Li Donglai told the truth, with a sense of guilt in his voice.

"You are right." Lin Luo said: "No one can predict the things on the battlefield. Zhang San's breath is indeed stable, and there is probably no major problem."

Turning around, the three of them looked back and watched for a few minutes, making sure that the group of monsters hadn't chased them out, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

"What exactly is it?" Li Donglai swallowed.

There are so many monsters hidden inside the blue star.

Lin Luo looked at the third black corpse lying on the ground at this time, and said, "That's the question."

"When did you catch it?" Li Donglai was surprised. He didn't see Lin Luo grabbing the corpse of the monster when he left.

"Smooth...smooth." Lin Luo just laughed dryly, and then whispered:

"If you don't take it out, isn't this time working for nothing?"


In the Land of Hope Creatures, Zhu Yihui looked at Lin Luo who was wrapped in bandages, and said: "They are all fine, Zhang Sangeng just fell into a coma, and Dabai is more serious, the whole bear has collapsed."

Lin Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

When he came back, Lin Luo had told Jonah Lev that without his order, no one could approach that island for three kilometers. At the same time, he forcibly evacuated the residents of all the surrounding islands and blocked relevant news.

Lin Luo got up, and at this time came to the third bed, where lay a black corpse.

After all, he had already been cut in half by Dabai.

Only half, Lin Luo got the top half.

"Can an incomplete body extract the gene chain?" Lin Luo asked.

"It's hard to say." Zhu Yihui started to do it after speaking.

Today's gene extraction already has a proficient process, and with the help of assistants in a short time, start the genetic instrument to prepare for gene analysis...

In half an hour, the result will come out.

But within half an hour, Zhu Yihui walked over directly, with a somewhat puzzled and shocked expression, and said, "Master Lin, come and take a look."

Lin Luo came to the big screen, just glanced at it, and his face became strange. Biqu library

Lin Luo is very familiar with the gene blueprint in front of him, because he collected the genes on it bit by bit.

This is a map of the human genome.

" a human?" Lin Luo turned around, surprised.

Zhu Yihui also

With the same expression, he said: "According to what you said, he has such a powerful ability, could he also be the one who unlocked the gene lock?"

"Is it possible to extract his hidden gene chain?" Lin Luo asked.

"It's being extracted, it's probably coming soon." Zhu Yihui said, and the assistant next to him trotted over with a worried expression on his face.

"What happened?" Zhu Yihui asked.

"The genetic broken," the assistant said.

The two got up at the same time and walked over. The assistant walked over and said, "Everything is normal. Suddenly, the life of Gene Yizi burst into smoke..."

"Power problem?" Zhu Yihui asked, "Hurry up and get another one back."

"Yes..." the assistant nodded and ran out quickly.

Lin Luo came to the monster instead, and glanced at the final genetic blueprint displayed on the computer. At this moment, the system beeped:

"Ding! You have come into contact with the ancient gene chain..."

"Ding! This gene chain needs more advanced equipment to extract."

"...It should be noted that the ancient gene chain must first be completed on the basis of the second-order gene chain before it can be completely extracted."

"Perfect the second-order gene chain?" Lin Luo looked for the second-order gene chain on the system.

There are five stages in total. At the beginning, there was one stage for the Apocalypse Star, one stage for the third-level giant beast, and one stage for the Plott Starman. Now there are still two stages to be completely 100%.

Lin Luo is not in a hurry, he has to eat the food bite by bite.

Lin Luo also easily found the high-end equipment mentioned by the system in the system's mall, because its name is the ancient genetic instrument.

"......" Lin Luo was a little speechless. After reading the introduction, there was a paragraph:

A multi-chain genetic instrument with a complex structure, which was once manufactured by a mad scientist, is now out of print.


Fifty million.

At the end, Lin Luo swallowed and said, "System, why don't you change your name..."


On the third day, when Lin Luo returned to his residence, he found Dabai woke up, and Lin Luo was very happy.

"Woo~~~" Dabai got up and rubbed his belly, as usual.

"Hungry?" Lin Luo glanced back at Ye Yi and said, "Ask someone to bring something here."

"Okay." Ye Yi was also extremely happy, and brought a lot of things in a short time, and the two of them started eating at the dining table.

wait to eat

When it was almost over, the man Lin Luo raised his eyes again and said, "Dabai, have you ever used secrets?"

Hearing this, Dabai nodded and shook his head again.

"What do you mean?" Lin Luo asked puzzled.

"Dabai means that it has never been used, it just knows the correct usage." Ye Yi said.

"How do you know what it said?" Lin Luo was surprised, and at the same time turned his head and asked Dabai, "Is he right?"

Dabai nodded.

Ye Yi smiled suddenly, Lin Luo was a bit surprised, and he asked again: "Then can you teach me that knife?"

In fact, there are many skills in the system, but they are too expensive.

It would be great if you could get a skill for nothing.

After all, Dabai's strength is not as good as his, and he can exert such a powerful power...

If he can learn it, what's the deal?

Dabai narrowed his eyes, and made two more whining noises.

"What do you mean?" Lin Luo looked at Ye Yi.

Ye Yi coughed dryly, and said, "Brother, I... I was just guessing, I'm not a bear."

"......" Lin Luo glared at Ye Yi, then at Dabai, and suddenly said, "From now on, five meals a day, you choose the meat!"

At this time, Dabai's pupils shrank, and his pale face instantly turned into a flower. He stretched out a palm in a humane way, and looked at Lin Luo with a smile.

Lin Luo and Ye Yi sweated at the same time, the former stretched out his hand, and patted the bear's paw heavily.

turn out to be...

That's what it means.

What a foodie!


And just when Lin Luo made a deal with a bear, the Dorenna galaxy in the center of the Milky Way was preparing a fleet for the Blue Star.

Under the leadership of Mark Carey, this self-proclaimed overlord of the Milky Way galaxy has established a set of extremely complete governance methods.

This system is to rely on economic squeeze to continuously absorb the resources and power of various galaxies.

If you don't join this system, then you will be a lonely galaxy in the Milky Way.

However, if you want to join the system, you have to pay money.

That is the case, the Dorenna galaxy has continued to grow over the years, and finally broke through the fifth-level civilization...

Mark Carey is also known as the greatest wise emperor.

"When will there be a stargate?" Mark Carey said goodbye to the captain himself, looking at the warship going away.

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