Drip Drip Drip~~~

In the Huaxia Space Command of the Blue Star Alliance, Chen An quickly walked in. At this moment, there was a mess of people inside, and they were all frantically calculating something.

"You're here." Wu Shan stepped forward quickly, and while following Chen An, he said, "According to the report from the shadow chasing team, they discovered a small hole above Jupiter..."

"This hole is still expanding."

"Shadow Chasing Squad?" Chen An paused.

"It was established by Lin Luo." Just as Wu Shan wanted to explain, Chen An said, "Continue."

Since it was built by Lin Luo, there is no need to ask.

"This hole is somewhat similar to a black hole, but it is stable in nature." Wu Shan said.

"Since it is stable, why is it expanding?" Chen An said.

Wu Shan and an old scientist next to him were silent for a few seconds, and finally Wu Shan said, "Have you heard of... wormholes?"

Chen An was taken aback.

Wormholes, such things that exist in countless science fiction novels and movies, how could they have never heard of them.

"Could it be..." Chen An suddenly thought of something.

"If it's natural, it doesn't matter, because it's stable and won't devour the nearby star fields." Wu Shan swallowed, and said, "If it's man-made...."


When the sun sets, it means that the day is coming to an end.

Tadi Corey stood on the viewing platform of the Emperor's Palace, scanning the Emperor Apocalypse.

This is his dynasty.

Today, a colonial empire has disintegrated.

As Alvin Callum said, Lin Luo will not let him go.

Because, they no longer have the leverage to trade with Lin Luo.

"Emperor Master." Tadi Corey said suddenly.

Alvin Callum looked up.

"How long have we known each other?"

"It's... more than ten thousand years, I don't remember clearly." Alvin Callum said.

"The emperor is so smart, can't he remember clearly?" Tati Corey smiled.

Alvin Callum also laughed.

When the laughter ended, Tati Corey said suddenly: "Kill me, I don't want to die at the hands of those Blue Stars!"

Alvin Callum had a sore nose when he heard this.

"His Royal Highness!" He knelt on one knee

Come on, pay your respects.

"Let's do it." Tati Corey said: "Everything is over, but it's a pity that the great dynasty that you and I envisioned at the beginning failed to succeed after all."

He laughed miserably and closed his eyes.

And Alvin Callum stood up, his mecha switched form, and aimed at Tati Corey.

"Thank you, Callum!" Tati Corey smiled.

In the next second, a huge explosion sounded, and Alvin Callum was the only one left on the viewing platform.

Lin Luo stood on the roof of the imperial palace, watching this scene expressionlessly.

He has little sympathy but allows his enemies to die with dignity.

Natadi Corey is still a person if he is not in the enemy camp.

When Tati Corey's figure disappeared, only Alvin Callum's tragic cries remained in the sky.

"What about you?" Lin Luo asked, "What kind of death do you want?"

"No, it's enough." Alvin Callum wiped away his tears, stood up and said, "I'm convinced if I lose to you!"

Lin Luo raised his hand and aimed at his whole body.

"Lin Luo, as your last mercy to the emperor, I will give you a last gift." Alvin Callum said: "Recall what I said..."

"With your IQ, you should remember it."

Lin Luo frowned.

Do you still play charades when you are dying?

Alvin Callum smiled. Although he was convinced, they were enemies after all!

Along with a stream of dragon energy boiling, the figure of Alvin Callum also disappeared from the land.

Countless Apocalypse people witnessed this scene, because Lin Luo used this to announce one thing...

The war is over.

From now on, Apocalypse no longer exists!


"...This is good, put it on the galaxy ship!"

"This is not bad."

"Captain, this seems to be an ordinary tree."

"Ordinary? Have you seen this kind of tree in Blue Star?"

"That's not true."

"Then you still talk so much nonsense, just move it, have you forgotten what General Manager Lin said?"

The soldier couldn't help being shocked, Lin Luo's words sounded in his mind


Brothers, our Blue Star... is really poor!

Immediately, the soldier's eyes became hot, but he said again: "But the space of the Galaxy Ship is limited, can we hold so many?"

"Don't worry, don't they have a lot of space battleships? Commander Lin said that it's a waste to leave them here, and they will all go back."

As they spoke, everyone became more motivated.

At the moment, Lin Luo is at the mecha armor in the north, which is the production base of the undead mecha.

When Lin Luo was able to find this place, it had already been destroyed a lot.

Fortunately, their central database has a lot of backup files.

After all, all of today's network systems are under their control.

"Brother, that's all." Ye Yi said.

"So little." Lin Luo looked at the piece of paper in front of him, picked it up, and saw that it was empty.

"Brother, you read it wrong, it's the ones next to you." Ye Yi said.

Lin Luo turned his head away, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Where are these, there are at least ten Xinhua dictionaries piled up.

"Hmm..." Lin Luo smiled and said, "Technology is your specialty after all, take your time and take a look at it when you have time."

Ye Yi scratched his head and didn't care, instead he said with a bit of hope: "The design of this undead mecha is really beyond the imagination of the field of science and technology. I don't know where they got it from."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Luo said: "Children only care about the process."

"Er..." Ye Yi pinched his sweat.

But at this time, someone pushed in a wheelchair outside the door, and it was Yang Jun sitting on it.

This drug has great side effects. It is already very good for Yang Jun to be unable to walk for a short time.

After all, this drug is forcibly absorbing external energy, and the human body itself cannot absorb this energy.

"What's wrong?" Lin Luo asked.

Yang Jun glanced at Ye Yi, thought for a while, and finally said: "People from Apocalypse, what do you plan to do?"

When the voice fell, Lin Luo frowned slightly.

This problem, in fact, has been such a choice since ancient times.

That's after the war...

Kill or not.

If he killed him, he might lose a cold-blooded and heartless person.

If you don't kill, you are afraid that cutting the weeds will not eradicate the roots.

Yang Jun looked at Lin Luo, waiting for his answer.

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