"Zhang San!"

"Zhang San!!"

Li Donglai called continuously, finally calling Zhang San back from his trance.

"What...what's the matter?" Zhang San's head is still not clear.

"Try to see if you can control that monster." Li Donglai said anxiously.

This monster was so good that it beat Lin Luo and Dabai to fight.

Zhang San woke up with a start, and immediately mobilized his mental power.

But when his mental power touched the opponent, his body shook, and in an instant he covered his brain and knelt directly on the ground.

"Zhang San!" Li Donglai and Xia Qian rushed over.

"I...I'm fine, he can devour my spiritual power." Zhang San yelled extremely uncomfortable. Biqu library

Li Donglai and Xia Qian looked up at Lin Luo and Dabai at the same time.

At this moment, one person and one Xiong separated tacitly.


There is only one last bit of time left for the blood to boil.

If the Swift Blade is fired again, the result is probably the same.

The intensity of the monster in front of him has surpassed Lin Luo's expectations.


At this time, Dabai glanced at the Tianji in Lin Luo's hand, and called out twice.

Lin Luo paused.

Ever since Lin Luo exchanged the secrets from the system, Dabai occasionally came over to check.

So later, Lin Luo simply named it a fat bear with a knife.

"Can you use it?" Lin Luo questioned a little, but still threw it over.

Dabai holds the secret and scans the front, the white energy of its whole body is suddenly increasing.

Lin Luo looked at Tianji again, and there was a bit of recovery.

Could it be...

Dabai can use the secret?

Lin Luo was shocked.

Tianji, there is such a description in the system:

A semi-finished weapon that has been broken and fallen, but was once full of murderous intent.

Lin Luo guessed that it might be that the system picks up junk and uses it directly to recharge.

Now it seems that the origin of this weapon is not that simple.

Just when Lin Luo was in a trance, the monster looked at the radiance of the sky level, and seemed to feel threatened. He opened his mouth and made a jerk sound, and at the same time, his hands were condensed, and a black aura hit him .

However, Lin Luo naturally wouldn't let him interrupt Dabai.

"Dragon Fist!"

The moment the Three Thousand Thunder Steps appeared, Lin Luo came directly in front of Dabai.

With a punch of dragon energy, it collided with that black breath.

In the next second, Lin Luo felt that his entire hand was about to be shaken apart, violently

The pain made him keep retreating, but Lin Luo took the black breath abruptly.

However, his breathing also became extremely rapid.

For the first time, he felt that he was still not strong enough...

Is this the trace of the ancient blue star?

It's too powerful.

Lin Luo took a deep breath, and the monster saw that one move was not working, so he made another move.

Lin Luo stood up again, and he raised his hand again, but at this moment, a big white sound sounded, Lin Luo turned around, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Dabai's aura at this moment has become extremely powerful, it is holding this broken blade, like an invincible god of war!


It roared and swung its knife at forty-five degrees.

In the next second, it actually disappeared from the sky...

Even Lin Luo's eyes couldn't catch its whereabouts at all.

When Dabai appeared, it appeared behind the monster, still maintaining a forty-five-degree posture.

However, the monster froze in place, its body broken in two.


"I rely on it!"

Lin Luo's pupils shrank, and he stared blankly.

Compared with Swift Blade, this knife is really handsome!

In terms of strength, Lin Luo was better than Dabai, but Lin Luo couldn't make such a cut.

Lin Luo didn't know what to think, until Li Donglai's cry from below: "Lin Luo, let's go!"

"It's already killed." Lin Luo turned around and said.

At this time, Li Donglai picked up the monitoring equipment of the unmanned aircraft and pointed to the screen...

It even recovered.

Lin Luo's eyesight was excellent, and he could only see the dense black shadows.

"Grass! There are so many more, have you hit a hornet's nest?" Lin Luo understood, and shouted directly: "Dabai!"

Looking again, Dabai suddenly paused in the air, and then slid straight down.


Lin Luo flew over and caught it firmly. It was the first time he saw Dabai so weak, and his breathing became weak and painful.

"Hold on." Lin Luo carried it on his back and flew outside, shouting as he flew, "Let's go! Li Donglai, carry Zhang San on his back!"

Li Donglai is already doing it, and the speed at which he and Xia Qian both wake up and run is not much slower than Lin Luo.

Lin Luo flew a certain distance, and when he turned back again, he couldn't help but took a deep breath.

The dense black monsters behind are rushing towards them.

fast, really

Outrageous, it is about to catch up with them.

"Xia Qian." Lin Luo shouted.

Xia Qian raised her head and saw Lin Luo throwing her a white hair and a black hair.

White, of course, is Dabai.

And the black one is the corpse of that monster.

Xia Qian jumped in the air, holding one in each hand.

"Let's go first." Lin Luo shouted: "They may stop chasing after leaving this small island."

Xia Qian didn't speak, but just glanced at Lin Luo.

At this time, Lin Luo stopped and took out a fire black...

Although I also told Zhu Yihui that the side effects of Huowu are too great, and there is no need to give birth again.

Because taking the batch of Heavenly Soldiers requires treatment to return to normal, although Lin Luo has a strong recovery ability, he also rested for a full month before fully recovering.

However, there is no other way now.

The moment Lin Luo gnawed it into pieces, the power of genes swept through his body!

"Blood boiling!"

"Fast Blade!!"

With this knife, his knife style has improved again, densely packed!

When he swung the knife, he saw a tornado with flames sweeping towards the group of black monsters.

Lin Luo's pupils shrank...

This Swift Blade seems to have changed?

However, he couldn't continue to observe, he turned around without hesitation, and left directly.



Xia Qian and Li Donglai directly threw the person on the ground, turned around almost at the same time, and were about to go in again, when they saw a figure jumping out quickly under the black night...

Then it smashed directly to the ground with lightning speed.


Half of Lin Luo's body was stuck in the ground, but luckily he didn't hit the ground head first.

Xia Qian was the first to fly there and pulled him up.

Lin Luo got up, covered in sweat, his hands and feet were twitching constantly, it seemed that he had reached his limit, but the man was still very excited and said: "You didn't see how handsome my last knife was."

After speaking, his whole body twitched violently, and it hurt to look at it.

Li Donglai and Xia Qian panicked, but Lin Luo said, "It's nothing, it's just the aftereffect of Huowu. Go and see Dabai first."

He walked over with Xia Qian's support, saw Dabai and Zhang San who were unconscious, Xia Qian said: "I have checked everything, and there is no problem with their vital breath."

"What happened to Zhang San?" Lin Luo turned around and asked.

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