When Lin Luo's voice resounded over sixteen galactic warships, people could see a huge blue light rising into the sky under the night sky.

"Bon Voyage!"

"I wish them a safe return!"

"We will wait for your heroes to return on Blue Star!"

On the ground, people shouted to bid farewell to the marching army.

And some soldiers, looking at the earth from a distance, couldn't calm down in their hearts.

This is a historic moment.

The human beings of the blue star are officially going to the deep space and stepping out of the universe.

However, it is estimated that what no one has ever imagined is that the first time human beings left deep space was to avenge that bloody sea.


On Jupiter, a team of hundreds of people is searching for something on this planet.

Jupiter has a very special position. It has more than 80 satellites around the world. It protects the solar system diligently like a patrolman, attracting many meteorites to fall.

The environment here is also extremely harsh. If it weren't for the changes in mechs brought about by the Apocalypse civilization, perhaps it would take hundreds of years for humans to set foot here.

At this moment, Xu Han bent down on the ground, and suddenly a member of the shadow chasing team wearing a mecha walked by and said, "Dr.

Xu Han paused, he looked at the fragments in his hand, and couldn't hide his shock in his heart.

I thought I could hurry up and go back and give him another work report, but I didn't expect that they were going to leave.

Worth mentioning.

Now I just checked some clues.

"Everyone rests and watches off the army." Xu Han said loudly.

The shadow chasing team put down all their hands, and within a short time, they were able to see the light spots passing by in space through the equipment of the mecha.

One after another.

On the Galactic Battleship, Ye Yi was commanding in an orderly manner, saying: "Prepare to activate the fourth cosmic speed, leave the solar system and enter the Milky Way."


The staff immediately began to operate proficiently: "Start the intelligent flight mode and drive according to the predetermined track."

Hearing this, Ye Yi relaxed a little, the burden on his shoulders is not light now, he needs to send the 50 million troops there safely.

He came to Lin Luo who was working next to him, glanced at the sleeping bear next to him, and said, "Brother, why did Dabai follow you?"

Lin Luo said without raising his head

: "I caught... oh, it said, it likes to work."

Xia Qian, who was admiring the scenery on the windowsill in the distance, rolled her eyes, obviously he was the one who tricked her into working.

The innocent Ye Yi naturally believed Lin Luo's words, he said with a smile: "I don't know how Dabai trains, I think he usually doesn't exercise much like me."

Lin Luo put down the document in his hand and became interested, and said, "What do you think?"

"Dabai is so humane and can understand us, I doubt that it is not a foreign species, could it be a cosmic species?" Ye Yi said. Biqu library

Lin Luo said: "I don't think so."


"It likes to eat, just like you, this is the native gene."

"..." Ye Yi was speechless.

Lin Luo added: "I think this bear probably lived for many years, even...beyond human history."

Ye took a look at Dabai and said, "Impossible, I think it is very young."

"There are old people and young ones, look at Mr. Yang..."

"Who are you talking about?" Yang Jun, who was sorting out the military newspaper suddenly, frowned and growled.

"Praise you."

"Who would believe it? Your kid often says that we are disrespectful. Do you think we don't know?"

"It's purely a rumor. I want to sue the person who spread the rumor. Attorney Zhang, what do you think should be done..."

Zhang San next to him looked into the space at this time, and said leisurely: "Commander, you have a criminal record. I am a lawyer with a sense of justice, so I won't help you!"

"It's off topic, let's talk about bears." Lin Luo smiled wryly.

Everyone laughed.


Under such an atmosphere, after two months, they finally reached the end of the solar system.

"Ahead into the galaxy."

A correspondent reports.

Lin Luo and a group of people stood in front of the window, looking at the deep space in front of them, seeing everything that humans have never seen before.

"This is history!"

Everyone also nodded.

Now, they have gradually adapted to such days.

Although there are as many as 50 million people, these space battleships are indeed large enough, so soldiers can train and live here daily.

When the Yinhe really entered the Milky Way, it was officially announced that Blue Star had entered an epoch-making scene.

The sea of ​​stars is no longer an unreachable

Extravagant hope.

It's just that their footsteps didn't stop here, they started at a faster speed and headed towards the Apocalypse.

Along the way, Lin Luo also heard a lot of reports from scientific researchers, just like now.

"Chief, another planet was discovered ahead, it seems to have been destroyed." The researcher handed Lin Luo a picture.

Lin Luo took a look and his pupils shrank.

This planet is similar to Blue Star He Zeng.

Above this planet, there are remnants of artificial satellites.

"How long?"

"According to the data analysis of the detector, it is estimated that it is only a few hundred years old." The researcher said.

Hearing this, Lin Luo couldn't help taking another deep breath.

If this colonial army came to Blue Star hundreds of years ago, what would be the consequences?


"The universe is so big, but it's not as beautiful as imagined." Lin Luo waved his hand and sighed.


Interstellar voyage is long.

Although they have the speed of the Yinhe, they still need to sail at a speed of up to two years.

During these two long years, the Star Army is still researching, learning, and improving every day.

Just like their head coach.

Finally, after flying in the Galaxy Fleet for one year and eleven months, Ye Yilai found Lin Luo with a heavy face.

Lin Luo asked: "What's wrong?"

"It has gradually approached the information coordinates left by the Yalu Alien Beast." Ye Yi said.

Lin Luo's pupils shrank when he heard this.

Almost two years of waiting...

Do not.

Seven years of waiting, are they finally here?

Lin Luo stood up and said, "Slow down."


"Has it been detected by the opponent's detector?"

"It's not certain at the moment." Ye Yi said: "I have carried out targeted modifications to these Yinhe numbers, but if they go too deep, they will definitely be discovered."

"Then there is no rush." ​​Lin Luo said: "Follow the plan."

"Yes." Ye Yi turned his head and walked outside.

When Lin Luo got up, although it was extremely far away, he could see a huge nebula in front of him by catching the telescope.

Flawless white and full of sunlight.

Compared with the solar system, it is much larger and more beautiful.

But in Lin Luo's eyes, it was dark and full of blood.

"Apocalypse, are you ready to accept our wrath?!"

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