The truth is always shocking.

It has been proved that the truth of the fact is that there is really a mysterious power on the moon protecting human beings.


What happened to Doki Mead and the others is completely understandable.

There is no such thing as luck in this world.

"Have you seen it all?" Lin Luo asked Ye Yi.

Ye nodded, with a shocking voice, he said:

"It's incredible, the moon... what kind of place is it?"


Lin Luo walked into Chen An's office. Now that the situation on Mars is stable, it has become a new training ground and technology development base. There is no need for Chen An to stay there, after all, he is a busy man.

"What's the matter?" Chen An asked.

"Why are you talking so coldly?" Lin Luo said.

Chen An rolled his eyes, glanced at the plan that Lin Luo handed him, and signed directly behind without reading it.

"Don't take a look?" Lin Luo was surprised.

"What's so interesting, the plan you wrote will only write a small part, and a large part will not be written." Chen An said: "See what it is for, I am just a tool for signing. "

Lin Luo smiled wryly and said, "This time is different. I worked overtime to write it out, but I'm tired."

"I won't trust you anymore." Chen An said.

"Is there no trust between people?" Lin Luo said.

"Trust is earned by people, not given by people." Chen An said excitedly.

"Okay." Lin Luo sweated, thinking that the old man is really difficult to deal with, so he just lied to him twice...


I will lie to you next time.

"By the way, you can sign again, and I'll go to the Bureau of Secrets to collect some documents." Lin Luo handed him a blank piece of paper and said, "I'll fill in the contents afterward."

"What document?" Chen An was surprised, staring at the blank paper, frowned, but he still signed it, and said angrily: "You go directly to mention it, and the people from the Bureau of Secrets will not treat you like a master." , still need my signature?"

"Follow the procedure, I'm a law-abiding citizen." Lin Luo smiled and wanted to take it, but Chen An grabbed him and asked, "You haven't mentioned any information yet."

Human beings are curious.

Chen An is no exception.

"About the moon." Lin Luo said.

"Uh uh." Chen An nodded, pretending not to care and letting go

: "Go away."


Lin Luo frowned, thinking that your attitude is too bad.

When he turned to leave, Chen An immediately opened the file, which was the plan to counterattack the apocalypse.

Chen An browsed for a long time, but couldn't find any records about the moon.

Immediately, he slapped the table angrily and said:

"***, you really lied to me again, there is no such thing in the plan!"

The voice was so loud that the staff in the office outside the door could hear it. A man wearing glasses whispered, "Is he... swearing?"

"Shh, just pretend you didn't hear it." The person next to him responded softly.

They were all surprised, and the one wearing the glasses whispered again: "He is such a good-tempered person, how can he swear, that person is really not human."

"The one who just walked out is the commander-in-chief Lin Luo."

Wearing glasses was like waking up from a dream, and then said seriously:

"Swearing is definitely wrong, no matter why!"

"We speak human words behind our backs, not to mention, we are really not human."



Lin Luo came to the Secret Bureau, and soon the staff brought all the materials.

The person in charge of the archives room is a gentle girl. When she saw Lin Luo, her eyes were dazzled.

Fortunately, she was still rational and kept awake.

"These are all the information." The girl stared at Lin Luo tightly, and her breathing became short of breath.

This doesn't mean admiration, it's just that when seeing the legendary hero up close, the feeling is really lack of oxygen.

Lin Luo took a look and asked, "Have you seen all of these?"

The girl nodded.

Her background is not simple. To be able to enter this secret bureau, besides identity, knowledge of these becomes a crucial part.

And this girl was the top student in liberal arts in the national college entrance examination.

"There are too many, I want to know some important parts." Lin Luo said.

"For example?"

"Is there something strange about the moon?" Lin Luo asked. Biqu library

The girl pondered, then quickly sorted out some materials, and finally the thick stack became about a book.

"These are related to some satellite records after the development of space in modern times."

"But if you want more details, I think there will be more in Eagle Country."

girls respect


Lin Luo nodded, and the girl hurriedly took a step back. When Lin Luo was concentrating on reading, she bowed slightly, and then walked towards the back.

And Lin Luo read the book there all afternoon, and at night, Yingguo and Maoxiong had already sent all the moon data.

Lin Luo compared the materials of the Three Kingdoms. The Eagle Kingdom is more detailed, but the three countries all told about one thing, that is, the comet hit the earth in 1994.

At 4:15 on July 17, 1994, the comet that hit the earth was called Shoemaker Levy 9. Fortunately, it was intercepted by Jupiter halfway, and finally fell into the atmosphere of Jupiter at a speed of 210,000 kilometers per hour, crashing into The southern hemisphere of Jupiter formed the astronomical spectacle of a comet hitting Jupiter.

According to the data, the impact on Jupiter at that time, if it happened on the blue planet, would be enough to destroy everything. There is no doubt that human beings must suffer heavy losses, or even die directly.

However, it was recorded at that time that, in addition to Shoemaker-Levy 9, there was also a medium-sized comet named Torvis Harlan, which bypassed Jupiter and hit the blue star directly.

Even at that time, Xiongying teamed up and was ready to launch rockets and nuclear bombs, which would be launched on Chunweiyi Island for space interception.

But what is surprising is that when the comet was approaching the blue star, it suddenly changed its orbit and hit the moon.

Lin Luo saw this, searched a lot of information, and found that nearly tens of thousands of small comets or meteorites have been intercepted by the moon over the years.

"It seems that there is really something extraordinary." Lin Luo picked up the piece of bronze, said so, and suddenly remembered something.

When Wobala Mida was dying, he said some strange words.

"Actually, when I was in the solar system, I should have been more cautious. Unfortunately, I was greedy." Lin Luo whispered the other party's original words, and suddenly everything in his eyes and mind became clear.

The answer is also ready to come out at this time.

"If that's the case, everything becomes reasonable." Lin Luo looked at the bronze piece in his hand, and the shock in his heart was unimaginable.

Even this conjecture shocked even Lin Luo.

"What the Apocalypse Stars want is not the Blue Star Civilization..."


"Ancient Civilization!"

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