Above the sky of Mars, everything is filled with huge steel behemoths.

Under Moss Jon's order, the dense army of Apocalypse landed directly from the sky.

This scene makes people's scalp tingle.

After they landed, they waited at the pre-landing site of Yongsheng 4, ready to help it get out of trouble.

Looking at this scene, Moss Jon only had one question in his mind.

That is the Blue Star civilization, what kind of civilization is it?


"Prepare for an emergency landing."

The moment the voice of the intelligent system sounded, the captain of Yongsheng 4 saw a person coming in with Wufeng in one hand.

It's Li Donglai.

He glanced at the captain in front of him and strode forward.

This time, the blood on his body was all from the Apocalypse.


He shouted loudly and rushed over.

"Hold them." The captain panicked and fled quickly, while using the emergency escape route.

Li Donglai rushed over, one knife was one.

The scene suddenly became extremely chaotic, and the team leader next to him said to Li Donglai: "Do you want to chase?"

Capture the thief first and capture the king first.

I understand everything.

I saw that the captain was dressed differently.

But Li Donglai said: "Don't chase for now, control the entire cabin."

The reason why he didn't chase him was that when he came, Lin Luo also said something:

Don't push the rabbit into a hurry.

If so, the captain was killed.

Perhaps the opponent will spare no effort to launch the butcher.

At that time, the entire spacecraft will die.


Give them hope.


When Lin Luo rushed to the sky above Mars, he saw dense black spots below, just like ants.

His communicator received a message from Yang Jun.

"How is Li Donglai?"

"No news yet." Lin Luo exhaled.

All wars must wait for Li Dong to control the control room of the Eternal Life.

Only by cutting off the opponent's retreat in advance can the opponent spare no effort to participate in the battle.

At this time, the intelligent system of Yongsheng 4 automatically operated the spacecraft to make an emergency landing, and a large number of soldiers from other fleets rushed over.

They already have the protection energy identification of the spaceship, so they are able to pass through the whole system.

Seeing this scene, Yang Jun couldn't help being anxious.


Inside, there are many dragons and heavenly soldiers.

The so-called two fists are hard to beat four hands, no matter how strong the heavenly soldiers are, they are only individuals after all.

Lin Luo is also very anxious.

But there is no way.

If the strength cannot crush the opponent, then it can only rely on sophisticated strategies.

In this war until now, they are still the weak side.

After all, the opponent is a third-level civilization that has been developed for tens of thousands of years.

If it is so easy to eliminate, the third-level civilization is too simple.

Just as Lin Luo was thinking, Li Donglai's voice suddenly came from the communicator: "General Manager Lin, I am Li Donglai, and I have already taken control of the cabin control room!"

"Open the energy shield!" Lin Luo said.

Li Donglai directly pressed the energy switch according to what Ye Yi taught.

At this moment, Lin Luo really saw that the blue energy shield disappeared.

This scene, like a signal, shocked all the soldiers ambushing on Mars.

"Mr. Yang!"


"Pass me the military order!" Lin Luo said coldly:

"Attack with all your strength!"

"Leave them... all on Mars!"


When Yang Jun heard that sentence, he got up suddenly and flew into the air at the same time. The flag soldiers next to him were in the air at the moment, waving the flag of China. At the same time, the familiar and passionate horn sounded again:

Da da da! Da da da! ! Da da da! ! ! !


Immediately, the audience erupted, and all the heavenly soldiers saw the waving flag, and...

The bloodline awakened from the dna.

None of the soldiers didn't know the significance of this charging horn.

But at this moment, when Moss Jon was watching the situation improve because of the support, he suddenly heard the horn.

Then, I saw a dense crowd of Blue Stars rushing out from nowhere.


Those heavenly soldiers entering the Tianqi army are like wolves entering a flock of sheep.


This is unilateral slaughter.

Even if...

What they faced was the apocalypse fighters who were several times more than them.

so what?

In the past, they were still 50-50.

Now, I have become stronger, but you are still standing still.

Yang Jun hit Wufeng, and in a short moment, he was covered with blood

, He is unrestrained and rampant on the battlefield.

Just like he said...

He has a dream, that is to be the Blue Star Shura.

Less than ten minutes after the dispatch of the Celestial Soldiers, the formation of the Apocalypse Army immediately dispersed.

Moss Jon panicked at this moment.

He is not a fool, he only needs to recall a bit, and he will be able to understand the origin of all this.

Game in game.

Everything is just for them to crash-land on this planet. Biqu library

Cold sweat broke out all over his body.

Who is the person who arranged all of this behind this?

It's also horrible.

He understood that he was careless.

However, it was too late.

Because they have dispatched nearly 70% of their troops.

Could it be...

Watching these people die?

"Release all the sub-green beasts." Moss Jon shouted.

Except for Immortal No. 4, all the valves were opened, and the sub-green beast appeared again.

Moss Jon also knew that these monsters could not hinder these heavenly soldiers.


If they can crush and consume them by numbers, then the victory of this war still belongs to them.

"Captain, why don't you activate that..." the deputy captain next to him said.

"No." Moss Jon said, "It cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary."


Li Donglai looked at the army of heavenly soldiers who had joined them, and his face was also beaming.

The team leader next to him said: "Let's kill them."

"No." Li Donglai looked at the team leader and said, "The commander-in-chief has more important tasks for us."

"What task?" The captain was puzzled.

Li Donglai glanced at Zhang San next to him at this time, and the latter nodded.

At this time, Li Donglai shouted: "Team 2 obeys orders."


"Guard the cabin until Marshal Yang comes to receive it."

"Yes." The captain of Team 2 shouted.

But at this moment, Li Donglai waved his hand and led Zhang San and a small team towards another direction.

No one knew what they were going to do.

There is no time to control them.

The entire Mars has completely become a battlefield of flesh and blood.

Corpses flew around.

The artillery roared.

The peace that had been left in this dead land beside the blue star was completely ignited.

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