In the spring of March, nine months before the revenge plan, Lin Luo was sitting in the office, reading the work report on the expedition of the interstellar army, when a voice came from outside the door.


Lin Luo looked up and saw that it was Dr. Xu Han. He stood up with a smile and said, "Come in."

Seeing Lin Luo's scene, Xu Han felt quite emotional.

Lin Luo's current status can be imagined, but when seeing the elders, he will do his due etiquette, and at the same time, he will not lose his status.

"Sit." Lin Luo poured him a cup of tea, Xu Han took it with both hands, and thanked him repeatedly. He waited until Lin Luo sat down before he sat down.

"I'm here this time to report on your work." Xu Han handed it to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo glanced at it. In the past four years, Xu Han traveled all over the world, but unfortunately, he found nothing.

"I'm sorry." Xu Han said guiltily.

Lin Luo smiled and said: "Human beings have lived on this land for more than five thousand years. If ancient civilizations were really so easy to discover, they would have been exposed long ago, and it's not your turn."

Xu Han was silent.

"The question is, do you believe it?" Lin Luo looked at Xu Han and said.

Xu Han said at this time: "I don't believe it."

The voice changed, and he said again: "But I believe you, since you said it, there must be."

A person who can bring mankind to such a point, if his words cannot be believed, then what else is there to believe?

Lin Luo put down the report, and Xu Han said again: "I want to change the place and the method."

Lin Luo raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Do you want to go to space to find it?"

Xu Han paused, and looked at Lin Luo in surprise for a moment.

Does he even know this?

Let's see through.

"Since this piece of bronze comes from the Apocalypse, and they have never sent anything back before, it is possible that this piece of bronze was obtained by them in space." After finishing speaking, Lin Luo also handed it to Xu Han A document that says:

"This is Eagle Country's solar system flight trajectory for the first batch of alien warships."

Xu Han took it over, his pupils were full of shock.

Commander Lin Luo is much wiser than the ones shown in the movies.

Then, Lin Luo said: "I also told Wu Shan that he will be responsible for the exploration and research of the moon, and the traces of ancient civilizations. There is a high probability that he has a constant connection with the moon. You can talk to him when you have time."

Xu Han took the document, stood up and said

: "The chasing shadow team will definitely complete the task!"


apocalypse galaxy

On this vast land, in front of the imperial palace, a large number of people knelt on the ground and shouted, shouted, and cried bitterly.

"How can my blood of Apocalypse be shed in vain!"

"This vengeance, how can I not avenge it!"

"I request the emperor to go to Blue Star!"

"Go to Blue Star!!"

The crowd is getting bigger and the voices are getting louder.

Tati Corey stood on the balcony of the emperor's palace, looked ahead, and frowned.

This was the anniversary of Apocalypse, but now it looks like this.

Four years ago, 20 space battleships went to the Blue Star, dispatched an army of almost 20 million, but they were completely wiped out.

When the news came back, the galaxy was shocked, and the crowd was furious for a while, almost causing a riot.

They have held large-scale parades on this day every year for the past four years, trying to get Tati Corey to restart the road of conquest of the Blue Star civilization, and to rest the Apocalypse warriors in peace.

However, their imperial teacher Alvin Callum opposed this action.

"Is it really not enough?" Tati Corey turned his head to look at Alvin Callum, and said, "Didn't you say that it is a legendary civilization? Now... still have a chance."

Alvin Callum said without raising his head: "Your Majesty, have you lost your temper?"

Tati Corey frowned.

"Back then, in order to devour a third-level civilization in our Apocalypse galaxy, we endured it for three hundred years!"

"Twenty million soldiers of the Apocalypse, and those twenty warships, I don't care at all!"

"However, twenty warships represent nearly one-third of our combat power!"

"We lost to such galaxies, which is enough to see how powerful they are."

Alvin Callum's voice was much higher.

"What if..." Tati Corey already understood that he should have already thought up a plan.

This unfathomable man always has his own unique ideas.

The point is, he never misses.

"The moment Jon failed, I had someone cut off all contact with them."

"A galaxy that lives in a remote desert galaxy, but possesses treasures of legendary civilizations, is probably a group of primitive people who accidentally found treasures. Their development will not be too fast, otherwise, they will not be discovered by us in turn."

"Moreover, the progress of the development of the legendary civilization will not be very fast."


The moment Callum's voice fell, Tati Corey suddenly realized.

Compared with the civilization of the legendary level and the civilization of science and technology, in the early stage, the development of civilization of science and technology is countless times faster than them.

Once there is a breakthrough in the development of science and technology, it will be flooded, and this civilization can be piled up to a very high place in one fell swoop.

"Wait a little longer." Alvin Callum said: "Wait another two years, or three years. The undead...isn't it about to be completed?"

Tati Corey shrank his pupils when he heard this, and suddenly realized: "So, you were waiting for this!"


The day of September is extremely hot.

On a table in a luxury hotel, Zhang Ming and Liu Tao walked back and forth, looking outside from time to time.

Now, they haven't seen each other for several years.

Occasionally, Zhang Ming and the others have small gatherings, but they dare not call Lin Luo because they know that Lin Luo may not be free.

But this time, Zhang Ming couldn't bear it anymore.

Lin Luo is going to the starry sky this time, and he doesn't know when he will return, so Zhang Ming initiated this party.

"Should... something happened." The second child looked at the time.

Having said that, the eyes of the four were a little disappointed.

In fact, they didn't want to climb Lin Luo's relationship.

Just hope to see you.

"Then let's eat." Zhang Ming smiled, and said with extremely high EQ: "It's the same without him."

At this moment, the door was pushed open suddenly, and a voice came in, saying: "Boss, I don't like to hear what you say."

Everyone turned their heads suddenly, only to see Lin Luo appearing outside the door with a smile on his face.

The four of them had a meal, all showing ecstasy.

"You son of a bitch!" Zhang Ming stepped forward and hugged Lin Luo cursingly.

"Some things are delayed, but how can I forget your things." Lin Luo laughed.

The second child also came up and punched Lin Luo.

On the contrary, Liu Tao, the rich second generation, came over to hug him alluringly, and said, "I hate it, it makes people worry to death!"

"Get out, you dead monster." Lin Luo said hello to the fourth child.

"Fourth, our Chief Master Lin told you to leave, you know?" Liu Tao said loudly.


Everyone laughed.

Lin Luo is still the Lin Luo they are familiar with, but the four brothers never imagined that their former roommates are now the most dazzling existence on Blue Star!

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