Li Donglai led Zhang San and the others to walk under the ground, where various tunnels had been opened long ago.

According to the statistics of the Bureau of Strategy, the Nantianmen Project alone consumed nearly ten years of human productivity.

This point is not false.

At this moment, Li Donglai saw everything outside through the surveillance system, and gritted his teeth.

He wanted to return to the battlefield.

However, he has more important tasks to do.


Beheading action.

That's their job.

The real legion Li Donglai led was the Yinlong Army. The original intention of this legion was to enter the enemy's camp without the enemy's inadvertence.

"I thought it was unnecessary." Li Donglai shut down Lin Luo's communication, gritted his teeth, and said.

Unexpectedly, Zhang San next to him said: "Trust him, with General Manager Lin outside, we won't lose."

Li Donglai turned his head and saw Zhang San's eyes, he also paused.

I only saw him walking in front and said: "Let's go, this one... probably not."


Lin Luo stood up abruptly, looking at the besieged third-level behemoth, he couldn't help frowning into a line.

It was only seen that under the siege of several heavenly soldiers, the third-level giant beast was unscathed.

too strong.

Great strength, solid defenses...

And, a huge lava flame can be ejected from that mouth.

What kind of monster is this?

Lin Luo has never been in contact with the universe, so naturally he doesn't know the giant beast system.

Among the civilizations of the universe, there is a special system, that is, giant beasts.

These behemoths have powerful abilities, but their disadvantage is...

Lack of wisdom.

Similarly, the civilization of the universe divides them into levels.

Like the previous sub-green beast, it was only a second-level beast, while the third-level behemoth was a qualitative leap.

The changes at each level are not just talked about casually.

The monster released by Moss Jon in front of him is called the Herald.

This kind of creature has powerful fire-attribute energy in its body, and the energy lava it shoots can instantly burn people to death.

In the beginning, the Apocalypse paid a huge price to obtain this giant beast.

Over the years, they have been looking for a way to tame this behemoth.

If they can be used by Apocalypse, then the combat effectiveness of Apocalypse will be greatly enhanced.

Lin Luo saw a celestial soldier in front of him about to be torn apart by the Herald Beast. The moment the Three Thousand Thunder Steps were launched, he had already arrived at the opposite side.

Fang's back, while pulling him.


The claws of the monster flew.

Lin Luo frowned.

Dragon Fist!

A huge dragon's aura shot up into the sky, and when the giant beast's powerful claws collided, Lin Luo fell back a few meters.

He looked at the monster again, and it turned out to be unscathed.

Lin Luo gasped.

He understands the power of Dragon Fist.

Even if Yang Jun unlocked the second-order gene lock, compared with Lin Luo's power, the gap is still too far.

After all, Lin Luo has a system that is constantly devouring their power.

The soldier next to him shrank his pupils...

It is said that their head coach is very strong.

Now, he sees it.

No one can fight this monster.

However, their General Manager Lin can.

While the soldier was in a daze, Lin Luo took the Wufeng in his hand, stepped forward, and looked at the huge third-level beast.

Quick Blade!

Lin Luo suddenly enlarged his eyes.

This move was the first time he used it in actual combat.



Its interpretation in the system is to use the fastest speed and strongest force to release the power in the body.

Lin Luo glanced ahead, when he clenched the blade tightly, the genetic energy in his body surged wildly at this moment!


A gust of wind whizzed past, and the third-level behemoth looked at Lin Luo and roared towards him.

The human being hit it just now, and it was bound to tear him to pieces.

The fury of the giant beast soared to the sky, and its strength was also concentrated on its four arms.

Suddenly, its pupils shrank.

Because, it found that the human in front of it was gone.


what sound?

The giant beast only saw something roaring past, and then saw the human appearing behind it.

It jerks back.

At this time, the wind blows...

All I saw was that a few blue blade breaths were suddenly born from the void.


Two ways.


A total of eighteen!

thump thump thump ~~~~

The breath of the blade hit the giant beast's head intensively, but the giant beast still roared, seemingly unscathed.

However, after a while, the skeleton protecting the head instantly shattered...



The giant beast's pupils dilated suddenly, and at this moment, a large amount of black blood overflowed from its forehead.

Its body, also in the breath of the blade, was torn apart!


.” The soldiers next to him were stunned.

This is too handsome.

With their joint efforts just now, Lin Luo could easily kill the monster that couldn't be eliminated with one blow.

And this knife...

"As expected of the commander-in-chief!" Someone cheered.

Afterwards, countless people followed suit and cheered.

Only Lin Luo was panting lightly, although he was also amazed at the power of Swift Blade.

However, the power of one person is limited after all.

He alone was unable to deal with the 200,000 level three behemoths.

At this moment, the defensive front of the human army has been clashed.

"Where is its weakness?" Lin Luo understood in his heart.

Since it cannot be crushed, it is necessary to find its weakness.

Just when Lin Luo was thinking, the giant pioneer beasts found that their companion had been killed by a human, and they all came to find him.

They were already very sensitive to blood, not to mention the torn corpses on the ground.

"Protect the commander in chief!"

Skyline shouted, quickly arm.

Although they know, Lin Luo is stronger than them.

However, there are too many opponents.

This time, more than ten strange beasts surrounded him.


Lin Luo held Wufeng in his hand and said to them: "Be careful to dodge and find their weak points."

"Do not attack by force!"

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison.

At this moment, the Herald Alien Beast took the lead in attacking.

Lin Luo faced one end alone.

Although the swift blade is powerful, it consumes a lot, and it does not mean that it can be used indefinitely.

Lin Luo dodged the opponent's attack with a light leap, but the opponent's two beasts attacked back and forth, trying to cut Lin Luo's back directly.

Three thousand thunder steps!

Lin Luo launched Extreme Speed, trying to open the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, a team of heavenly soldiers next to it failed to carry it and was directly scattered, and the other two pioneers surrounded it.

This time, Lin Luo's road was directly blocked.

Lin Luo shook hands. At this time, he could only use the swift blade to break through again.

It's just that, in this way, the energy of one's genes will be exhausted.

At this moment, two Wufeng suddenly flew from a distance, and a beautiful roundabout smashed on a strange beast that wanted to attack Lin Luo, followed by a faint voice:

"Unexpectedly, you also have a time when you are at the end of your life!"

Lin Luo raised his head, paused, and heard that voice again:

"So, you still need bodyguards!"

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