Lin Luo's words made the whole world boil.

Five years of sharpening a sword.


Five years of preparation, just for today!



The soldiers below, the soldiers from all over the world shouted loudly, trying to break the sky!

At this moment, Yang Jun and Doki Meade took a step forward and said at the same time: "Yang Jun (Doki Meade), ask the commander-in-chief to inspect the army!"

After speaking, it is a military salute.

Lin Luo returned the salute, Yang Jun turned around and shouted: "Interstellar military parade...start!"

The voice is Luo, the first echelon passing by is the Yinlong Army led by Li Donglai.

This is the most elite legion of the Heavenly Soldiers, known as a sharp bayonet in the hands of the Heavenly Soldiers.

Because, every time it takes a shot, it can stab the enemy's heart fiercely.

Li Donglai stood in the first row, just walking slowly. Now that they have the power of flying and special abilities, they are still like ordinary soldiers.

However, no one dared to underestimate them.

The word "Yinlong" means everything.

The second echelon is the Shenlong Army, head coach Wen Tiancheng.

The uniform stride in the air represents their unique ability.


They are the most elite troops in the air and are best at aerial combat.

They are also elite.

Like the slogan of their army:

We are the elite, and those who fight are also elite!

The third echelon has fewer people.

Dark Night Army, Zhang San.

This army has only a few ten thousand people.

Even, many people don't know what they do.

Only those who really understand the Heavenly Soldiers know that Zhang San alone has reversed the situation.

The Dark Night Army is a mysterious existence.

It is like the bats in the Heavenly Soldiers Legion, they walk in the dark night, lead the way for the Heavenly Soldiers, and solve the things that the Heavenly Soldiers cannot see or do.

The fourth echelon is most of the heavenly soldiers.

They occupy the vast majority and are the absolute main force.

Now, most of the people here have evolved the fire energy gene, and even leaped to the sky.

Yang Jun personally led the army, walking in front of the stage.

Next, the mecha army, medical army, junior army, armored army, etc. of the United Legion are all shocking.

People's pupils are also glowing.

before, humans

How can I see these.

At the back of the stage, Zhu Yihui took off his glasses, looked at the sky, and saw the Yinhe flying in the sky, and an unknown liquid appeared in his eye sockets.

He still remembers what Lin Luo told him in the mental hospital:

What we are about to change is this era!

"...Nowadays, times have really changed."

After several hours of parade, the sun was ready to set.

But people are still glued to their screens.

Because, the next scene is the highlight.

Yang Jun and Doki Meade stepped forward again and said to Lin Luo: "Report to the commander-in-chief, the 50 million troops have been read, please give instructions!"

Lin Luo glanced at the audience, his voice sounded again, and he shouted: "The Star Army listens..."

"From now on, go to the apocalypse!"

"Let them know that our anger cannot be extinguished by distance!"

"Let them... feel the anger of the Blue Star people!"

Yang Jun and Doki Mead turned their heads at the same time and shouted loudly: "Let's go!"

At this moment, all over the world, 50 million troops were activated, all heading towards the Yinhe that was already in place.


In the conference room, Lin Luo sat in the second place, and the man next to him and Chen An were all looking at Lin Luo.

"...Ye Yi said that there is an interstellar channel above the starry sky, and the speed varies. It may take us two years to reach Apocalypse." Lin Luo said.

Chen An nodded and said: "After all, we have only initially mastered their top technology, two years is already remarkable."

Lin Luo also nodded, and said, "It's getting late, and it's probably almost there."

After speaking, he stood up and gave a military salute to the two of them.

The two also got up and returned the gift.

Lin Luo turned around, and suddenly the man who had been silent all this time said, "Lin Luo..."

Lin Luo turned around.

"Bring them back alive!"

Lin Luo smiled and said, "Don't worry, not only are we coming back, there are many things coming back!"

After speaking, Lin Luo bowed slightly and left.

Chen An followed and sent him to the gate.

Just when Lin Luo was about to step out of the gate, Lin Luo suddenly said, "Uncle Chen."


"If you're in a hurry, just go through the

Down my desk, third floor. "Lin Luo said.

"Did you make some secret plan again, kid?" Chen An was taken aback for a moment, then adjusted his collar for him, and said, "He and I have a lot to say to you. We used to be soldiers, but now Although we can no longer go to the battlefield, we still understand what is the most important..."

Suddenly Chen An couldn't continue, he changed his words and said: "I know you have a lot of plans, this time, no matter how many plans you have, I don't need my approval. I will explain it to me in detail when I come back, and I promise not to scold you this time."

Lin Luo smiled, made a military salute, and left.

However, just as he walked out, he saw four people waiting for him in front of him, and they were none other than Zhang Ming and the others.

It was specially arranged by Chen An.

The five of them did not speak, but hugged each other silently.

Finally, under the light of the setting sun, they watched the three figures in front leave:

A man, a woman with two big knives, and a white bear with a broken knife.

"Huh? Why is there a bear?"

"Lao Wu likes to eat game, have you forgotten?"

"As expected of him, he's thoughtful, bear meat is roasted on the Yinhe, it seems we don't have to worry about his diet!"


Lin Luo boarded the Yinhe 2, and he was still being boarded one after another. Ye Yiyi led a scientific research team to follow, and was also on this battleship.

"How's it going?" Lin Luo asked.

"The speed is very fast. Although the hatch is wide open, it still takes some time for the 50 million army, and it will take one to two hours." Ye Yi said.

Lin Luo nodded, sat down, picked up a piece of paper and didn't know what he was writing or drawing.

Only Yang Jun and others next to him were sweating.

It's over.

Those Apocalypse people are about to be counted again.

Wait until night falls, even in the middle of the night.

However, people all over the world in the dark still don't have much sleep.

People are waiting for that scene to come.

Finally, Yang Jun walked up to Lin Luo in a hurry and said, "Commander, the 50 million troops have all entered the ship!"

Lin Luo closed the document in front of him, stood up and said, "Send me the military order..."

"take off!"

"Go to Apocalypse!"

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