However, Lin Luo hardly hesitated, and said, "Kill it."

Yang Jun was taken aback for a moment, he looked at Lin Luo with extremely firm eyes.

He nodded at the first moment, turned around and was about to leave. Lin Luo stopped him and said, "These days, those who dare to resist should be killed. Those other people... just let them go first, and finally let them Die without seeing blood."

"Yes." Yang Jun nodded and slowly left with the wheelchair.

But Lin Luo turned his head and saw Ye Yi looking at him, and asked, "Am I cold-blooded?"

"Brother, you must have your reasons for doing things." Ye Yi shook his head and said.

Lin Luo smiled and didn't explain much.

The Tianqi clan is indeed a fighting nation and a serious problem.

Because you don't know if there will be someone like Alvin Callum in the next generation of the Apocalypse.

Lin Luo doesn't like to do things slowly.

Even if he understands, Blue Star's future development will be faster and faster.

However, any enemy is an enemy.

Even if they are weak.

After all, the example of Gou Jian, the king of Yue, was written in the book.

But the most important reasons are:

Lin Luo wants to use the blood of the Apocalypse to tell the whole universe:

If you want to start a war with Blue Star, you need to think clearly.

"Brother, why did you have to kill him?" Ye Yi couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

Lin Luo laughed.


"...So many?" Lin Luo was surprised.

In just half a month, they were able to fill up all the places where sixteen galactic battleships should be packed, which is outrageous.

Now, they are starting to move into the Eternal Life that they snatched.

"Look, they can really eat. I don't know what kind of creatures they are, but they are delicious anyway." Yang Jun sat in the wheelchair, eating and eating, and asked in a flash: "You also You’re on drugs, why don’t you see any side effects?”

"Didn't I shake when I walked that day?" Lin Luo touched a pile of sand, wondering what the heavenly soldiers were thinking.

There are plenty of blue stars in the sand.

He swept around, and suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched...

This city is so clean, Aunt, the cleaner, probably feels guilty after seeing it.

Then Yang Jun also twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking that this is also called a side effect?

Poor Yang Jun, he still can't stand up for half a month, as for the others, it's even worse.

However, this is related to Lin Luo's body. After all, Lin Luo's fast healing skill has reached level five.

"It's quite professional, and there is a special registration." Lin Luo looked at

Glancing at the table of contents next to it, he said in surprise.

"Hey, I don't know where they learned it." Yang Jun said.

"I'm just a conductor, I can't be called like me." Lin Luo said righteously.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes, thinking that he didn't know who was winning, but he wanted to hold an all-hands meeting, implying that Blue Star was poor or something.

"However, there is plenty of time, so move slowly." Lin Luo closed his notebook and walked into the city.

Apocalypse has extremely high technology, as long as these technologies are digested, the technological civilization of Blue Star can skyrocket.

It's a pity that there are no stronger alien beasts on the Apocalypse planet.

This is very unfortunate.

Now that the genes of the Apocalypse people and the third-level behemoths have been developed, Lin Luo needs to find a new gene chain to further enhance the combat effectiveness of human beings.

When he passed by the top of the imperial palace, he saw a man and a bear sitting there above the city gate.

Xiong, of course, is Dabai.

The person is Zhang San.

Since Dabai rescued him, Zhang San came to feed him every day.

So, Dabai ate there alone, Zhang San sat there, staring ahead, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I heard that you were looking for me last night?" Lin Luo walked over.

Seeing that it was Lin Luo, Zhang San hurriedly got up.

"No one is here, so there's no need to do this." Lin Luo laughed.

Zhang San smiled, rubbed his nose, and sat down. Lin Luo also sat down beside him, skillfully snatching the roasted thigh from Dabai's hand, making the bear stare with anger.

"Here you are, petite." Lin Luo smiled and stroked its belly.

Xiong held the roasted leg, patted his belly and turned around. Zhang San next to him said, "He...he appeared again."

Lin Luo paused.

He knew who Zhang San was talking about.

In the past, when Zhang San awakened the second-order gene lock, he controlled the heavenly soldiers to kill each other, and almost had an accident.

Zhang San's ability has always been a mystery.

In the final analysis, the classification of mental power is too weird to be explained by common sense.

Just imagine, if a person with the same combat power as Yang Jun has weak mental strength and is directly controlled by Zhang San, then he is equal to Yang Jun.

If Ye Yi's slag combat power is controlled, Zhang San can only be equal to Ye Yi.

If the opponent is uncontrollable like the undead mecha this time, then Zhang San's ability will be even weaker.

"...I thought I was ready, but the moment I saw the undead mech raising its hand, I felt that my whole body was dominated by that force, and I only saw killing

..." Zhang San raised his head, looked at Lin Luo, and said, "I even want to kill Ye Yi. "

Zhang San's tone revealed a sense of guilt.

It should be said that he was worried.

This time, Dabai saved him and allowed him to successfully suppress that force.

But what about next time?

Zhang San was really terrified. If one day he woke up and saw that his hands were not only covered with the blood of the enemy, but also the blood of his comrades.

If that time comes, Zhang San can hardly imagine.

"Nothing happened yet, right?" Lin Luo said.

Zhang San paused.

"Since it hasn't happened yet, don't think about it." Lin Luo said, "I'll help you think about it when you get back."

Zhang San looked up and looked at Lin Luo, who continued, "Can't you still trust me?"

"Okay." Zhang San nodded and smiled again.

If Lin Luo can't believe it, who else is worthy of his trust.

Lin Luo stood up and said, "I don't know how Ye Yi's research is going."

"By the way." Zhang San said in a panic, "Don't tell Ye Yi about this."

"try your best."

"What do you mean by trying your best? You are sowing discord. I will sue you."

"Uh... now which Bluestar judge dares to take my case?" Pen Fun Library

"...You can make a condition now."

" misunderstood, I am not this kind of person."

As the voices of the two people got farther and farther away, Dabai turned around and ate the roasted leg happily. It really couldn't figure out what the two humans were talking about.

The human world is too dangerous, full of intrigues...

It's better to be a bear.

In my next life, I will be a bear.



At this moment, several large-scale machines are operating in the universe, and this large-scale machine is aiming at one point, continuously delivering energy.

Any civilized galaxy has its unique technological strength.

Like the Apocalypse civilization, it has a powerful mech culture and powerful weapons.

Proteus, on the other hand, possesses a technology that Alvin Callum very much desires:

space technology.

They can create a space tunnel in the universe through high-precision technological power.

This is also a symbol that Plot Star is about to rush to the fourth-level civilization.

At this moment, the Plot star emperor Fast Alexis is accepting the report from the Plot star:

"His Royal Highness, the connection point has been stabilized, and we will be able to establish a complete star gate channel in just half a year!"

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