Time passed quickly, half a year in the blink of an eye, and now Jupiter has become a regular garrison.

But what reassures the Blue Star Alliance is that there seems to be no big surprises happening with the black hole.

These days, scientists have also conducted research through a large number of detectors, etc., but unfortunately there is no result.

Indeed, with the current technology of Blue Star, it is absolutely impossible to detect the nature of the black hole, and it is even more impossible to detect that there is an army of more than 40 million on the other side of the black hole.

At this moment, the Proteus army is already sitting on the space battleship, and the army commander next to him said: "Your Excellency, all the troops are ready."

"Very good." Fast Alex looked at the star gate ahead and said, "Let's go, the army is dispatched!"

"This time, it will be an opportunity for our Prot star to change."

"Yes." The commander stood up and shouted back, "Let's go!"

Immediately, all the large-scale space battleships were dispatched and directly crossed towards the star gate.


"It's time to change shifts." A soldier yawned, watching another soldier approaching.

"What did you do last night?" The soldier on duty smiled.

"Stop talking, looking at the dark hole all day will cause eye problems." A soldier in front said.

The soldier on duty just wanted to laugh, but suddenly his pupils shrank, showing a look of panic.

"What's wrong?" Another soldier was puzzled.

He turned his head and looked over, and it was the same immediately.

He saw that a white object appeared in the black hole.

Objects keep getting bigger and bigger.

Eventually, they were sure it was a spaceship.

On the contrary, the soldier on duty reacted quickly and quickly shouted: "Call the command center, call the command center."

"I'm the command center..."

"Unidentified objects appear above the black hole, requesting reinforcements, requesting..."

"Hey, call Jupiter, call Jupiter, please answer."


At the command center, a communicator tried to call, but there was no response.

At this moment, when Wu Shan received the message and rushed over in a hurry, five minutes had passed.

"Has the call been successful yet?" Wu Shan asked.

A correspondent next to him pressed the play button, and a set of pictures came at this time.

Only seeing the huge galaxy battleship, instantly

room was destroyed.

"It is basically certain that the entire army is wiped out!" The correspondent said with his head down.

The command center was silent.

Although due to the long time, the Jupiter black hole detection site has become a temporary station, and the number of personnel has been greatly reduced, but this is life!

But Wu Shan couldn't bear to think too much, the current situation is no longer about killing some soldiers.

If the other party came, it must be aimed at Lan Xing.

But now, the main force led by Lin Luo is not above Blue Star.

As he walked towards the outside, he picked up his mobile phone and said, "I'm Wu Shan, I'm asking for an urgent visit...."


An hour later, on the blue star, the news spread.

For a while, the calm blue star was full of disturbances.

"The aliens are calling again?"

"What sin did our Blue Star do? Why are you beating us again?"


"Don't talk about it, kill it when you come, it's not like we haven't killed it before."

"But Master Lin Luo is not here."

"So what if we're not here? In the past three years, it's not like we haven't become stronger."

"Don't rely on Master Lin Luo for everything, we have to fight for it."

While Blue Star was fluctuating, people actually started to call for a war of resistance.

After all, they've won battles before, that's all.

At this moment, an urgent meeting of the Blue Star Alliance is also being held in Tianjing.

This time, representatives from all countries came.

Chen An sat at the top and scanned the audience.

"I think everyone understands the situation." Chen An said: "Blue Star's new crisis has appeared again. This time, the opponent's attack was ruthless, and all Jupiter troops have been killed."

Everyone was silent.

"This time, everyone is here to discuss whether to fight or not to fight?" Chen An continued.

"Of course we have to fight." Temus said very stubbornly: "Although Chief Master Lin is not here, we have been growing continuously in the past three years. I think we have the strength to fight."

Unexpectedly, a white man next to him shouted: "Then the other party must give us the strength to fight."

Everyone frowned.

The white man who spoke is naturally the representative of the Gallic chicken.

Temes yelled angrily: "Are you going to surrender again?"

"Of course not." The representative of the Gallic chicken said hurriedly: "I'm just saying, beware of these situations. '

Everyone's eyes couldn't believe it, but Chen An also took that disbelief

Taixin's eyes said: "What he said makes sense."

"It is definitely necessary to fight, but how and where to fight is a problem."

"Then refer to the battle of Master Lin Luo, and pull them to Mars." Temus said.

Many people nodded.

Chen An frowned slightly.

Not all campaigns can be replicated.

The reason why Lin Luo was able to create the legendary Mars battlefield at that time was because Lin Luo calculated step by step and made a lot of thinking from the opponent's combat effectiveness and psychology.

At this time, Lin Luo is not here, can they succeed?


This kind of meeting cannot be concluded in a day.

After a tiring day of meetings, Chen An also came to the command center and listened to some conjectures and tactics of veterans.

"...We still have three galactic battleships. If we can successfully induce them to go to Mars, it is not impossible to reproduce the operation of Chief Lin Luo again." A coach said.

"The question is, can we not give the other party room to recover?" Chen An scanned the audience.

Everyone is silent.

The most successful point of Lin Luo's battle against Mars is that he took every step of the way, and the last step was even more exquisite, because he abruptly cut off the possibility of the opponent's counterattack against Blue Star.

"On the battlefield, it's gambling." The coach was indeed a calm person, and said to Chen An: "Who can say that there is a 100% winning rate?"

Chen An was silent.

In the middle of the night, the lights in Chen An's office were still on. He didn't look up until the sound of footsteps, and saw a benevolent old man.

The man also looked at Chen An and said, "I haven't slept yet."

"How can I sleep?" Chen An smiled wryly and got up hastily.

The man also sat down, looked at Chen An, and said: "Actually, there is no need to worry about it. We still have to fight. If we don't fight, the homeland that Lin Luo called back to us before was given away for nothing?"

"Of course I know..." Chen An poured him a cup of tea, but suddenly his hand stopped there, causing the hot tea to spill directly onto the table.

The man hurriedly asked: "Chen An, what's wrong with you?"

"Lin Luo!!"

Chen An remembered, and said: "Before the boy left, he told me that if there is an emergency, you can look through his drawers."

Hearing this, the man said in amazement: "Could it be that that kid can count into the future?"

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