When Lin Luo was notified and rushed to the scene, he saw blood all over the ground.

"They didn't know what was going on, and all of a sudden they started fighting each other."

"Fortunately, our surveillance personnel found out, otherwise these ten people would probably kill each other to death."

Looking at the blood all over the floor, Li Donglai also took a deep breath.

Ten heavenly soldiers killed each other here, and almost had a big problem.


No lives were lost.

However, a few are dying.

If the previous medical technology was used, it would be impossible to save him.

"Is there any grievance?" Lin Luo asked.

"They are brothers who have lived through life and death, and they have a good relationship. This time, they arranged to be together, and they asked me." Said the company commander of the Dragon Army next to him.

Lin Luo kept watching the monitor.

Above the monitoring, these people were joking and laughing, but they really couldn't see any hatred.

This kind of task is actually equivalent to the relaxation task of the soldiers, so there is no talk of discipline.

Until, Lin Luo saw the scene where Lao Zhu changed suddenly.

I only saw that after Lao Zhu was subdued, a soldier next to him suddenly woke up and made the same move to mutilate his compatriots...

"I'll investigate these people strictly," Li Donglai said to Lin Luo.

He was very angry that such a situation happened in the team.

Lin Luo raised his hand to signal him not to speak.

He watched the surveillance quietly, and finally, he turned his head to look at Zhang San who was still sleeping.

He opened his mouth and said, "Everyone, don't approach him!"


"This is...."

When Zhang San woke up, he found that there was no one around. He went out to look and found that the sky was red, and he saw that the sky above the blue star was covered with dark clouds.

Can't see the sun, can't see too good light.

On the ground, a raging fire.

as well as....

The crowd struggling in the fire ahead.

"Save me, save me!"

Those people yelled heart-piercingly.

have children.

There are women.

Their helpless shouts deeply hurt Zhang San's nerves.

Suddenly he raised his head suddenly and looked at the tall stone tablet in front of him.

Just see it says:


One after another.

One after another.


So much more?


Suddenly, he saw a golden building, his pupils suddenly shrank


he saw...

It read: Lin Luo.

"No!" Zhang San shouted loudly, his heart sank into hell at this moment.

what happened?

Could it be...

Commander Lin Luo also lost?



He is Lin Luo.

Zhang San didn't believe it, he walked over quickly, only to see the words written on the sky tablet above:

Human chief engineer: Lin Luo.

"It's...it's him." Zhang San's pupils shrank, and his legs trembled.

He knelt in front of Lin Luo.

Can human beings still be unable to escape the fate of destruction?

Even Lin Luo, can't change it?


Why! !

At this moment, a voice sounded in Zhang San's mind:

"Hungry for...power?"

"The power to really change yourself!"

"You... don't want to die, do you?"


Time passed day by day, and the Nantianmen project was on track.

Since Zhang San did not wake up, people in the spiritual field did not carry out the second-level gene lock.

All other branches have already been carried out on a large scale.

Now, a month has passed, and Zhang San is also here, sleeping for a month.

"Zhang San hasn't woken up yet, but his body secretes a lot of life hormones."

"His vitality is growing vigorously every day."

Zhu Yihui came to report to Lin Luo almost every day.

Lin Luo frowned slightly.

The system once said at the beginning that the spiritual system is a very special gene chain in human genes.

This time, Lao Zhu and these soldiers killed each other, almost causing a big incident.

Afterwards, after investigation, several people did not know what was going on.

When they woke up, they had no memory at all.

In order to strictly verify, Li Donglai also used methods such as lie detectors, and finally proved one thing:

The source of this mutation came from Zhang San.

"I'm going to go to space for a few days." Lin Luo said to Zhu Yihui: "You must pay close attention to Zhang San's affairs. If there is any abnormality, please use the satellite phone to contact me as soon as possible."

"Yes." Zhu Yihui nodded.

Lin Luo saw Zhu Yihui go out, then glanced at Dabai who was sleeping late, went out, and looked at Xia Qian who was reading a book.

Recently, this woman

Stop playing with your phone and read a book instead.

"In the past few days, you help me keep an eye on this bear, so that it does not steal away the eggs." Lin Luo said.

When Xia Qian heard this, she put down her book, but frowned and said, "Dabai is usually very well-behaved, he either eats or sleeps, and even hatches eggs for you..."

"I think there is still a need for some trust between people."

"You..." Lin Luo was very surprised, and said, "When did you talk so long?"

After finishing speaking, he laughed again: "However, it is not human, and it has a criminal record, and its origin is unknown..."


Xia Qian was speechless, picked up the book again, and continued to read.


"Boss Lin!"

Soldiers salute Lin Luo at the southern space launch complex.

Today, this place has become the only Chinese open area in the world.

Since this project requires the concentration of global scientific and technological resources, there are often a large number of foreigners coming and going here.

After all, even if Ye Yi had this strength, it would be impossible if he didn't have so many capable people under his command.

Lin Luo nodded slightly, and then walked in, his eyes brightened.

In the past, space must be launched in the form of rockets, but now due to the improvement of the energy system, it is already possible to implement a take-off method similar to that of an airplane.

After all, with sufficient power, there is no need for multi-stage jump launches.

The staff knew that Lin Luo was coming and made preparations.

After a while, Lin Luo sat on the cabin and launched towards outer space.

After a few hours, Lin Luo saw the new international space station on the moon, which is much larger than the previous space station.

And because of the improvement of protective clothing, human beings' ability to exercise in space has been greatly enhanced, which makes their work much more convenient.

When Lin Luo entered the space station, he saw Ye Yi.

At this moment, Ye Yi has been in space for a long time, and he is the main person in charge of the space program of the Nantianmen Project.

"Brother Lin Luo." Ye Yi put down the lunch box in his hand and walked up.

Lin Luo smiled and said: "I have matured a lot, and I have started to grow beards."

Ye Yihan smiled, turned to Lin Luo and said, "Look."

Lin Luo looked towards the outer space, and his eyes immediately brightened.

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