw a conclusion.

"How to deal with it?" Zhu Yihui asked.

"He just lost his mind, let his family come over and try to wake him up," Lin Luo said.


In the past few days, the Institute of Biology is not stable, and someone wakes up soon.

The one who moved a little too fast was caught by the Shenlong Army and was knocked unconscious.

However, occasionally there is some flexibility.

For example, Li Donglai.

He had escaped before, because his speed was so fast that he just ran away when he woke up.

This product is originally the genetic chain of speed, and fortunately Lin Luo happened to be at the base.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to find him.

You must know that these people are unconscious now, and if they go outside, it will inevitably cause huge damage to civilians.

"Dad...Dad..." Xuanxuan was beside the bed, shaking Li Donglai frantically.

This is what Lin Luo asked her to do.

Their life characteristics are stable, but their brains are controlled by that black gene chain.


As long as you can get back in shape, that's fine.

Just when Xuanxuan turned her head to look at Lin Luo, Li Donglai suddenly opened her eyes wide. Lin Luo quickly hugged Xuanxuan on top of her head and looked at Li Donglai warily.

Li Donglai roared and looked at the two of them with bared teeth and claws.

"Ah~~~" Xuanxuan was taken aback.

"Xuanxuan, close your eyes." Lin Luo was ready to strike.

Unexpectedly, Xuanxuan looked at Li Donglai with big pupils, and called out with watery eyes: "Dad...Dad..."

Lin Luo stretched out his hands to Li Donglai's neck, suddenly Li Donglai twitched, then fell to the ground and struggled in pain.

"Dad... woo woo woo... Dad." Xuan Xuan was startled, and cried directly, trying to struggle to leave Lin Luo to see Li Donglai.

However, how could Lin Luo let go.

He lowered his head and was about to slap Li Donglai unconscious, but he saw him suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood, then coughed dryly, opened his eyes suddenly, looked at Lin Luo's outstretched hand, and said, "Boy, what are you doing? You want to avenge yourself, don't you?" !"

"Ah?!" Lin Luo paused.

"It stinks!" Li Donglai felt his mouth was fishy, ​​and only now noticed Xuanxuan who was crying, and said, "Why did you make my daughter cry?"

He reached out to take it, but Lin Luo hesitated.

Only then did Li Donglai realize what was happening, he looked around and said, "What happened?"

Half an hour later, Li Donglai accepted a comprehensive physical examination.

"Normal." Zhu Yihui said to Lin Luo.

"Huh." Lin Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Donglai was comforting Xuanxuan, then plugged her ears and said, "I really ran out by myself?"

"Why lie to you?" Lin Luo smiled wryly.

"No..." Li Donglai said with a strange expression, "I feel like I'm falling into an abyss."

"It's hard, it's confusing, I'm constantly struggling."

"And finally?" Lin Luo asked.

"I heard Xuanxuan's voice." Li Donglai said.

After finishing speaking, Li Donglai said again: "If only relatives can wake up, then such a large-scale injection of the second-order genetic reagent would be unrealistic."

"No." Lin Luo said: "You are a successful case. We only need to compare your gene fragments and find out the corresponding data chain inside, and then we can recreate the correct second segment of gene."

"At that time, waking up will definitely not be as troublesome as you."

"How is Admiral Yang?" As a reckless man, Li Donglai naturally didn't understand science and wasn't interested.

Lin Luo pointed to the screen, Li Donglai turned his head and saw Yang Jun licking his lips on the screen...

Don't think about it, this guy wants to eat it even in his dreams.

"It's disrespectful to be old!" Li Donglai said with emotion.


After Li Donglai woke up, others succeeded one after another.

These people have provided excellent help for the second-order biological genes.

In just 15 days, Lin Luo and Zhu Yihui completed several genetic reconstruction plans.

It's like a viral antibody, as long as you get a successful case, you can replicate the process.

After all, Lin Luo had perfected the human genetic map before.

"There is only the last one left." Zhu Yihui said happily, looking at the last person in the picture.

Zhang San.


He was the only one who participated in the psychiatric department.

Because there are few spiritual departments.



People, physical strength is not very good.

Zhang San was usually dragged by Yang Jun to practice, and only then was he qualified.

"Don't worry, take your time." Lin Luo said.

He saw that there were ten heavenly soldiers stationed in the laboratory room, and he was not worried.

Zhang San is weak, so he can't run.

And at this time, the ten heavenly soldiers who stayed in the laboratory room were sitting there, five of them were watching, and five of them were sleeping, taking turns to be on duty.

Suddenly, the five awake people saw a sleeping person stand up, they laughed and said, "Old Zhu, didn't you just say that you were sleepy? Why did you wake up after sleeping for so long?"

"It must be due to the inability of the kidneys to hold back." A person next to him joked.

Everyone laughed.

These people are life and death comrades-in-arms on the battlefield, and it's normal to joke around.

Lao Zhu didn't answer their words, and walked straight over. Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide and struck the head of the second speaker with one hand.

This scene changed the atmosphere of the audience suddenly.

The room was full of blood, and everyone stopped Lao Zhu directly. Fortunately, the heavenly soldier reacted quickly, so the main artery was not injured.

However, they were puzzled...

Lao Zhu's temper is the best, it is impossible for this to happen!

Moreover, they are brothers who live and die.


South China

This is the China Airlines Space Launch Base.

It is also the hometown of the celebrity anchor Xie Mo, who previously broadcast the Human Lifespan Project, making his popularity even stronger.

However, this kind of opportunity is rare, Xie Mo also understands, some should be broadcast, and some should not be broadcast.

Most of the time when he has nothing to do, he shoots spaceships.

Like the spaceships of the Shenzhou series, he basically did not fall...

After all, the rabbit is too close to the nest.

But now...

"Oh, everyone, it's about to launch again."

"Oh, that's amazing."

Xie Mo explained perfunctorily the spaceship launched from the space launch base in the rear, while the barrage laughed.

It's not Xie Mo's fault.

Every time the live broadcast of the spaceship takes off, Xie Mo is full of passion.

These days, that's an exception.


Too much.

In just half a month, more than 30 spaceships were launched.

No matter how delicious the food is, if you eat too much, you will vomit.

"Uncle Mo, do you know what we are going to do, why are we launching so many spaceships?" Bangyi asked.

When Xie Mo heard this, he frowned, and then said: "Young man, you have inquired so much, are you a spy?"

Everyone laughed.

Xie Mo still did not explain.

In fact, he was also curious about what the country was doing.

Is it possible to launch spaceships for activities now, free for a limited time and no money?

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