"Woo woo woo~~~"

Lin Luo looked up, and saw Xia Qian who was firmly catching the double sabers...

And, that silly bear.

Lin Luo was astonished.

Xia Qian is here, he is not surprising.

However, this stupid bear came anyway.

"It's time to stop talking." Lin Luo said: "Lead these heavenly soldiers out of the encirclement, and I will have a way to break out."

"Also, how to bring it..."

Xia Qian didn't say anything, but before Lin Luo finished speaking, she patted Dabai's shoulder.

That big white foolishly took a step forward, and in the next second, its temperament suddenly changed.

All I saw was a white energy rising rapidly from its body, and then its body actually grew bigger rapidly.

When the body became close to three meters, Lin Luo could actually feel the shock given to him by the other party.


This bear is either eating or sleeping, so it is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

Depend on.

Not to say earlier.

I said earlier that I was caught to work...


If I had known earlier, I would have invited it to help save Blue Star.


Stretching out the big white paw, the huge body looked awkward, but in the next second, it disappeared in place in an instant, leaving only a white shadow.

Lin Luo was stunned.

Only then did he remember that the flying gene of the Heavenly Soldiers was obtained from Dabai.

Just when Lin Luo was about to see how the big white bear broke the enemy, he saw the big white bear slam on the brakes and stop steadily in front of the opponent.

The third-level beast didn't even react, but at this moment, the great white bear stretched out its claws, piercing the opponent's eyes with some white light.

woo woo~~

Dabai smiled.

In the next second, a painful loud bang reverberated throughout the air.

The pioneer beast covered its eyes with its painful four hands, and a large amount of red molten liquid spewed out from its mouth!

"Get out of the way!" Lin Luo yelled.

Fortunately, the direction in which the monster sprayed the lava was very messy. When Lin Luo dodged the attack, he saw that simple white smile suddenly froze. Biqu library

Afterwards, Lin Luo saw Dabai go directly in front of the other's chest as a nimble and fat man.

The sharp claws pierced the opponent's chest, and the next second...

A lot of blood came out of it!

And when Dabai took a step back, his sharp claws slashed in the air, and the third-level beast was watched by countless people...



"Ah this..."

"Damn, I'm not even as good as a bear?"


, This is the pet raised by Marshal Lin. "

"As expected of General Manager Lin."


Those heavenly soldiers were dumbfounded.

Lin Luo was also dumbfounded.

This stupid bear...

Not stupid.

However, Lin Luo also reacted suddenly, and there was no place to be surprised at the moment, he said loudly: "Its weak point is the eyes!"

"Everyone, set fire to its eyes!"

"Awaken the speeder and take on the main attack job!"

"Execute immediately!"


All the heavenly soldiers were excited after hearing the order.

They were on the way to retreat, but suddenly they turned their heads, and their eyes became fierce.

Lin Luo looked at Xia Qian at this moment and said, "This side of the battlefield is entrusted to you."

"Okay." Xia Qian nodded, and this woman was also unmarked, holding a pair of knives, and swooped down.

And Lin Luo looked back, looking at the huge spaceship above the sky at this time, with a bit of worry on his face.

As he walked, he rushed towards the position of the spaceship in the center.


".....Should be this."

In that tunnel, opposite Li Donglai's communicator was Ye Yi.

Ye Yi took a few serious glances and said, "If my translation is correct, the meaning of this word will be the meaning of 2 when translated."

Li Donglai and Zhang San glanced at the same time, and the former directly turned off the communication.

For the beheading operation, first you have to find the leader on the opposite side.

Obviously, an army must have a leader, just like Lin Luo is the leader of the Heavenly Soldiers.

However, there are nineteen spaceships in the sky, how can we find one of them.

At this time, we can only rely on some information to judge.

Ye Yi translated important clues. There are words on these spaceships.

If you go by the numbers....

Will the higher the number be, the higher the level?

"Will there be one more?" Li Donglai asked.

"I have seen all nineteen ships." Zhang San said.

Just as Li Donglai was about to speak, Zhang San said again: "My intuition tells me that it's here."

Li Donglai wanted to say that he couldn't rely on intuition at this time, but he heard Zhang San say: "I don't have time, let's take a gamble."

Li Dong took a look outside, and the heavenly army launched a counterattack.


If the other party is more cruel, he will really run away.

"Okay." Li Donglai said to Zhang San: "Next, it's up to you."

Zhang San stood up abruptly, at this moment, his eyes instantly turned black, and a powerful energy magnetic field surrounded his surroundings.


this moment...

He looked like a waking demon.

This gave Li Donglai a very weird idea...

Obviously Zhang San's force is not very good, but Zhang San is standing in front of him now, but he can't see through him at all.



Moss Jon jumped up on the chair suddenly.

Undoubtedly, the release of the pioneer beast has achieved great results.

The Blue Stars' defensive front was opened, and some Apocalypse soldiers returned to the spaceship.

And they also know that as long as they come back, they will be safe.

At present, the Blue Stars should have little power to destroy their powerful energy system.

However, at this time, news came.

The Blue Stars launched a counterattack.


Can you even beat a third-level beast?

What a monster!

Moss Jon realized that something was wrong. At this time, an Apocalypse star turned on the projection portrait, and a video was played directly.

On the screen, it was Lin Luo who made a quick move and disintegrated a third-level beast in an instant.

When he saw this, Moss Jon's thighs trembled.

Where is this 0.75 level civilization.

This is clearly the legendary civilization they yearn for.

In the command room, it can be said to be deathly silent. The scene in front of me was too shocking.

On the other end of the communicator, Alvin Callum's pupils were burning hot, and he said: "Jon, you must take this treasure, even if it is... paying the price of tens of millions of people."

Moss Jon woke up startled, and he muttered to himself, "Is...is it really going to that point?"

"Jon, in this world, you can only gain what you give up." Alvin Callum said with enthusiasm on his face, "With this, we will completely change the destiny of our Apocalypse people!"

"What is tens of millions worth?!"

"That's 100 million, hundreds of millions."

"Even if you pay half of Tianqi's life, it's worth it!"

Moss Jon was still struggling, but at this moment, an Apocalypse passed in front of him and walked straight to the console.

And ahead, the voice of the deputy captain came: "You are a frontline officer, what are you doing here at the console?!"

Moss Jon raised his head suddenly, just in time to see the Apocalypse man's hand, and suddenly put it on a golden-red button on the console!

At this moment, Moss Jon was sweating all over his body, and while quickly switching attack forms, he shouted loudly:

"Stop him!"


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