"At first, I thought the same as you, until I asked a large number of salvage personnel, and they confirmed that this thing is what is inside Yongsheng 7." Wu Shan said:

"The box is well sealed, so the possibility of him putting it in is basically ruled out."

"Master, look."

Wu Shan picked it up and handed it to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo glanced at it, and his pupils shrank suddenly, and there were vaguely written characters similar to those of ancient times.

According to records, bronze wares first appeared in China and can be traced back to more than 4,000 years ago.

Lin Luo glanced at Wu Shan, the latter's expression was...

That was my reaction when I first saw it.

After about half an hour, an elderly archaeologist came, wearing reading glasses.

With trembling hands, he took the bronze sheet that Lin Luo handed him, and adjusted his reading glasses.

Lin Luo was taken aback, seeing that his hands were shaking badly, and asked, "Dr. Xu, haven't you carried out the life extension plan?"

Dr. Xu was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at his hands, before he could speak, Wu Shan next to him said: "Some old guys are like this, the bad habits they left behind... just have to shake it to get it Feel."

"Ahem..." Dr. Xu glared, and Wu Shan could only smile in embarrassment and in good faith.

Dr. Xu was a calm person, and he said to Lin Luo: "Mr. Lin, what old man Wu said is right. This is indeed my bad habit. It will not change for a while. You will laugh at me."

Lin Luo smiled slightly, but did not continue on this topic, and asked, "Look, can you tell the year?"

"Look at the material, it's not bronze." Dr. Xu said.

"Are you really presbyopic? Bronze wares are like this. I've seen them before." Wu Shan said.

Dr. Xu sat down and said: "The weight, texture, and...the written records on it do not belong to what we have found in our archaeological history."

"Where did you get it?"

Lin Luo didn't hide anything, and told the story.

"Alien?" Dr. Xu was surprised, and then took Lin Luo and the others to the laboratory.

Nowadays, for the development of archaeology, the country has developed many top scientific analysis instruments.

After studying for an hour, a detailed report finally came out.

"It is indeed not a bronze ware, although there are bronze ware in it, but

Biqu library

...." Dr. Xu looked at Lin Luo and said: "Its age exceeds the five thousand years we trace back. "

Lin Luo was taken aback and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It surpasses five thousand years, or even... ten thousand years." Dr. Xu said: "We have a set of intelligent AI archaeological restoration machines, which can infer the age of materials based on the degree of wear and weathering."

"This piece stopped when the deduction reached 50,000 years, but its progress bar is not over yet."

"What do you mean?" Wu Shan was puzzled.

"That is to say..." Dr. Xu's eyes were full of enthusiasm for the unknown, and he said: "This thing must have happened 50,000 years ago."

"Then it is really alien." Wu Shan said in surprise: "Are these aliens crazy? Why bring a piece of bronze?"

Unexpectedly, Dr. Xu turned on the computer, motioned Lin Luo to look at the picture, and said, "Master Lin, look..."

Lin Luo looked over, only to see that the above text had been translated.

"Although it's not a traditional Chinese language, it can be vaguely analyzed." Dr. Xu said excitedly.

Wu Shan also looked over, mouth shut in surprise.

Because there are three words on it:

First one: East.

The second: Huang.

The third: failed to analyze it.

"East Emperor what?!" Wu Shan asked.

"I'm sorry." Dr. Xu said: "This fragment is too small, only half of the third character can be seen, and it cannot be analyzed at all."


On the way back, Lin Luo was a little absent-minded.

Wu Shan said: "It's just an unanalyzed archaeological fragment. Why does Chief Master Lin care so much?"

Lin Luo came back to his senses and said, "It's not that I care, it's just that I have a lot of questions."

"What's the problem?" Wu Shan was surprised, there are still things in this world that you, Lin Luo, can't figure out?

Lin Luo didn't speak, just said: "I think, I'm going to have a good stroke."

After speaking, Lin Luo left directly.

In the evening, Lin Luo was sitting at the table, writing and drawing seriously, while Ye Yi next to him was staring at the egg, and said to Lin Luo: "Brother, this egg seems to be hatching."

Lin Luo didn't answer his question.

Ye Yi walked over and saw Lin Luo wrote three things on it:

Why doesn't the other party destroy the moon?

why right

Fang won't destroy Blue Star?

Why is there a bronze fragment that is more than 50,000 years old on the spacecraft?

Ye Yi glanced at Lin Luo, wondering if he was crazy.

At this moment, Lin Luo suddenly raised his eyes and said, "Ye Yi, I will go to space with you tomorrow."

"Is there anything on Mars that you want to know?" Ye Yi asked.

"No." Lin Luo pondered for a moment before saying, "It's... the moon."


land of the north

Mao Xiong Guo

This place will be covered with ice and snow for nearly half of the year. Their geographical location is very bad. Although the land is vast, most of the land is basically useless.

On the deserted island above the northwest, there is a restricted area with a width of tens of thousands of square meters, which is guarded by garrisons all the year round, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

However, this is not a military restricted zone.

If you want to go back to history, you can go back to the distant Soviet period.

In 1970, the State of Su put forward a bold earth center plan, which was to penetrate the earth.

The mad scientist began to dig holes on this island.

According to the published data, they dug a total of 12,226 meters deep for this hole.

It's just that this data is fake.

In the original geocentric project, a total of caves with a depth of more than 23,000 meters were excavated.

They're not just hiding this, they're hiding a very important piece of information.

That is expeditionary action.

After excavating to 23,000 meters, Su Guo decided to send two expedition teams with as many as 18 people inside to explore the depths of the Blue Star.

As a result, no one survived.

So far, they don't know what happened inside.

They only heard the screams from the communicator, and...

The only bear language shout that can be heard clearly:


Since then, there has been no more sound.

After half a month of calls, Su Guo immediately decided to seal up the hole as top secret information.

However, occasionally...

Occasionally, there would be a few empty wailing sounds in this area.

Humanoid, yet not human.

Just like today.

"Are those unjustly dead souls howling again?"

Whenever this happens, the soldiers stationed in Maoxiong Kingdom will face the hole called the entrance to hell and pray silently, praying for them to rest in peace.

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