This had a great impact on Lin Luo.

On the blue star, there may be ancient civilizations.

"History...more than 50,000 years." Lin Luo looked at the bronze piece and said.

What Lin Luo was most worried about before was that the Apocalypse Stars would start a large-scale destruction mode when they encountered the Blue Stars' immediate counterattack.

Because Lin Luo knows that human civilization is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Apocalypse.

However, what the other party wants may be the evolutionary genetic engineering in his hands, and...

possible ancient civilizations.

That's why they didn't launch a devastating attack on Blue Star because they were afraid of destroying this source of civilization.

That is to say, many of Lin Luo's preliminary plans were not used, and all the plans went very smoothly.

He picked up the phone and dialed directly: "Dr. Xu, please come to the office."

Half an hour later, in Lin Luo's office, he saw Xu Han, the most qualified archaeologist in China.

Lin Luo handed him a document and said: "These people above, you can dispatch them at will, you can get any data transfer rights, and any country's relic investigation rights..."

Xu Han looked at the information above and swallowed.

It says:

Ancient Chinese civilization.

"Would you like to?" Lin Luo asked.

Xu Han came to his senses when he heard this, and immediately said: "The reason why I like archaeology is that I have always maintained a 120% curiosity about history. I would like to ask you to let me be the person in charge of this project."

Lin Luo nodded and said: "This time, you will connect directly with me. This is my Golden Dragon Seal. Hold it, and no one will be able to stop you."

Xu Han stared at the seal, stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "This is too important, it's not worth it."

This stuff is no joke.

Lin Luo stared at him and said, "Dr. Xu, you have to understand one thing, this action is more important."

Only then did Xu Han come back to his senses, took it with both hands, and said, "Obey."

"Your group is called Chasing Shadow." Lin Luo said.

"Yes." Xu Han nodded, looked at the document, and fell into a state of ecstasy again.

The same is true for Lin Luo.

A thing that can make the third-level civilization risk death and protect it, then he needs to explore it.

Intuition tells him...

The truth will be shocking.

If he can find it.


Chen An didn't know that Lin Luo had organized such an action group, and he was holding the 909 agreement meeting at the moment.

"Starting today, the 909 agreement countries will be renamed the Blue Star Alliance." Chen An looked at them and said:

"We will increase our solidarity and communication."

"Next, we will carry out the first five-year plan."

"Projects carried out on this basis include: Mecha Plan, Alliance Mecha Warrior Training Plan, Resource Redistribution Plan, Technological Talent Plan, New Technological Concept..." Pen Fun Library

"And, the Alliance's first-generation genetic warrior project."

The representatives of those countries subconsciously boiled up when they heard Chen An's words, especially the last one.

The first generation of genetic warriors?

Could it be...

Can they also become heavenly soldiers?

Seems to know that they care about this aspect, Chen An said:

"Unfortunately, you are still unable to undergo the same genetic evolution as the Huaxia people, because your genetic chain has not been able to effectively solve this problem. What you will be injected with will be some enhancement of physique and strength."

"However, it can still give you three to five times more power than yourself."

Hearing this, everyone was not calm.

A change of three to five times is already very powerful.

If they add mechs, then they can also change qualitatively.

At that time, they will finally be able to help the Heavenly Soldiers.

All of a sudden, there was applause.

There is no doubt that this five-year plan is extremely shocking, which also illustrates one thing:

This eastern country does not want to rule Blue Star, but wants to make progress together.

Chen An waved his hand to signal them to be quiet.

At this time, everyone looked at Chen An quietly, only to hear him continue to say: "Everything is for the new proposal of Master Lin Luo."

Hearing this, everyone was in high spirits.

Unknowingly, Lin Luo has become synonymous with majesty.

this man...

Really scary.

Chen An flipped through the documents below, and the shock in his heart still exists even today.

When he saw this document for the first time, it was after the First Alien War. At the beginning, he thought that Lin Luo was whimsical, and the possibility of realizing this plan was unlikely.


It's coming soon


"This plan is called...." Chen An glanced at the audience and said, "Revenge!"

Everyone eats.


What's the meaning?

However, none of the people present were fools, and soon someone realized it, and Jonah Lev clenched his fist even more excitedly.

The Maoxiong Country was originally a fighting nation... Pen Fun Library

Chen An's voice was a little louder, and he said incessantly:

"The following are the original words of Master Lin Luo:"

"Once upon a time, the Apocalypse came, killed hundreds of millions of my compatriots, killed tens of thousands of my heavenly soldiers, and tried to destroy our common homeland!"

"If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If people offend me, I will destroy them!"

"Friends, don't try to pursue an easy life, because you never know when danger will come."

"So, we need to get stronger!"

"And our journey to become stronger starts from the corpse of the former enemy!"

"Five years later, human beings will set foot in the starry sky and counterattack the Apocalypse civilization!"

"The above is an overview of the revenge plan!"

"Everyone..." Chen An scanned the audience and said, "Do you have any comments?"

"Okay!" Jonah Lev stood up and applauded: "Master Lin Luo, you really are a man!"

All of a sudden, there was applause from below.


At 8:00 p.m. Tianjing time, the countries of the Blue Star Alliance once again held a press conference in China.

At the press conference, the revenge plan was shocked and announced.

Except for some revisions, the content is basically the same as that at the joint meeting.

Before the press conference was over, the world was fried.

It even caused a certain blog, Douyin, and major video forums to fall into a state of server crash.

"My tortoise, revenge plan! md, exciting!"

"Yeah, I never thought we'd fight back one day."

"Master Lin Luo is really a macho."

"No, I must join the army, and I must kill those turtle sons."

"I'll go as well."

"I don't know if you still remember what Master Lin Luo said before the Tianbei after the first alien war..."

Suddenly someone mentioned it, and everyone suddenly realized.

They all remembered and trembled.

The man said:

Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away.

"He's not kidding."


"This time, it's really far away!"

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