"...Why aren't you here yet?"

Above the Blue Star Alliance, all representatives looked at each other in blank dismay.

Because half an hour has passed, Chen An still hasn't come.

Mainly, Chen An is generally very punctual.

The theme of today's meeting is to determine the battle plan.

All representatives have made up their minds, that is to fight.

"Quiet." Temus swept across the room and said, "Since Mr. Chen An has something to do, we can discuss it first."

When everyone was quiet, Jonah Lev stood up and said: "We people from Maoxiong Country are willing to be the vanguard battalion this time, attracting hatred, and recreating the Martian battlefield...."

"Sit down." Temus squeezed his sweat and said, "Now we are talking about plans, don't talk like we are afraid of death."

After the words fell, everyone suddenly turned their heads to look at a white man who was drinking water...

This person is the representative of the Gallic Chicken.

"What are you looking at me for?" the Gaul chicken pretended not to understand.

It's so embarrassing.

These people are really...

It's been so many years, can we forget this period of history.

"I asked the scientific research center yesterday, if we use butchers to force a stop, we don't necessarily have to stay on Mars, any planet can become our battlefield..." A representative from the military stood up and slowed down. Slowly said: "Let's take a look at the other party's course of action..."

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and everyone looked over and saw that it was Chen An.

Chen An walked in, glanced at the representative, and nodded slightly.

The representative also understood, nodded and sat down.

Chen An came to the center and said, "The theme of today's meeting needs to be changed."

Everyone was stunned.

"...not how to fight, but..." Chen An looked around, and the next sentence made the audience roar: "Surrender!"


Everyone is not calm.

This is what Chen An said.


Just kidding.

Subconsciously, they all turned to look at the Gallic chicken representative.

Seeing this scene, the Gallic chicken representative burst into tears.

No such insults, you have insulted me once.

Chen An looked solemn, and said: "This is not a joke, this is not only my decision, but also the decision of Master Lin Luo."

Everyone's pupils trembled when they heard Master Lin Luo.

"Master Lin Luo is back?" Temus asked with his eyes shining.

Now, he is a big fan of Lin Luo, and he tweets about Lin Luo almost every week.


He came back, what else should we vote for, just hit him directly. "Chen An said.

"That's true." Temus was disappointed.

"Every word I say next is the key point." Chen An scanned the audience and said: "The other party is less than two weeks away from us. During this time, there are many things we need to do... .”

"The so-called surrender is just a stopgap measure."

"It's all about avoiding maximum casualties, and ... the counterattack of war."

"So, we need to create an image, for example, we are a docile rabbit, automatically sent to the cutting board..."

Toms raised his hand.

"What's the matter?" Chen An asked.

"That..." Temus said embarrassingly: "Although I have passed the eighth level of Chinese language, some of the idioms and metaphors you said are too profound. Can you make it simpler?"

Many people nodded.

Chen An sweated, and then spoke quickly.

It's none of his business, these are almost the exact words of Lin Luo.

After several hours, the meeting ended, and everyone swallowed, feeling only shocked.

"It's terrifying. This man can now predict the future."

"Fortunately, I surrendered early."

"Fortunately...fortunately, he is from Blue Star."

Everyone thought so, Temus said: "Then, we need to find someone to surrender..."

Just as Chen An was about to speak, he heard a group of people below say in unison: "Me."

That includes Temes.

Chen An was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes became hot.

Lin Luo established the Blue Star Alliance, not just an alliance.

Unknowingly, everyone's hearts have gathered together.

All of a sudden, everyone quarreled.

"I think I'm more interesting when I talk, and I can get more favors."

"You're funny? What if the aliens don't like it?"

"I think, I am smaller, it is more suitable for me to go, and I look more like a weak chicken."

Everyone was arguing.

The Gallic chicken next to it represents squinting at this time...

He clenched his fist and finally said, "How about...I go?"

All of a sudden, the conference room was silent, and applause burst out in an instant.

"?" The Gallic Chicken representative was full of question marks.

Temus patted him on the shoulder happily and said: "Man, you are skilled in this business, I trust you..."


The Gaul chicken looked at the adoring and affirming eyes of those next to him, crying in his heart.

woo woo woo...

No such bullies.



, Lin Luo sat on the Galactic Battleship, looking ahead.

Although it has advanced at an extremely fast speed, it is still far away after all.

"It's useless to worry." Yang Jun next to him said, "Maybe it's just your imagination."

"It's not that I'm worried." Lin Luo unexpectedly smiled and said, "If Uncle Chen remembered me, he shouldn't have reached that point."

"You left him a message?" Yang Jun was surprised.

"Um..." Lin Luo thought for a while, and said, "It's just a plan I wrote when I was bored."

"What plan?" Everyone was taken aback, thinking that there is such a thing?

Lin Luo didn't hide anything, instead he said: "I really need to tell you about this plan before I return."

Thirty minutes later, Lin Luo stopped the pen in his hand, looked at the people who were suspicious of their lives, and asked in surprise, "Did you understand?"

Everyone didn't respond.

"Is there something wrong with what I said?" Lin Luo was surprised and asked the nearest Dorki Meade.

"I definitely can't understand it. My Chinese text is not very good." Doki Mead sweated and said, "I don't know about them."

Dorkey Meade rolled his eyes. In fact, he also understood, but he just found a step for himself to go down. He thought to himself what kind of monster this is.

Before coming, even predict the future?

I rely on.

The group of aliens who are about to invade are really unlucky, they have already been calculated before the invasion begins.


Two weeks later, Fast Alex looked at the planets around him, and he only used two words to describe it:


Like Wobala Mida back then, he had the first instinct that this place didn't look like a treasure.

But Fast Alex knew Alvin Callum.

Since he personally sent someone to talk, it must be true.

"Get ready, the army will step into Blue Star." Fast Alexis is not a benevolent person. Since Blue Star can threaten the apocalypse, it's better to kill first, and don't engage in so many bells and whistles with you.

Just at this moment, a huge light shines in front...

And, a white flag.

Naturally, Fast Alex did not understand what the white flag was, and the correspondent next to him quickly responded, saying, "There are enemy ships ahead, do you want to open fire?"

"Fire." Fast Alex did not hesitate.

At this time, the correspondent said: "The other party said that they did not come to fight, but to surrender."

Fast Alex gave a meal.


Surrender at the beginning?

What is this operation?

Why is this race not bloody at all! ! !

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