Lin Luo set foot on the land of the moon, and now a new base has begun to be rebuilt here.

Lin Luo came to the place where Dorkey Meade and the others were bombed before. Ye took a look at the place and couldn't help but said: "In terms of destructive power, it does meet the normal range of the super electromagnetic gun."

Lin Luo said: "So, it's very strange that they didn't die."

These words sounded weird, but it never meant that Lin Luo wanted them to die.

Lin Luo continued: "At the beginning, I saw very clearly at the central base that the opponent was planning to use the Butcher, and later changed it to a super electromagnetic gun."

Ye nodded and said, "I've also watched that video carefully. The Apocalypse Stars' battleship butcher system is fully activated, and it's true."

Lin Luo squatted on the ground, glanced at the soil, and asked the person in charge next to him: "I asked you to send back the sample for analysis, has it been analyzed?"

"The analysis came out." The person in charge said: "It is the same as other lunar soils, there is not much difference."

"We have conducted a large-scale search of the vicinity and still have not found anything that needs attention."

At this moment, Lin Luo looked up at the flying space base in the distance, and asked, "Ye Yi, is there an electromagnetic gun on that base?"

"Yes." Ye Yi said: "This model is the third generation, there must be."

As soon as the words fell, I heard Lin Luo say: "Talk to the staff there."

"Yes." The person in charge nodded quickly, then took out the communicator, raised his head and asked, "What do you need him to do?"

As for Lin Luo's answer, Ye Yi and the person in charge shrank their pupils, only to hear Lin Luo say: "Let them..."

"Fire at me!"


deep city

"Come on, daddy hug!"

Zhang San hugged a seven-year-old girl and kissed his wife next to him.

"Dad, you're back. Mom is nagging you every day. It's annoying me to death." The little girl said while putting her arms around Zhang San's neck.

"Then do you miss Dad?" Zhang San smiled.


"Kiss." Zhang San smiled again.

The little girl kissed Zhang San on the cheek. Zhang San was just sitting on the sofa when his wife said, "I'll cook for you and you'll be able to eat soon."

up. "

"I want to eat braised pork ribs." The little girl shouted.

"I'm cooking for your father, not for you," said the wife.

"Daddy likes to eat too."

"Yes, Dad likes to eat too." Zhang San pampered her head, and his wife sighed, "Just spoil her, and don't spoil her in the future."

Zhang San smiled, and his wife also turned around and went to the kitchen with a smile, but she looked back at Zhang San from time to time.

It's normal if ordinary people don't feel anything.

However, she is Zhang San's wife.

She could clearly sense his every word, deed, and every move.

Zhang San in the past was free and easy.

The current him doesn't seem to have changed, but in the depths of his pupils, there are hidden secrets that people can't see through.

"What did he go through?" The wife couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

"Mom, is the meal ready?"

"It will be fine soon." The wife responded, and then tried to abandon the thoughts in her mind. She knew that thinking too much was useless.

As long as his name is Zhang San.

He still hasn't changed, that's fine.

After all, in this world, being a hero is not easy.


The people at the center base are stupid.

Shoot him?

Who dares.

"General Manager Lin said that this is an order." The person in charge of the moon said again.

The people at the central base looked at each other, and finally a person in charge of the command room said, "No, I can't do it."

"General Manager Lin said that he can't be hurt." The person in charge of the moon said again: "Don't be silly, be careful that you don't have food."

The person in charge of the central base had no choice but to say, "Get ready to fire."

"Turn down to minimum power."

Then he said, "Tell Commander Lin, I'm ready to fire."

Lin Luo in the distance looked at the central base above, and he had already told Ye Yi and the others to go away.

Ye Yi and the others looked at Lin Luo, the person in charge of the moon was worried, only Ye Yi didn't have much expression.

Lin Luo must have his reasons for doing things, he will not make fun of his life.

At this moment, the electromagnetic cannon in the distance shot straight, and the moment a light of the lowest power came, the area where Lin Luo was located was full of dust, and he was instantly submerged in the fire.

Seeing this scene, the moon is in charge

People are even more anxious.

Ye Yi's pupils shrank at this moment, because he saw that at the moment of the explosion, a white light shot up into the sky.

"This is..." The person in charge also saw it. He was very surprised and shouted: "A miracle! Commander Lin Luo, what a god!"

Ye Yi did not speak.

He has seen Lin Luo's genetic power, so it shouldn't be like this.

Well, this is...

At this moment, Lin Luo, who was in the flame storm, relied on the protection of the mecha and the wind and thunder steps to quickly flash past the central explosion area.

He had already calculated that an attack of this level would only hurt him at most.

Just when he was about to suffer the aftermath of the explosion, a white light suddenly enveloped his body. Biqu library

Lin Luo looks up...

In the sky, there is no flying space base.

Looking at the ground again, white light is flooding.

Lin Luo's pupils also became energetic and fanatical at this moment.

His conjecture was true.

There is really something on this moon.

"One more shot." Lin Luo shouted, "Intensify the force."

Hearing Lin Luo's voice, the person in charge froze for a moment, then quickly picked up the communicator.

When he put down the communicator again, Ye Yi next to him heard the person in charge muttering in a low voice: "Commander Lin Luo is indeed not a mortal, I have never seen such a request in my life."

"..." Ye Yi was speechless, but he didn't have time to pay attention to the person in charge, he knew that Lin Luo should have noticed.

On this moon, there is really a mysterious force.


What could it be?

When the second shot came, the explosion range and dust became wider.

Lin Luo and Ye Yi saw it clearly this time because they had been prepared for a long time.

This area is shrouded in white light.

Lin Luo's body was surrounded by such white light.

" protecting me!?" Lin Luo looked at his hand in disbelief.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it.

The white light was fleeting, Lin Luo took a deep breath, thought of the United Army, and said slowly: "No, it should be said that it is protecting human beings!"

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