When the voice sounded, Moss Jon's pupils suddenly shrank.

He never expected that Alvin Callum would give such a suggestion.

He mused, "If I do this, these people... will all die."

"Yes." Alvin Callum said calmly.

"This is tens of millions, almost twenty million Apocalypse soldiers!" Moss Jon shouted with his neck red.

Even if...

They were originally red-skinned.

"I know." Alvin Callum said: "Jon, you are not his opponent. What you can do is destroy everything..."

Moss Jon pondered.

In fact, he never thought about these two options.

However, he was really not reconciled.

If he lost tens of millions of soldiers and went back, he would definitely not be able to sit in this position.

He will also become the most failed colonial captain in the history of Apocalypse.

Alvin Callum naturally saw it, and he said to Moss Jon: "If the final result will be even worse..."

"Your Excellency, please take a look." Moss Jon raised his head.

Alvin Callum looked forward, his pupils shrank.

he saw...

A luminous star.

a global satellite.

That is...


Even he, Alvin Callum, was also moved by it, and his breathing became short of breath.

"Your Excellency, Emperor Master, I request a battle."

"If I can get the treasure on the blue star, I think our Apocalypse civilization may have a chance to overcome the bottleneck that is difficult to break through..."

Moss Jon said.

After a few seconds of silence, Alvin Callum's voice sounded again:

"You still have a chance to break the game."

"Above your spaceship, there should be a Tier 3 behemoth, right?"

"That's untamed." Moss Jon said coldly, his pupils shrinking.

"Jon." Alvin Callum's voice became heavy and powerful, and he said, "As I said, you are not his opponent."

"This man planned everything."

"If my guess is correct, you have already given the order to retreat, and the retreat of our Apocalypse army should all be blocked."

Moss Jon paused.

Before the communication, he did give an order to evacuate. At this moment, he glanced at the big screen, but saw that the outside of the spaceship was densely packed with heavenly soldiers.

As expected, the way out was cut off.

The Emperor Master of the Stars really lived up to his reputation.

Even if you are far away, you can still calculate everything.

"I understand." Moss Jon bent down and said respectfully: "Pass me an order, all battleships... release the third-level behemoth!"

Hearing this, Alvin Callum couldn't help but smile.

The way to break the game is simple.

Since you can't beat it, beat it indiscriminately.


"...control complete."

"We have turned off the opponent's intelligent system and adopted manual control."

Tianbing turned his head and said to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun was overjoyed when he heard this.

At this moment, he seemed to hear something.

Slightly astonished, he asked, "Did you hear any sound?"

The other heavenly soldiers nodded sharply, and one said, "I seem to hear a huge beast cry."

At this moment, the battlefield outside suddenly became chaotic, and someone shouted loudly:

"There are monsters!"

"Everyone be careful!"

When Yang Jun heard this, he felt that he was flying towards the outside, and the moment he raised his head, his pupils shrank involuntarily.

On the sky, there were more densely packed monsters at some point.

Those monsters are more than 5 meters tall, walking upright, with four arms, with sharp swords and claws on their hands. On the beast-like heads, their bones can be seen exposed, firmly protecting them.

However, such a behemoth can fly in the air.


The huge monster roared, and one of them slammed down from the air to the ground.


The moment the huge landing sound sounded, smoke and dust rose everywhere.

All I could hear was a loud scream from the crowd.

With the Celestial Legion...

But most of them belong to the Apocalypse.

"Level three behemoth, it's a behemoth of level three!"


The Apocalypse shouted loudly.

However, when the third-level behemoth landed, it saw one grabbing an Apocalypse soldier with one hand.

The armor protection

The moment the energy shield touched the giant beast's claws, it was crushed to pieces.

In the end, the Apocalypse soldier was engulfed by the monster amidst desperate cries.

At this moment, Yang Jun's heart beat straightly accelerated.

He knew that the accident Lin Luo mentioned...



Above that sky, Moss Jon saw the Apocalypse soldiers fleeing wildly and being torn apart by the third-level giant beast, his eyes were red.

He, Moss Jon, has led troops for thousands of years.

He knows soldiers best.

No one wants to die.

He didn't even want to die by his hands.

However, just like what Alvin Callum said.

This is the best way.

If you can't beat it, then hit it indiscriminately.

Release the monsters that everyone can't beat, so that the opponent's formation will be dispersed.


The opportunity for the Apocalypse to retreat has come.

"Issuing the evacuation signal again." Moss Jon said weakly: "How much...how much can you live?"

At this moment, Lin Luo also saw the monster that appeared.

Although the Celestial Soldiers also sensed the danger, when they came, Yang Jun told them...

Absolutely can't let go of the retreat.

This retreat is not their retreat.

It's the blue star's dead end.

Between life and Blue Star, the country, and the people, their eyes are still firm.

However, the price for this is...

Their casualties began to be heavy.

"Heavenly Soldiers listen to the order, organize a small team, cover the retreating army, and attack the monsters." Lin Luo issued an order on the command communication.

But when he spoke, his pupils burst.

Because he saw that a heavenly soldier was torn alive by the third-level giant beast.

Lin Luo stood up abruptly and flew towards the third-level giant beast.

It's just that the sky is densely packed with third-level behemoths.

thousand heads.

Ten thousand.

At least...

Start with 200,000 heads. Biqu library

They are like killing machines without consciousness at all, without IQ, falling into the crowd and slaughtering crazily.

Whether it's a person from Apocalypse or a person from Blue Star.

Lin Luo's eyes were red.

The other party was too ruthless to use such a tactic to break the boat.

"Li Donglai, execute the plan:..."


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