On the bloody battlefield, the abilities of the Heavenly Soldiers Legion are fully displayed on this vast battlefield.

The power of genes, this thing beyond human understanding.

If you just think that after unlocking the second-order genetic lock, it is only 1+1=2, you are very wrong.

Lin Luo tested Yang Jun and the others, and concluded that:

There is no conclusion.


The power of genes has completely widened the gap between the heavenly soldiers.

Some people can surpass the original by more than ten times.

Some people, just four times.

Lin Luo believes that the awakening of gene energy is the result of human beings awakening to the qualitativeization of atavistic genes.

It can be seen that on the battlefield, not only the speed, strength, and reaction of the heavenly soldiers have changed.

Their hands have gradually been able to bloom some light of energy.

This is the power of genes.

Some powerful and skilled celestial soldiers can use this energy on Wufeng.

The mecha, which used to require a few knives to cut through, is now under a more powerful impact, and it has truly cut iron like mud.


Yang Jun led several teams directly into the cabin of the Yongsheng No. 4 Fleet. Seeing the densely packed soldiers inside, he couldn't help but gasped.

If there is no second-order gene lock, then no matter how successful the Nantianmen Project is, it is absolutely impossible to win more with less.

Just imagine, how many Apocalypse fighters and sub-green beasts can be dispatched by twenty space battleships.

"Commander." The captain of the Shenlong Army who stayed behind saw Yang Jun and hurried forward.

"Where's Li Donglai?" Yang Jun asked.

"They have already set off," said the captain.

Yang Jun nodded, waved and said, "Empty the control room."

While speaking, the Apocalypse Warriors on the other side had already fallen into defeat.

They still have more people than the Heavenly Soldiers, and they also have the opportunity and weapons to kill the Heavenly Soldiers.

However, this overwhelming situation made the Apocalypse people panic.

They have always been high above the winners, how could they have experienced such a fiasco.

They hid behind the green beasts one after another, trying to use them as human shields.


The sub-green beast is nothing more than an obsolete item under the times.

After more and more soldiers of the apocalypse died, Moss sat on the spaceship.

Jon also received a lot of debriefing.

After Moss Jon heard the news, his head grew dizzy.

If people from Apocalypse also smoke dull cigarettes, Moss Jon probably can smoke ten at a time.

He knew that he should take decisive measures.

At this moment, an Apocalypse man next to him handed him a small communicator and said, "Your Excellency Callum's interstellar communication!"

Moss Jon was taken aback when he heard the name, and there was some fear in his eyes.

Tati Corey is the master of the apocalyptic civilization and the leader in the eyes of everyone.


Alvin Callum is a god.

Because it was this man who changed the civilization of Apocalypse.

Under his plan, a war of aggression and colonization was launched against a galaxy that had just entered a third-level civilization, and a third-level civilization was plundered as a second-level civilization.

Since then, the Apocalypse civilization has entered the ranks of the third-level civilization.

So far, the Apocalypse civilization has ushered in a qualitative change under his planning.

This man, with his wisdom and charisma, can shock everyone in Apocalypse...

Including Tadi Corey.

He is the emperor teacher of Apocalypse, the spokesperson of wisdom!

"Did I ask you to communicate with him?" Moss Jon frowned.

The universe is so big, there must be a communication system.

However, the third-level civilization is unable to do this kind of instant communication at such a distance.

The energy signal source uploaded back from Blue Star actually relied on the communication system of a higher civilization.

The communication equipment in front of him is something from another higher technological civilization, but it was rented by the Apocalypse civilization at a high price.

This kind of civilization is capable of teleportation and communication across space.

Of course, even just once, the price is extremely high.

"I think it's time for us to ask for advice..." The Apocalypse man only spoke halfway, Moss Jon raised his hand suddenly, and a beam of energy light directly smashed the opponent's head. Biqu library

This scene stunned all the Apocalypse people present.

Moss Jon didn't show any expression. He picked up the communicator and said with great respect: "Your Excellency Allam, I'm Moss Jon."

It took a long time before the voice rang out: "It's useless to only be angry. When Wobala Mida died, you should have considered more carefully and thoughtfully."

"Jon, tell me...all of it."

"Don't miss a single detail."


".... Commander Lin Luo is here."

After Yang Jun received the report from the soldiers nearby, he took it easy and said, "It seems that Li Donglai and the others don't need to act."

While speaking, Yang Jun had already seen that Qixing's army showed signs of retreating steadily that day.

And outside, under the command of Lin Luo, a sensational interception operation began.

If the opponent realizes that he is invincible, he must think about retreating.

When the enemy is on the spaceship, the threat of the blue star is back to the past.

Yang Jun asked the Heavenly Soldiers beside him, "Are you ready?"

This group of heavenly soldiers received three months of training from Ye Yi.

"Almost." So Tianbing said quickly.

Their task is to...

Take full control of this spaceship, ready for emergencies.

Outside, Lin Luo commanded the entire battlefield, and under the other 19 spaceships, carried out a large-scale interception operation.

He scanned the sky.

Now, for the spaceship in the sky, there are two other ways that Lin Luo is most worried about.

First, turn around and point directly at Blue Star.

Second, start the butcher, and destroy them together with the Apocalypse.

However, no matter which one it is, tens of millions of Apocalypse soldiers on Mars will die.

Will their high-ranking Apocalypse people endure this?

Lin Luo thought that he couldn't bear it.

Just like you are a high-ranking colonist, will you be willing to admit defeat before you fail completely?

Will not.

Lin Luo knew that the answer was not 100%.

However, it occupies the vast majority of possibilities.

Lin Luo is not a god, and he can only count so far.


On the spaceship, after Moss Jon said the last word, he was silent for a few seconds.

At this time, Alvin Callum's voice sounded:

"Jon, what you are facing is a man of great wisdom."

"His wisdom is even close to the point where he can stand side by side with me."

"The Blue Star Civilization is really not that good."

"You have two options..."

"First, use the butcher to destroy everything."

"Second, turn the battleship around and head straight to Blue Star."

"There... is what he fears the most."

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