A not-so-luxurious office stands in the quiet manor.

Although it looks shabby here, it is extremely comfortable.

But in the past three years, except for some people who have undergone a confidentiality review, no one has come in to clean the courtyard.

Naturally, no one dared to come to that office.

If you dare to come, at least you need Chen An's level, or his approval.

Just because the owner of this office is named Lin.

Chen An and the man hurried inside, opened the door, and smelled a puff of dust.

They glanced around, and the first thing they saw was the egg on the pot.

Now this egg has cracked a big crack.

Before leaving, Lin Luo said that putting it in the pot can make it more oppressive.

The two didn't look at this, Chen An walked to Lin Luo's desk, remembering Lin Luo's words:

"If you are in a hurry, go and check my desk, the third floor."


"The key." Chen An looked around, at this moment, the man walked up in two steps, and clapped...


The lock wasn't broken, but the bolt was broken.

"What key are you still thinking about at this time, your brain is short-circuited?" the man said.

"......" Chen An was sweating, he opened the drawer, and sure enough, he saw a document inside:

Dear Chen An.

"This kid, can't he really predict the future?" Chen An was startled, opened the file, and his pupils shrank.


"Uncle Chen, if you come to open this drawer, it will be extremely unfortunate news, which means that there are some things that even your old man cannot solve."

"Let me guess, there are still heavenly soldiers and a growing mech army on the blue star. You can solve ordinary disasters, so there are only powerful and destructive natural disasters, and... new enemies. "

"The former, I can't do anything, you wait to die."

"...." Chen An cursed a bastard in a low voice, but the man next to him smiled lightly.

"Just kidding, don't be so angry."

"Then, it is more likely to be a new enemy."

"We are attacking the apocalypse

Xing, then it is unlikely that people from Apocalypse will attack you. If it is an unknown enemy, you should face a crossroads of choice. "

"To fight or not to fight?"

Seeing this, Chen An's pupils burst.

This Lin Luo is too amazing.

But yes, if it wasn't for his superb wisdom, how could it be possible for Blue Star to avoid devastating disasters twice?

"my suggestion is..."


Seeing this, Chen An and the man looked up at the same time, both showing puzzlement.

Lin Luo is the kind of person who opposes waiting to die the most, why would he say such a thing.

"I'm not joking, nor do I doubt your abilities."

"Let's try to deduce it."

"If the opponent is new, then you may have a chance, because you can refer to the previous battles and make perfect calculations on them. I believe in your ability, and you can do it."

"Of course, the premise is that you have to figure out the strength of the other party."

"However, I don't think there will be so many coincidences in the world."

"The other party happened to come during the time we left, so he must have an understanding of Blue Star, or something about the Apocalypse civilization."

"If the other party is on guard, then like I said, just surrender."

"The reason is: first, the elite troops of the Heavenly Soldiers are with me, and you cannot achieve the quick and agile action and combat effectiveness like Mars."

"Second, there is a high probability that the other party will not give you this opportunity."

"Third, there is a high probability that the opponent is coming for Blue Star's treasure. Although they will not destroy Blue Star, they will still carry out massacres..."

"Those who can resist are fine, but I don't want another massacre like the first."

"Treasure?" Chen An and the man were taken aback.

"To sum up, surrender is your best plan."

"However, surrender also requires conditions. If you run up and tell the aliens to surrender, they probably won't pay attention to you. Anyway, I am such a person."

"Then, the surrender condition is: give them the Blue Star Treasure!"

"We really have a treasure here." Chen An asked in a daze again.

"Don't you know it after reading it?

"The man frowned, wondering if you could take a good look, don't interrupt.

"...The so-called Blue Star Treasure is the ancient civilization, and... genetic technology."

"Gene technology, you just give it to them. What we study is the genetic map of human beings, and it is useless for them to use it. The reason for this is that we Chinese and foreign people need to use different genetic maps. , not to mention aliens.”

"For this document, you go to Zhu Yihui and ask him to make some fakes in it."

"Second, that's ancient civilization. The reason why I didn't report this thing to you is because I don't know it very well, so Uncle Chen, don't scold me..."

"..." Uncle Chen coughed dryly.

"You really want to scold him?" The man frowned.

"How could it be?" Chen An's expression was unnatural.

The man frowned again and said, "It's not good to lie."

"He lied to me so many times, subconsciously getting angry is a natural reaction..." Chen An said weakly, and continued to read:

"The ancient civilization goes back too far, but it is basically certain that our current human beings are not the first generation of human beings."

"Beyond our history books lie far more prosperous sources of civilization."

"The reason for this determination is because of the moon."

"For information on lunar testing and ancient civilizations, you can go to Wu Shan, and... Dr. Xu Han from the shadow chasing team."

"Of course, you have to learn to falsify the information, anyway, they don't understand it now."

"Well, if you submit these, the aliens will believe that you really surrendered."

"Don't worry, they will still want to kill you, but not now, because you are too clever and useful."

"They can't wait to study the moon, and genetic technology..."

"These all take time."

"Then, the next step is for you to pray and arrange the plan I will make below."

"The fourth drawer..."

Seeing this, Chen An's mouth twitched sharply, thinking that you really have too many plans.

He opened the fourth drawer, only to see it read:

What should I do if my house is stolen?

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