The five people haven't seen each other for many years, and it remains the same.

Everything seems to be back to college days.

However, the only thing that has changed is their current identities.

"I'm the president of the company now, so be careful when you speak." Liu Tao was so drunk that he fell down after a while, leaving people speechless.

"It's still so worrying." Lin Luo sighed.

"When are you leaving?" Suddenly, Zhang Ming asked.

After being stunned for a moment, Zhang Ming paused again, and said, "It seems... I shouldn't ask."

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "It's coming soon. When other projects are completed, it's time to start."

The pupils of the three shrank, and even Liu Tao opened his eyes.

"What are you doing? At the speed of the Yinhe, I may come back after a few years of going there." Lin Luo laughed.

"If you covet other people's beauties, then what to do, you always value sex over friends." Liu Tao dozed off again while talking.

"This kid, I'm still brooding over how the school flower was given to you on WeChat, but not to him." Zhang Ming laughed loudly.

"Hahaha" everyone also laughed.

A party, sitting for hours, at the end, it is finally time to say goodbye.

Zhang Ming also understood that Lin Luo was able to find time to come over, which is already very good.

"We must come back alive." Zhang Ming gave Lin Luo a hug again and said so.

"Don't worry." Lin Luo said with a smile: "When I played games before, I didn't lead you to win every time."

Zhang Ming nodded, and the four brothers hugged each other one by one, and finally they saw Lin Luo turn and leave.

The four brothers have all tried to enter the Heavenly Soldiers, but unfortunately the competition was too great, and none of them were selected.

"Do you know? In fact, this kid has investigated our lives, and even helped me secretly..." Liu Tao said suddenly, supported by Zhang Ming.

Everyone had a meal.

On the contrary, Zhang Ming said unsurprisingly: "I don't know, but...we can guess it!"

"No matter how tall he stands, he is only our fifth child."

"That's all!"

"Well, the youngest one." Liu Tao nodded, looked at the direction Lin Luo was leaving, and whispered in his mouth: "Brother, come back alive!"


December 31st is the year-end day of Blue Star.

Lin Luo looked at the several project leaders in front of him and looked up.

"Sixteen Galactic Battleships are ready."


Army Corps is ready. "

"Medical support equipment has all been moved into the galaxy ship."


At the last two people, it was Yang Jun and Doki Meade. The two saluted and said respectfully.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, an army of 30 million heavenly soldiers is already in place, please review!"

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the 20 million coalition troops are already in place, please review!"

Lin Luo got up and took their report, Yang Jun said: "Everything is ready."

Lin Luo nodded, walked out at this time, looked up, and saw the galaxy ship flying above the sky.

Because Blue Star is too small, only eight ships came for this inspection.

At the same time, under the square, densely packed with people, starting from here, it spread infinitely.

Not only here, but also in other cities, other countries, have the same picture.


The big inspection before the expedition.

Those heavenly soldiers and the United Army all stood upright, looking up at the front...

Some can see the towering stage.

Some can only watch on the big screen.

But even so, it still didn't let the distance freeze the excitement.

Lin Luo looked over and saw that the leaders of the countries next to him were ready. Lin Luo stepped forward, looked at the man in the middle, and bowed slightly.

The latter nodded slightly towards Lin Luo.

The time is coming to the hour, and people are waiting for this moment in front of TVs, computers, and mobile phones.

The grand scene and the upcoming things made them very excited!


And at the exact hour, a cannon sounded above the sky, completely lighting up the land.


Chen An went out, and as the opening person of this meeting, he shouted loudly:

"Compatriots, soldiers, good noon..."

"A few years ago, we encountered foreign enemies, which made us united and made us what we are today."

"We ended infighting and competition because we had a common enemy!"

"Today, in Huaxia, there is a monument of heaven, in Eagle Country, there is a cemetery of God, and in the Western Continent, there is a tomb of heaven..."

"The ones buried under the ground are our close relatives, our compatriots!"

"After several years, we still can't forget it!"

"Blood feud, how can we not avenge it!"

"Today, just

is to start! "

"The beginning of mankind, the new beginning of Blue Star!"

As soon as Chen An changed his voice, his voice also stopped suddenly:

"We invite you, Star Legion Commander Lin Luo...."


After the voice fell, the eyes of the audience also changed suddenly.

In their hearts, Lin Luo is the only god.

Many soldiers, as long as they hear this name, their blood will surge.

Because he created too many miracles and led them to win two miraculous wars. Biqu library

Behind him, Lin Luo was wearing a military uniform and was ready. He stepped forward slowly, and the soldiers of honor lined up beside him followed his steps and saluted one by one.


Seeing the appearance of Lin Luo, people all over the world are excited.

For five years, they can only see Lin Luo in that one movie that has been reviewed countless times.

I haven't seen you in five years, because everyone knows that this human chief engineer is busy.

Busy to bring peace to Blue Star, busy to avenge those dead people and warriors!

Lin Luo came to the most central position and glanced ahead...

Right now, the whole world is watching him.

In people's ears, the unforgettable opening sentence sounded again, which is really exactly the same as in the movie:

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Luo!"

Immediately, except for the soldiers who were inspected, everyone burst into cheers.

Sometimes, just a simple sentence can do it.

Because, the speaker...

He is the person they respect the most in their hearts!


"...these five years are the five years with the fastest progress in human history."

"What drives us forward is hatred, crisis, and the future!"

"Our future should be created by us!"

"Then, from this moment on, human beings must march towards the sea of ​​stars!"

"Let the Milky Way, the universe, leave our footprints and shadows!"

"Let those who try to invade us be buried in that uninhabited deep space!"

Lin Luo spoke powerfully and loudly, shocking people's hearts, and the exclamation sounded hard to suppress from all over the world.

"Have sharpened your sword for five years, let's get out of the scabbard and test the edge today!"

Lin Luo raised his head, looked ahead, and his voice suddenly amplified:

"Soldiers, are your blades ready to pierce the colonists who have hurt us?"

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