At any time, Dabai has such a harmless smell to humans and animals.

But bears can get angry too!

In particular, the group of people in front of it not only wanted to kill its feeder, but also burned some hair outside its buttocks.

In this way, they can be sentenced to death.

A simple and kind bear doesn't need to think so much.

Woo! ! !

The bear roared loudly, and when a white breath enveloped him, the volume also expanded rapidly.

And the undead warrior in front of him froze for a moment...

The weapons of the Undead Mecha are many times stronger than those of the Energy Mecha.

Otherwise, there is no qualitative change.

However, although the undead warrior was assimilated by the machine, he was not stupid.

How can I stand still and wait for you to open up!

As soon as he jumped forward, the mecha in his hand changed shape quickly, and a blue laser sword burst out of the air!


The laser sword waved horizontally and vertically, and even the burning smell could be smelled in the air.

However, the next moment, the undead warrior was sluggish, but only for a moment.

Because, his life is only for a moment, and what he saw was...

The bear raised his hand and grabbed the laser sword with one hand, and then he felt a huge energy eroding back.

What the hell is this?


And under his gaze, the undead armor, which they regarded as the last hope of the Apocalypse, was shattered in the air little by little...

Warrior of the Apocalypse, only one thought at the end:

"An animal is so powerful, it even hits..."

Before he finished thinking, he disappeared completely.

And Dabai's whole body became huge, with white power constantly emerging from his body, it rushed into the army...

Every time it raises its hand, it can take away a person, every time it spits out a breath, it can instantly vaporize a person, and every impact can shatter the mecha.

At this moment, the Blue Star Local Bear, who had always only been able to sleep and cook, seemed to have completely changed!

One word description: Handsome!



Zhang San and Ye Yi were dumbfounded, their mouths were big enough to hold an egg.

What the hell!

"Brother Zhang."


"Did you often say behind your back that you wanted to eat Dabai?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not, I haven't." Zhang San responded immediately.

this leaf

What's going on, how can such a thing be mentioned at this time.

But no matter what, his life was finally saved.

However, what happened to the restless energy just now.

I'm not...

Have you turned him down already?

Zhang San looked at his hands, then at Dabai who was raging in the crowd, and Li Donglai who came to support him.

"It's okay." Li Donglai helped Xia Qian to come to them.

"How is Brother Lin Luo?" Ye Yi asked.

The Hidden Dragon Army has brought all of them, so there will be no problem.

Li Donglai said at this time: "Don't worry, since he can think of coming to support you, it means that he still has an accurate judgment on the situation."

At this moment, in the imperial palace in the north, Alvin Callum looked at the undead mechs exploding in the air, and his heart was half cold.

The undead mecha is known as a weapon capable of fighting against legendary civilizations.

Now, under the offensive of heavenly soldiers after taking drugs, it looks so tasteless.

He understands that Apocalypse has lost completely.

That legendary civilization really cannot be offended.

When the afterglow of the setting sun shone into the imperial palace, Lin Luo, covered in blood, also stepped forward.

His face was extremely pale, but his pupils were still firm and powerful.

The wise men between the two galaxy civilizations finally looked at each other again at this moment, just like the scene on Mars.

Alvin Callum sat down, poured a glass of something similar to wine at this time, and asked, "Do you want to drink it? Our specialty of Apocalypse."

Lin Luo sat down.

"I have a question I want to ask you."

"Okay." Lin Luo picked up the wine glass and glanced at it, feeling a little disgusted.

It's green and doesn't look too good to drink.

"How did you find the coordinates of Apocalypse?"

"Wobala Mida's fleet, he once sent a green beast to attack. On that small spaceship, there is information about Apocalypse."

Alvin Callum woke up like a dream. He never expected that he had missed this point. He suddenly smiled and said, "I'm really not reconciled. I still lost in luck and time."

"No." Lin Luo looked at him and said, "You just think that if you win the bet, and the Apocalypse people persist for another five days, you will win."

"You think, if you had prevented that video from going viral, maybe it would have been completely

Different. "

"Isn't it?" Alvin Callum smiled disdainfully.

"Of course not." Lin Luo said: "You ignore human nature, not my guess, but judgment."

"We've never met," Alvin Callum said.

"However, you commanded the battle on Mars. You released the third-level behemoth and disdained the lives of soldiers from Apocalypse." Lin Luo said slowly: "This shows that you don't understand human nature."

Alvin Callum glanced back at Tati Corey.

In fact, the emperor reminded him at the beginning.

"As for the time..." Lin Luo looked at him and said, "Do you think Blue Star's development will be worse than yours?"

Alvin Callum was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.


Even if it takes a few more years for the Undead Mecha to take shape, so what.

Blue Star's potential is much more terrifying than theirs.

"Your failure was not accidental." Lin Luo said: "When you launched an attack on each colony, you should have thought of today."

Alvin Callum laughed out loud. He looked at Lin Luo and said, "I don't know your name yet."

"Lin Luo."

"Lin Luo, haha, Lin Luo..." Alvin Callum was a little crazy, he said staggeringly: "Maybe, I lost, and you didn't win either!"

Hearing this, Lin Luo didn't guess too much, but thought that Alvin Callum felt that their casualties this time were not small.

After all, Lin Luo is not a god, and it is impossible to guess everything.



More than two years have passed, the shadow chasing team has been in space, and they have been searching for the way for two full years.

Every time Xu Han got a clue, every time he was able to immerse himself in that huge surprise.

He looked forward to Lin Luo's return every day and told Lin Luo everything he was looking for.

Perhaps, they are not far from the ultimate truth.

"I don't know when Chief Lin and the others will turn around." A shadow chasing team looked up at the sky while cooking.

"Don't worry, it should be soon." Xu Han said, suddenly saw the shadow chasing team stand up suddenly, and the food fell directly to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Xu Han asked.

"Look..." The pupils of the shadow-chasing team member shrank sharply, and tremblingly finished what he hadn't said: "God!"

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